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Found 19 results

  1. Hi, does anyone know if a turnkey prestashop cloud service exist? What I am looking for is a hosting that has the latest prestashop version installed, and if possible is always updated. What I am finding is “Prestashop Ready” hosting services, but then I have to install and maintain...
  2. Hallo zusammen, ich versuche mich seit einigen Tagen an der Instalation des Prestashop Advanced Templates auf der Azure Cloud Plattform. Ich habe alle Steps korrekt verfolgt und sämtliche Schnittstellen, VM`s, IP´s und Storages eingerichtet. Letztlich ist es mir auch gelungen auf die Fronte...
  3. Bonjour, Je viens par plusieurs fois de faire une installation de Prestashop 1.7 en 1 clic avec ovh il me installe sur un cluster (natvidp.cluster028.hosting.ovh.net) jusque là tout vas bien, je passe en mode admin j'installe mon thème, fais ma boutique, là je suis contant du résultat. Là tout...
  4. I just install Prestashop, i did follow the instalation wizard. Now i whant to log in the admin, but i get a white screen if i go to mydomain.com/admin The front office is good. I did tried to change the folder name admin tot admin2, but the same white screen. Can someone...
  5. Hello I install for large-scale Prestashop training purposes. Unfortunately, I do not really know what to enter in the --domain variable of the installer index_cli.php for the Apache server settings: my-domain.eu/~user. I do not really know why in the case of installation via www,...
  6. Hi, i have a problem when i try to install prestashop in my server. I´m installing the prestashop in a subfolder of the hosting, cause my cliente haves an online shop and want to renovate. The problem is: "Change the permissions of either "app/logs/" or "var/logs/" directory so that the web ser...
  7. Hi, i downloaded latest version available from /download page. Instalation completed successfully. But after i go to Sign In page its blank page with most of the links not working. I see in browser console network tab 500 error returned. What is interesting i check files which are ins...
  8. Κατέβασα νέα έκδοση για ένα νέο project και διαπίστωσα τα παρακάτω. Αρχικά αν η γλώσσα εγκατάστασης είναι στα Ελληνικά βγάζει error 500 κατά τη δημιουργία της βάσης. Αυτό με αλλαγή γλώσσας εγκατάστασης στα Αγγλικά αυτό λύθηκε. Το δεύτερο που παρατήρησα είναι ότι αφού έβα...
  9. Bonjour , je suis entrain de crée un module de discussion instantanée sur prestashop utilisant les technologie node js et socket-io je suis novice sur prestashop. j'ai fini de crée mon module puis je me suis heurté a un problème majeur en effet une fois le module installer il fau...
  10. Bonjour ! Ma situation est plutôt compliquée je crois dû à mes erreurs... J'ai commencé la création de mon site directement sur Prestashop cloud ! puis j'ai tenté plusieurs fois de relier ma boutique et mon hébergeur... Suite à plusieurs changements nous avons décidé d'arrêter avec notre hébergeu...
  11. Hi everyone, I already have a functioning e-commerce website however it doesn't have the same features as prestashop. Also I want a fresh start. I don't want to transfer any settings or products. My question is. How can I install Prestashop, style it and upload all products etc without disturbi...
  12. Just tried installing RC1 on a clean server and get the following error. An error occured during installation.. You can use the links on the left column to go back to the previous steps, or restart the installation process by clicking here It blocks at "Install addons modules" Clicking the te...
  13. Hi installed again prestashop on my site but when testing I made a record to see if you connect, the installation performed in Spanish, but womanly want to enter the mind that have registered it becomes impossible to me and says: "What Sorry but this email does not belong to any account "which will...
  14. Hello to all, I am using prestashop version I encounter some problems when trying to finalize an order, At the end there is a message like "No payment method available at this time" I have installed tree methods, in between I have Cash on delivery also but none of them appear at the...
  15. Hi! I have downloaded the instalation file twice (to check) and it does not bring the paypal module. This module shows up in the list of modules (back office, after instalation) but does not install because it's absent. I had to download it manually from prestashop addons. I'm starti...
  16. Hi, i have a problem with installing Prestashop, see in attached picture. This error is on the begining - 0% of instalation - error: Create settings.inc file. I try to change atributes this file, but it not help. Can anybody help please? Than you... MZ.
  17. hi, every time I try to install prestashop with new installer ( and above) i get error on creating settings.inc i'm instaling on localhost wamp.
  18. Bonjour à tous. Je suis nouveau sur le site et j'ai un problème à l'installation. Lors de l’installation de Prestashop, je pense peut être avoir rentré un mauvais mail, car je n'arrive pas à me connecter au back office. Quand je rentre mon mail pour récupérer le mdp, il me dit que mon co...
  19. bonjour, je viens de telecharger prestashop, mais je ne sais pas comment l'instaler. est ce une creation de site en ligne ou par le biais des dossiers telechargés
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