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Found 25 results

  1. i have this weird problem in my theme, it work but i have found this inline css style rule that make my product container too long #products .thumbnail-container, .featured-products .thumbnail-container, .product-accessories .thumbnail-container, .product-miniature .thumbnail-container {...
  2. Olá a todos, Prestashop PHP 5.6.30 (por conta do ioncube loader que no meu Host so esta disponivel neste php) Site: https://www.shoppingdoestudante.com/ Quando cliente acessa sua conta -->Histórico e detalhes do pedido. Todos os pedidos não tem o link para acesso, e estão com a...
  3. Witam i proszę o pomoc, chciałbym zwiększyć wysokość przycisku, który obecnie wygląda w następujący sposób: <a href="link do strony" class="btn btn-default btn-block">Tekst przycisku</a>. Chodzi o to aby został jako "block" (rozciągnięty od lewej do prawej), natomiast żeby był wyższy, a najlepiej że...
  4. Bonjour à tous et bonne année 2018 ! Alors j'ai un petit soucis qui va me rendre chèvre à force. Je développe un site à l'aide de PrestaShop et je bloque sur le CSS de mes produits. Lorsque que je passe ma souris sur les produits situés au centre de ma page d'accueil, j'ai le prix qui...
  5. I've just upgraded to prestashop and I have noticed a problem with the categories page, I'm not sure if anyone has a solution. The line of code in category.tpl at the start of the category intro and image is as follows: <div class="content_scene_cat_bg"{if $category->id_image} style="bac...
  6. Hi, is there possibility to add to filter "width" and "height" range? It should looks exactly like price or weight range in filter. Thanks for help.
  7. My product image are different sizes. One is a vertical pitcture, and another is horizontal. My product images can't all be a set size. If I set the image sizes in the admin (it forces you a pixel hight and width), then when I upload a vertical image, I get whitespace in my picture. i...
  8. Hi, friends, I have a question related to top-menu design customization. I tried to change the height of the default submenu to a thinner one, and shortened the whole header height (fixed it). My problem is that the dropdown-menu starting position wont change to follow the main-manu height. H...
  9. I just made my header fixed. As you can see the margin below the horizontal menu bar (white space) cuts off the top of my page. How do I change that? Also I would like to tighten everything up so everything is not so spread out, it currently takes up so much space on my page. ...........LOGO ......
  10. Hello, Can someone please help me how to solve this height problem? See attached. As the height is calculated, I have no idea how to pass it to the other elements. I don't really want a fixed size height of the module, just to match to the grey block.
  11. I have a problem with my home featured block. when i set the module to show 4 products the white space under the products is perfect. When i set it to 6 (and thats what i want) it shows a big white space under the products. i have searched everywhere but cannot find the solution, hope someone ca...
  12. The Top Horizontal Menu is unable to create gaps, it overlaps. How to solve it? I tried all means but still cannot. Please advise and help me, where to edit it? http://www.mamaonlinestore.com/shop1/
  13. Hello, I am designing my first Prestashop template. I changed category align from vertical to horizontal in front page. However distance from between categories and new division (tabs in my case) does not increase so Category and Tab divisions now overlap. How increace heigh of Category di...
  14. Hello, I am designing my first Prestashop template. I changed category align from vertical to horizontal in front page. However distance from between categories and new division (tabs in my case) does not increase so Category and Tab divisions now overlap. How increace heigh of Category di...
  15. Hello! I want to change a 3 columns theme into a 2 columns, but I want the center column to be 960 px width and 400 px height. I have removed the right column, but it doesn't give me the opportunity to adjust the center column. Can anyone help me? Thank you! P.S. I am using presta...
  16. Good afternoon to all of you, I have a question, Is it possible to specify the dimensions of a combination on a product? eg height, width, height, depth. I have a product which I have 2 variations, combinations when I do it gives me the option to indicate the impact on the price and weight ... b...
  17. Hi everybody, I'm new on this Forum and a beginner on prestashop I have a little problem : I'm creating my shop online, and i would like to give the opportunity to my customers to choose the width and the height of a product ( width and height in meters ). Next ,according to these charact...
  18. In my localisation, my dimension unit is set to 'cm' I have read somewhere that 'mm' doesn't work very well, so you have to use 'cm'. Now when creating a new carrier, the weight will accept a decimal. So 0.1kg is 100g. But the width/height/depth won't let me use a decimal, it say's Wh...
  19. Hola, Acabo de instalar el módulo de Social Login, para permitir registrarse con las diferentes redes sociales fácilmente, y quería saber como puedo hacer el módulo menos alto, ya que deja un espacio en blanco bastante grande.. He intentado tocar el sociallogin_style.css, pero no encuentro e...
  20. Hola, aprovecho para presentarme como nuevo usuario de este foro, y reciente usuario de Prestashop Estoy tratando de optimizar mi tienda, para mejorar tiempos de carga, y según tengo entendido, es importante para los navegadores declarar el ancho y el alto de las imágenes, para así agilizar la...
  21. Убрал левую и правую колонку, центральную растянул таким образом в grid_prestashop.css откорректировал значение в строке .container_9 .grid_5 {width:979px;} А вот как растянуть по высоте таблицу где находится слайдер я не понял, прошу помощи плз
  22. Hi, One of my customers has a shop that sells curtains and fabrics that are custom made. For Prestashop 1.4 I would need a module that allows the customer to select a fabric (=product), curtain type (= standard attribute) and enter exact required width and height (in centimeters) (=custom at...
  23. Hi, On the Control panel for each product, one can fulfil the here below fields: UPC Location (warehouse): Width ( package ) : cm Height ( package ) : cm Deep ( package ) : cm Weight ( package ) When such fields are fulfilled, where can i retrieve the related informatio...
  24. As the title says, I'm trying to figure out how to add width, depth, and height to the csv product import on PrestaShop These fields are just listed as: Width (package) Height (package) Depth (package) When adding products manually in the back office, so I can't see any...
  25. Hi everyone, I am looking to adapt the image types offered by prestashop. Now, prestashop requires both the MAX WIDTH field and the MAX HEIGHT field. I would like to simply put a constraint on the width or the height and to set it to a given value in px. Afterwards, i want the other sid...
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