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  1. Hello, I changed php version from 7.2 to 7.3 and after exctract files and starting installation, choose language (or just reload page) I got this: I already tried different PS versions and changing permissions to 755. Is any Idea why I got this?
  2. Buenos días, Tengo un error http 500 en prestashop 1.7.2, me desaparece cuando desde cpanel accedo a la carpeta config/define.inc.php /* Debug only */ if (!defined('_PS_MODE_DEV_',true)) { define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true); } Por este motivo el backoffice de la tienda de mi cliente...
  3. Hi there, I am using the latest version of Prestashop. I accidentally deleted my store BUT luckily I did have a very latest backup of my shop available with me - store was not live as yet either. I have copied the source files to the same folder again, and have restored the datab...
  4. Hola, tenemos este fallo en PrestaShop Backoffice Error HTTP 500. Como reproducir el fallo: en 'CATALOGO' abrimos 'DESCUENTOS' y dentro vamos a 'Reglas del catalogo' y aparece el error. Hemos contactado con nuestro Hosting y nos han comentado: El problema parece estar e...
  5. Bonjour la grande famille PrestaShop, Je me représente avant auto-entrepreneur étant sous PrestaShop et en php 7.3 avec lws. Je n'ai plus accès au back office depuis ce matin j'ai désactivé le cache en mettant forcer la compilation puis vidé le cache et en suivant cette fameuse err...
  6. I am seeing this error when transferring my website from one server to another
  7. Hello, Appeared on 2 products in my online store this error (HTTP ERROR 500) ! How can I solve it? Print: https: //prnt.sc/tya69t
  8. Witam Mam problem z PrestaShop w wersji – po wejściu w Panel administracyjny nie mogę wejść w zakładki Moduły i Usługi oraz w zakładkę Pozycje i Płatności. Po włączeniu raportowania błędów lub trybu debugowania przez PresteShop z czego dowiedziałem się z tego forum… dostaje takie komunik...
  9. Hello everyone, I am getting the following error when trying to edit products in backend of my shop. I have in total 5160 articles through CSV imported with their combinations also. It has been working when there were less products. Does it have something to do that are so many articles in my s...
  10. Hey guys, I'm trying to migrate my shop from local to an external server, but i keep getting 500 error. I followed the subsequent tutorials in order to complete the process: 1.- https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/603281-ps-1706-how-to-transfer-ps-17-from-localhost-to-server/ (where I...
  12. Hello, Since yesterday 10h29m London time, the error 500 appeared for the first time and never disappeared until now when trying to enter backoffice. No access. I did not went into debug mode but I did login to my hosting and extracted the log with the errors from yesterday, which I send t...
  13. After the Theme module upgrade this error will appear . now I can't access to admin back end
  14. Boa tarde a todos. Estou com um problema no meu backend. Quando clico em visualizar um Pedido realizado para alterar o status dele, o site não carrega e aparece o erro 500. Posso clicar no pedido ou na opção Ver, Editar, que o erro é o mesmo. Alguém teria alguma ideia de como solucionar es...
  15. Καλησπέρα Έκανα χτες μια μεταφορά σε άλλο hosting. Prestashop 1.7.5 από papaki σε hetzner. Έγιναν όλα σωστά (δεν είναι η πρώτη μεταφορά που κάνω). Το forntend παίζει κανονικά. Στο backend όμως έχω http error 500. Αν το βάλω σε debug mode παίζει κανονικά το admin αλλά δεν παίζει η βιτρίνα ε...
  16. When a customer reach final page of shopping process client doesn't not receive the confirmation web page. It stops on a white page ( for both of pay methods - pay on delivery and payment by transfer). The links where the order blocks are the following: https://palmera.com.bd/index.php?...
  17. Quando acesso o link do Painel Administrativo da minha loja, preencho o formulário de login, mas após eu clicar no botão, ele exibe o erro "Esta página não está funcionando - HTTP ERROR 500" Já adicionei "define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true);" no config.inc.php, mas nenhuma informação adicional apare...
  18. I'm having problems with my Prestashop installation. I've recently changed the shop URL in the shop parameters and I'm now getting a 'HTTP ERROR 500' error on the front end only. I can access the back end and have checked what I can of the settings, and with my limited knowledge it...
  19. Hello, I'm trying to go live with my PS In localhost is working smoothly, but not in Siteground and I have no clue why. You can find my php config here: http://elcieloenlatierra.es/tmp/phpinfo.php I write a resumee here of my php configuration: Register_globals =...
  20. Hi I cannot turn the maintenance on, I got the following message. This page isn’t working naturalskincarelondon.co.uk is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500 Please help. Thanks Elaine
  21. This error appears when I press the button to create or modify a product: "The page don't work. HTTP ERROR 500" I don't know how to solve this problem, and I need an urgent solution. Thank you!
  22. Buna ziua, Dupa update facut cu 1 click update, de la versiunea la, am constatat ca nu mai functioneaza emailul. Accesul din back office la parametri avansati-email, duce la eroare http 500. Ceva idei? Nu am idee de unde vine treaba asta... Atasez printscreen cu eroarea.
  23. Bonjour, J'ai changé d'hébergeur pour ovh, le site fonctionne parfaitement bien, mais je n'arrive plus à accéder à l'interface admin, j'ai une erreur 500. Curieusement, j'arrive à y accéder en activant le mode debug par ftp, qui ne m'indique d'ailleurs aucune erreur. Ensuite tout fonctionn...
  24. Hello to all! I am new to prestashop and i would like to recieve instructions for the SSL. On my server i have the SSL certificate installed. But when i enable SSL on all pages i can't view my site anymore. It just changes the url from http to https, but it gives me the HTTP ERROR 500...
  25. Cannot duplicate products - neither by clicking "duplicate" nor by the Shortcut given - what's my fault? Thanks a lot for your help!
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