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Buy it here: Price: Only 69,99 EURO (Free support included) Cheap doesn't always mean bad. I spent more than a year on this project and I want to help as many store owners as pos...
Hey there, i need some help i'm getting the HTTP ERROR 500 code when i want login at administrator page. I know i was installing 2 modules but suddenly it didn't work anymore. The version i use is how can i fix this? Maikel
Hola qué tal ✌🏻. Estoy terminando mi tienda y me di cuenta que con Mozilla me tira el candadito de contenido mixto. Chequeando mediante una página me di cuenta que es por la imagen que se carga en el módulo sticky cart, ya que eñse obtiene desde http:home_default y no desde https home_default. ¿...
Hello there, I installed Prestashop on my ubuntu server. But the website dont found css files and others. (error message in Chrome Console : "Mixed Content: The page at '<URL>' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure stylesheet '<URL>'. This request has been blocked; the content must b...
Allora , ho prestashop lo so che è stravecchio ma non ho tempo di rifare tutto il sito . . . Ho aggiornato tutto a HTTPS ma sembra permanere un problema , quando clicco sul tasto "aggiungi al carrello". "SECURITY WARNING " Andando a fare una ispezione con la consolle di firef...
Hallo zusammen Prestashop 1.6.18: Ich benutze das integrierte google sitemap modul gsitemap Funktionierte bisher alles, bis mein Provider einen Fehler machte und die http verschlüsselung abschaltete. Da der Shop übers Wochenende unverschlüsselt blieb udn der Support nicht arbeitete, v...
Hello, first of all i'm using Prestashop 1.7. I'm using paid SEO from google adword and I would like to have more informations about where the customer is coming from when he uses the contact form. I found an interesting setting to do that in google adwords called "URL o...
- 4 replies
- http
- prestashop 1.7
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Buenos días, recientemente actualicé prestashop a la versión y me salta el http error 500 al intentar entrar en la página de cualquier producto. El resto del front office funciona bien e incluos puedo añadir productos al carrito desde la ventana emergente de la vista rápida, pero no puedo en...
Ricevo da ebay il seguente messaggio di avviso di contenuto non sicuro: Abbiamo trovato contenuto (HTTP) non sicuro nelle tue inserzioni. I browser mostrano un messaggio "Non sicuro" sulle pagine che contengono risorse HTTP. Per un'esperienza d'acquisto più sicura, devi aggiornare i tuoi conten...
- 16 replies
Good morning, I have a problem with the installation of PS 1.7. When I am in the installation section error 500, the problem is that most of the time that error goes to the 0% process, but sometimes it passes that value and the error occurs at 12% or 23% of installation. Please, for days I'm with th...
Hola: Soy principiante en prestashop y de repente me ha surgido un problema con las minituras de mi pagina PiensosFran , no se muestran. Trabajo con la version y el theme es el Classic. Cuando inspecciono con la consola del navegador el porque no muestra la miniatura, el mens...
- 2 replies
- https
- miniaturas
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Bonsoir, Je viens d'activer le SSL sur une boutique Prestashop Le site a désormais une adresse https. Cependant, le cadenas n'est toujours pas vert. Il est indiqué que certaines images sont toujours en http. Comme il y a un grand nombre d'images, y-aurait-il une astuce pour...
- 18 replies
Buongiorno ragazzi, sono nel panico! Il nostro sito dal weekend non è più visibile per colpa del famigerato "HTTP ERROR 500". Non riesco a trovare una soluzione! link sito: Qualcuno potrebbe aiutarci?
Hello Guys, I just installed SSL for my site but when I enable SSL on all pages, the address on the address bar changes to https://https// If I disable SSL on all pages it works well as Please, all my boss in the house should assist, please.
- 2 replies
- prestashop
- ssl
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Buenas a todos, tenemos un problema con nuestro prestashop. Tenemos un prestashop con versión PrestaShop™ (la web es hemos realizado el cambio de la web de http a https pero vemos que los productos están enlazados todavía con las urls en http. Esto para SEO no es...
hello everyone i have a small problem with the checkout on the webshop of my company. when you checkout it gives the http error 500 (started happening around a week ago now cannot find anything on the web ) any fix for this greetings rob
My site is I was told that i'm missing classes files. I'm getting this error message: 18:05:55 write(4, "[18-Sep-2018 18:05:55 America/Chicago] PHP Warning: require_once(/home2/mmv6opvl/public_html/classes/PrestaShopAutoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or d...
Pojawił mi się błąd 500 na sklepie. Niestety nie mam pojęcia o co chodzi. Uruchomiłem pokazywanie błędów, w załączniku przesyłam screena błędów. Link do strony