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Concernant le dernier hack #prestashop en cours, voici un script de contrôle et de nettoyage (Ouvrez le zip, prenez le fichier cleaner.php et placez-le à la racine de votre site, puis appelez-le avec cette url: Ce script a été écrit principalement pour cibler...
Bonjour à tous, J'ai régulierement un hacking sur mon presta 1.7.8 qui affiche un faux paiement en CB sur la page de finalisation de commande. J'ai regardé sur les logs mais je n'arrive pas à les déchiffrer correctement, il semble que l'ip du hacker utilise "Uptime-Kuma/1.23.16" que...
Hello to all, I introduce myself as a member of the Friend of Presta association and I think many people on this forum already know me. Since a few months the FoP association has created a security cell that analyses the PrestaShop ecosystem. We have identified hundreds of modules with sec...
Bonjour à tous, Je me présente en tant que membre de l'association Friend of Presta et je pense que beaucoup sur ce forum me connaissent déjà . Depuis quelques mois l'association FoP a crée une cellule sécurité qui analyse l'écosystème de PrestaShop. Nous avons identifié des centaines de mod...
Je viens de m'apercevoir que dans mon back-office, j'ai un lien direct vers Cela fait depuis pas mal de temps que je faisais la chasse à ce site qui est en réalité un ancien serveur qui a migré sur D'ailleurs à ce propos, j'ai lu pas mal de posts sur Facebook. Les gen...
Hi there, My site appears to have been "hacked" and displays a variety of other websites. Obviously, I need this fixed ASAP. Is it due to a PrestaShop vulnerability or a module vulnerability? Will a simple update resolve this issue? The site has been redirected to my al...
Hi there, My site appears to have been "hacked" and displays a variety of other websites. Obviously, I need this fixed ASAP. Is it due to a PrestaShop vulnerability? Will a simple update resolve this issue? I currently have PrestaShop version The site has been...
I added the <meta http-equiv="X-Frame-Options" content="deny"> in header.tpl file ,but it not working and throws the error. And I also added the Header always append X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN line in .htaccess file. But this is also not working. Then how can I prevent C...
- 2 replies
- hack
- vulnerabilities
(and 7 more)
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HY my website has been hacked 3 days ago, i had a weird payment CB form appearing in front of my installed payement modules and it dissepeared when the form was filled and then refresh the checkout page from the beginning and showing the installed payment modules of the site. The BO also took 10 mns...
Hello, The Customer Reassurance module is great, but I would like to expand the number of blocks with i.e. 5. The module recommend 3 blocks at maximum, but it does not allow to add more than 3 in my case. When I add 1 block then nothing happens. I tried to add an extra row in direct in mysq...
- 9 replies
- customer reassurance
- module
(and 1 more)
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Bonjour, J'aimerais savoir si vous avez déjà rencontré ce problème et que faut-il faire ? De nombreux codes de réduction ont été créés sur mon site sans mon consentement. Existe-il une faille de sécurité sur ce module de base de Prestashop et comment y remédier ? En vous remer...
Bonjour, Quelqu'un à déjà reçu un message de google titré "Contenu d'ingénierie sociale détecté" ? dans mon cas l'url incriminé est une url que je suppose "rajouté" Comment puis-je fixer cela? Merci d'avance pour votre aide
- 6 replies
- hack
- hameçonnage
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Hello guys, It just came to my attention that the module for which I have paid entitled very "responsive" Mega Menu is in fact missing some lines in the EVAL.Php function, thus generating a backdoor for Obfuscation.F Trojan, which adds permits the hacker to access the header, thus the file syst...
I need to (automatically) create some sort of a transfer slip (just like a delivery slip) that has a transfer number (eg. Transfer #TR000008) upon the transfer of stock from one warehouse to another (Stock > Stock Management --> Actions > Transfer Stock). And I would like to show the transfer number...
- 1 reply
- management
- movement
- (and 5 more)
Seit ein paar Tagen ist bekannt, daß verschlüsselte (OpenPGP u. S/MIME) Emails durch Hacker attakiert werden. Inzwischen gibt es Theorien wie die Hacker wohl vorgehen: Grüsse Whiley
- verschlüsselung
- hack
(and 2 more)
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Hi Dear, I got hacked and they published a sitemap with 8000 urls in state of arround 200. (most of them give an error that doen't exist) I erase the sitemap hacked and resend the correct one. But I still see url in Jaopanes in the google SERP. It seems to be the Japanese keyword hack...
- chinese urls
- hack
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Beste mede Prestashop gebruikers. Mijn website word sinds deze week misbruikt en dus gehacked en er word van alles gedaan en geplaatst in de modules enzovoort. Ik heb al van alles gedaan zoals extra firewall IP nummer blocken, bevoegdheden mappen enzovoort. Maar er komen steeds meer mappen en php...
Hello everyone: My site has been hacked and as many of you first look for information on how to protect my Prestashop shop . Prestashop Core vulnerabilities are detected, known and fixed quickly (you can fixed without update version with this free module
- 4 replies
- protection
- module
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Greetings fellow PS'ers Im working on my first prestashop and i still need to solve one thing. In my case it is bad usability. Some of my products is customizable where the user have to upload one or more images. At the moment one have to add a certain input of files fields, eg. 5 fields for 5...
- 4 replies
- Product Cutomization
- File Upload
(and 3 more)
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Bonjour, J'aurai besoin d'un coup de main, car le retrait des serveurs médias me posent un p'tit problème : Prestashop (1.4) garde la trace des sous-domaines dans la base de données et ou ailleurs : " bad request subdomaine sql query " Il faudrait que je trouve comment l'isoler et l...
Hi all, I checked the Online visitors and saw that one IP openned a lot of my pages. And lots of shopping carts created: Someone please let me know what happen here? Can we create 2 shopping carts at the same time? Thanks