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  1. I want to enable guest checkout by default, after enabling one page checkout in PS 1.6 People mention this in a lot of threads but most of them quite old so I'm starting a new one. Default Bootstrap Theme in Prestashop 1.61 and Community theme both display a shopping cart with the ordered items...
  2. Hello, I have one question. I'm using Prestashop version 1.7.3. and i want only Guest checkout without registartion. I want to remove registation completly from the site. Can somebody help me with this? It would help to the whole community who are looking for this. There are some s...
  3. Heya! I'm using a guest checkout for PS 1.5 and got a couple of questions. If someone uses the guest checkout, how do I turn the guest account into a customer account when they make create an order? I want to send out an e-mail with a generated password. I'd like the feature because I'd lik...
  4. Searched w/o success. I use guest checkout and today realized after customer complaints that he is not able to place an order via OPC that many customers obviously forget/oversee/do not realize that they have to save their guest account address in order to proceed. The save button is too small or n...
  5. Hello, I have a prestashop in version, a flower eshop. So the users usually have different shipping and billing address. When an order is made by a registered user there is no problem. However when i have an order from a guest user the system thinks that the customer is the r...
  6. Hi I have guest checkout enabled, but I think all those button are confusing to customers. Does anybody know how to remove everything below paypal button? Here is a screenshot. All I want is a checkout page that looks like the screenshot. Nothing else. I know it is somewhere in css, just don't...
  7. Hi, On guest checkout the bank wire and cheque payments only show up, can anyone tell me how I can get paypal and credits card payments to show as well. This is happening on different prestashops Thankyou in advance.
  8. Prestashop version I've been having lots of problems with Guest Checkout, and eventually sorted the problem by changing some code which has now included the Home number field as well as Mobile Number fields? Problems I now have is that the two fields do not show an Asterisk indicating...
  9. Bonjour à tous, J'ai une question ergonomie qui me tarrode de puis ce matin... comment changer l'ordre des champs dans le formulaire d'inscription (ou surtout de commande invité) Je m'explique... Le formulaire affiche avec un foreach les champs Pays / Téléphone / State Ok... mais du coup on...
  10. Hello, I am having problems with guest checkout and a payment module (sofortbanking). If I try to checkout as guest the module says that the token is invalid. I already contact the module developers and they told me that it is a prestashop problem and a token should be generated for guest users...
  11. Hi I'm searching for a solution that can give me the following result. On http://smokeit.erpbasen.dk we have enabled the guest checkout, but we want to simplify the process with only some of the fields that the customer should fill out. As it is now, it looks like this, and as you can se...
  12. PrestaShop - Seems there is another bug in the voucher system. I created a voucher code. It is available for 100 customers. Each customer can use the code 1 time. It works with registered customers, but guest customers with the same mailadress can use the code unlimited (until t...
  13. Hi all, My guest checkout has suddenly become unusable. When completing the form there is an error saying that a phone number is required. The only field available to fill is Mobile Phone. Even if there is a number in mobile phone it throws the same error, "Phone number required". Phone Numb...
  14. Hi All Just noticed this issue. If a customer uses guest checkout there is a non-obligatory field for "Company" However, if the customer populates that field, another field drops down with "VAT Number" We are in Australia and don't have VAT numbers and I'd like to remove this non-f...
  15. with Guest checkout, on the One-Page-Checkout, when you select a state and then click on the "Please use another address for invoice" checkbox, the state resets to "-". All other Delivery Address information stays but the state resets. How can I fix this? thanks.
  16. Guest checkout shouldn't create "An Account". We have returning customers who try to use guest checkout more than once and are told "An account with this email already exists." Since the point of checking out as guest is to avoid account creation.
  17. Hi everyone, after upgrading to I have received multiple emails from customers who already had placed a guest checkout order in the past, and now wanted to create a registered account, and couldn't because PS tells gives them a "email already exists" error message. Is this a bug, or...
  18. I need to add two fields: one a simple text field (wedding date) and one a drop down selection box (how did you find us?) to the checkout/registration. This needs to be on the guest checkout page as well. it is really important that these two fields are included and emailed to the administrator al...
  19. My shop is based in the UK and I have set that as the default country, but if the customer is using guest checkout, the the country defaults to the US. I want to keep the US enabled as a country but not as the default one. I am using version 1.5.6 and the current address of the shop is http://217....
  20. Nous avons récemment eu une commande dont le paiement a échoué et le code d'erreur PayPal mentionnait qu'il manquait l'état dans l'adresse: 18ZL_ERRORCODE0 -> 10729L_SHORTMESSAGE0 -> Shipping Address State EmptyL_LONGMESSAGE0 -> The field Shipping Address State is requiredL_SEVERITYCODE0 -> Error...
  21. Guest checkout is hanging on a clean install of 1.4.7. I noticed this on a site I was setting up and switched from 1-page checkout to regular 5-page guest checkout. I did a fresh install and reproduced the steps using the following steps: 1. Verify that regular guest checkout works by adding an...
  22. Hi all, Currently if I'm using the guest account to checkout, it will remember all of my created address. For example, if another one comes to my computer and continue using guest checkout, he will see all my previous address, it is not good. So is there any way to clear all guest addres...
  23. Hi all, When using the Guest checkout, entered all invoice address, click save and I got the "parsererror" displayed. I tried to input again, but leave invoice address empty (uncheck the "Please use the another address for invoice"), everything ok. XMLHttpRequest: {"readyState":4,"re...
  24. Dear community, Anyone know best way to get Prestashop one page checkout into guest checkout without javascript? We run PS 1.4.8 and have simplified checkout to improve conversion rate: One page checkout (Configuration in Prestashop BO) Allow guest checkout (Configuration in Prestash...
  25. Hello, Is it possible to checkout as a guest in mobile version? I am using the default mobile theme in Prestashop 1.5.6 and does not allow to finish the checkout as a guest, you must register first or log in. The problem is that after registering or login in, redirects you outside the c...
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