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  1. Hello everyone, How to select an active option in my module? checked options dont work return array( 'form' => array( 'legend' => array( 'title' => $this->l('Choose products'), 'icon' => 'icon-th-large',...
  2. I'm developing a configuration form using the Helper-form , my form has a <select> tag with list of <options> , all this is working my problem is i want to set a specific <option> selected, In another way i want to add an attribute selected to an option in condition of the value , Any Help ?
  3. ¡Buenos días amigos! Soy nuevo en el desarrollo de módulos para Prestashop, así que agradezco cualquier recomendación, consejo o solución que me puedan prestar. El problema que tengo es que al crear un módulo y colocar los campos para el formulario de configuración del módulo coloco uno de los...
  4. I'm working on a module where it has a back office for the admin to post articles to his prestashop page. I want to give him the option of adding dynamically input fields. For example when the admin clicks on the button add, I want to show something a modal that will have 3 input fields. After the a...
  5. I am creating a custom module using PrestaShop 1.7 and I want to be be able to upload an image for the background. The image should be displayed if the field `background_image` is defined. I am able to do it, but the image is outside of the form, as you can see in the image below. Th...
  6. Hello, I would like to program a complete form with helperform on prestashop 1.7. with select, radio button and checkbox. My image attached. It would be an admin side module. And all the information will be stocked in an XML file. I’m in training course and I have 4 weeks to do...
  7. Hi prestashopers. I write a module in which I save information in a complex form - serialized. The display of such information is illegible and unedited, which is why I want to display the input form. I just wanted to insert a value: public function renderForm() { $ u...
  8. Hello all, I'm struggling with the validation of a configuration form for a custom module, I'm trying to keep the code as neat as possible. I use the helperform class to generate the form, I added the required => true, but a novalidate attribute on the <form> make it useless (apart from disp...
  9. Hello I'm working on a module and trying to create an insert form, so I have extend my class with the AdminController class. I have created a function called renderForm. Now I want to add a custom tpl to this page or using the HelperForm to add dynamic fields. I want to create a simple gallery havin...
  10. I have a back office admin controller in which I am using the helper form in renderform() to generate a form and it is working form but I want a functionality to add more field(If user wants to add a new field like add more services on click then create 2 filed one for sevice name and another one fo...
  11. Hi community . I'm trying to reimplement my modules backoffice utilizing the new Helper functions of PS 1.5. I've read the documentation but still I have to get used to these functions and their parameters and in particular to the ones pertaining to the select box options. I can't get the right v...
  12. Hi, I have a question. In the get function we usually provide the keys (names) to find the values. Is it possible to get what keys (names ) have been defined in the form. I know one way is to go where they have been declared in getConfigForm() function. Apart from that is there any other way. I want...
  13. How I'm supposed to set the selected options for a multiple select input type inside an HelperForm? Here's the code that should handle the display of the over mentioned select input type: ... array( 'type' => 'select', 'name' => 'field_name[]', 'id' => 'field_name', 'label' => $this->...
  14. buenas noches comunidad, tengo un problema y que no he podido, ni he encontrado como generar un boton sin funcionalidad con helper form. Lo que quiero es generar el tipico <button type="button"> para despues darle utilidad con JS. De antemano muchas gracias por su ayuda.
  15. I have developed a module for Prestashop 1.5 which used HelperForm. However, HelperForm is not available in PrestaShop 1.4. What should I use so that it is compatible both Prestashop 1.4 and 1.5? Thanks in Advance.
  16. Hi, In a module I want to show a checkbox checked by default. For that I just took the helper class methods like this $display_settings = array( 'form' => array( 'legend' => array( 'title' => $this->l( 'Display Settings' ), 'icon' => 'icon-cogs' ), 'input' => array( array( 'type'...
  17. Salve a tutti, ho iniziato da poco a lavorare con Prestashop ed ho installata la versione 1.5.6, quindi invoco subito il vostro perdono per la mia ignoranza in materia. Sto realizzando un modulo dotato di pagina di configurazione: in questa pagina, oltre al form di configurazione che ho realizzato t...
  18. hi, am creating a module, and want to use the helperForm and the helperList to manage ans list contents of a slider that i want to integrate within prestashop. so in the ModuleAdminController , after the parent :: __construct(); i have $this->fieldImageSettings = array( 'name' => 'imag...
  19. Hi all, i'm a newbie in Prestashop, and i'm using the HelperForm. I want to add a rich text editor to my textarea. I searched on google and found that (in fr). But when i add autoload_rte on my field i have that : http://www.noelshack.com/2016-22-1464766939-capture-du-2016-06-01-09-41-01....
  20. Hello, does anyone know if it's possible to have a datepicker in a helperform, such as being used in the Backoffice > Statistics ? the official documentation ( http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS15/HelperForm ) doesn't mention it, but perhaps someone here can help me out thanks in adva...
  21. Hola a tod@s, Hoy queremos compartir con la comunidad algo tan sencillo como añadir el editor de textos TinyMCE a tu módulo en Prestashop 1.6 utilizando HelperForm. Esto es algo muy sencillo, pero la documentación que hemos visto por internet está obsoleta o incluso es errónea, así que vamos...
  22. Bonjour, J'ai entrepris de développer un module nécessitant l'ajout d'une tab dans l'admin d'un produit. Jusque là pas de problème, je me hook sur le hookDisplayAdminProductsExtra. Là où j'ai dû probablement loupé quelque chose, c'est au moment d'ajouter mes nouveaux champs au product_form....
  23. Hola, Estoy desarrollando un módulo para el backoffice en el cuál necesito que en el mismo fieldset del formulario añadir varios botones tipo submit (adjunto captura de lo que quiero). Cuando usas: $helper->submit_action = 'submit'; Capturas el submit con: if (Tools::isSubmit('submit...
  24. Bonjour tout le monde Je crée dois actuellement un module coté admin pour avoir une nouvelle page dans l'admin avec des données d'une bdd externe (donc pas la bdd prestashop). 1) J'ai réussi à générer une nouvelle page dans l'admin et à récuperer les données de ma bdd externe grâce aux Helper Pre...
  25. Hola, Quería saber si hay manera de insertar código HTML ejemplo <DIV></DIV> cuando se define los inputs a través de HelperForm. Es para no crear mis propios TPL con el formulario con código intermedio ... Gracias de antemano, Saludos,
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