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  1. I'm improving my SEO, but I have a problem. My blog module always creates two URLs for blog articles. One redirects to the other, so it’s not a big issue. However, when Prestashop generates the hreflang tags, it uses the redirected URL instead of the final one. I found where the hreflang tags...
  2. Bonjour, Depuis quelques jours sitechecker (pour le SEO) m'affiche Hfrelang to non-canonical et Hreflang annotation invalid Voici le contenu <link rel="alternate" href="https://creme-tahara.fr/fr/" hreflang="fr"> <link rel="alternate" href="https://creme-tahara.fr/en/" hreflang="en-u...
  3. Hi All, Greetings of the day. The prestashop addon helps to implement search engine optimization of your online store by adding automatic hreflang, and canonical tags. Helps search engine bots to know your store supports and works in multiple languages for different countries. Fix issues...
  4. Hallo, Bin gerade dabei meinen neuen 1.7.5 Shop aufzusetzen und steh da vor einem Problem wo ich nicht weiter komme. Wir haben 3 TLDomains also .at .de .ch. Um duplicate content zu vermeiden möchte ich gerne hreflang tags (mit einem Modul) verwenden, da der Inhalt bis aufs Impressum nahezu...
  5. Hola. Tengo una duda importante en cuanto a la segmentación internacional. En un comercio con idiomas castellano en ingles una vez implementado en search console de Google me da un error para el idioma ingles. Me indica gb: código de idioma desconocido. ¿Como es la mejor manera d...
  6. Bonjour à tous, je vous expose mon problème. Nous avons créée deux sites indépendants FR et CH, nous n'avons pas pu faire de multiboutique à cause d'un problème de passerelle de prix avec un outil de gestion de stock. Aujourd'hui nous avons donc deux sites web différents (BDD) mais identiques a...
  7. Salve community, suggerimenti per poter utilizzare qualche modulo gratuito per i hreflang? Ho visto il modulo di Matteo Bononi solo che io ho la versione 1.7 di prestashop, mi sapete dire se va? Grazie
  8. Bonjour à tous, Salutations du jour. Ce module permet de mettre en œuvre l'optimisation des moteurs de recherche de votre boutique en ligne en ajoutant une balise hreflang et aide les robots des moteurs de recherche à connaître votre boutique prend en charge et fonctionne dans plusieurs l...
  9. I am looking someone who would fix our hreflang - problem on our website. www.4glte.eu If you interested please send us a private message with the offer.
  10. Hey there: I'm using a multilanguage installation of Prestashop 1.6, and while trying (using various sources) to set up hreflang tags for the different versions of the shop, I'm running into some trouble. I'm using friendly URLs; While I can get my hreflang and canonical up and running for...
  11. Powielone treści są czymś, czego roboty wyszukiwarek bardzo nie lubią. Aby ich uniknąć, dobrze jest dodać informację o tzw. linkach kanonicznych w nagłówku strony. Dobrze jest również: wskazać robotom odpowiednie wersje językowe sklepu za pomocą tagów hreflang pomóc im poruszać...
  12. Bonjour, Afin d'envisager un référencement international (pays francophones et Espagne) j'ai intégré ce code permettant d'intégrer les balises hreflang : {if $page_name == 'category'} {foreach $languages as $lang} <link rel="alternate" hreflang="{$lang.la...
  13. hi all i wonder if i can use the hreflang in the url for example if my site is German content, for users in Spain url will be example.com/de-ES if my site is English content, for GB users url will be example.com/en-GB thank you in advance
  14. Good day all. I have a shop with several languages, english, french, german, italian, and some other more. the localization indeed has some more countries, such as canada, usa, uk, and so on, so there will be different currencies for example, or some other differences between some country and anot...
  15. During a SEO audit over an site, I received hreflang implementation issues since all the CMS pages do not have any hreflang flag. Checking on the source code of all the product and category pages I can find the hreflang for al the available languages in my store: link rel="alternate" hrefl...
  16. <link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href="http://www.goodpsychologists.com/en/" /> <link rel="alternate" hreflang="es" href="http://www.goodpsychologists.com/es/" /> I pasted the above code in the header.tpl file (themes-default theme bootstrap) but google webmasters tool did not recognize...
  17. Umí někdo poradit do kterých súboru-stránek vložit hreflang tagy ?
  18. I'm confused about adding my multi language site (2 languages) to the Google Webmasters. For instance: 1) http://www.mysite.com/ 2) http://mysite.com/ 3) http://www.mysite.com/en/ 4) http://www.mysite.com/fr/ - Do I have to add these 4 addresses to the Google Webmasters (Search Console)?...
  19. The problem with multilingual sites is often duplicate content. I have found a topic on Google Webmasters: http://support.googl...n&answer=189077 So on my Prestashop it should for example look like this in the header section: <link rel="alternate" hreflang="es" href="http://dagnez.com/e...
  20. Good day all. I have this problem: let's say I'm on a page which URL is: http://www.example.com/en/page.html this page, in deutch language, is at the URL: http://www.example.com/de/seite.html let's say I've a module that hook on the header of the page, from there, beeing on the english url, is...
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