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Found 16 results

  1. I have a code that firstly read the cart rules and check if there is any duplicate code and this part works fine. I can get from the "GET" service. However, when I move on to "POST", it keeps returning server status 200 to me. It seems it changed from POST to GET automatically. Is there any way t...
  2. Bonjour, Pour le contexte, actuellement j'arrive à PUT des informations dans ma BDD grâce à cette méthode Je n'ai aucun problème avec le GET et le PUT. Par contre j'essaie depuis plusieurs jours d'utiliser la méthode POST de l'API Prestashop avec finalement toujours la même...
  3. Hi, I have a problem regarding api processing data while calling : $webService->get(), and then I select the data I want to return with a return, Api adds my entire result(HTTP REQUEST HEADER, HTTP RESPONSE HEADER, RETURN HTTP BODY). My return, instead of the necessary data, contains all the o...
  4. if i turn the webservice off will it cause my site to crash? I've been having this error with getting customers to safely checkout , it keeps returning error and i don't know what to do.. I'm thinking its from the webservice or a module i installed , please can anyone help me?
  5. Zdravím komunitu, mal by som takú otázku, z dôvodu chybových hlášok by som potreboval pozrieť parametre HTTP Request s parametrami GET a POST. Možno je to triviálne, ale ako na to? Zatiaľ som sa tým ešte nestretol, prevažne sa venujem inej platforme. Ďakujem🙂
  6. Buenos días. Estoy modificando el código de mi tienda en prestashop, y quería poner una url en la cual me enviase un código en un parámetro get, algo así http://mitienda.com/index.php?controller=micontroller?code=micodigo y luego poder acceder a 'micodigo' ¿Alguien sabe cómo puedo hacer esto...
  7. Hello I am modifying my online shop code, and I wrote a php file at the root of my shop. This is the code i wrote: <?php require(dirname(__FILE__).'/config/config.inc.php'); Tools::redirect('index.php?controller=validacionusuario'.((count($_GET) || count($_POST)) ? '&'.http_build_query(...
  8. Hii Im trying to install the getresponse module, but when I finish installing I have this problem as you can see in the attach image. Also the Getresponse Tab does not work properly. Does Anyone know something about it? Thank you
  9. ** Help request ** The problem: I can't seem to get "id_cart" (from ps_orders) to show up in the PDF invoice :/ I'm not very good with Prestashops way of interacting with the database, though i am a "okay" programmer. I've created the plot in invoice.tpl where it should be, and even tested...
  10. Hello , I have used multiple select input type in my modules configuration but when i submit it gives me only last selected options value inspite of all that are selected value for getting value I have used Tools::getValue() function. please give me some solution so that i can get all selected opt...
  11. Hi, I have a problem with magic method __get() in Product class. I will try to describe the problem: I overriding class Product and give it to a folder: /override/classes/Products.php - it´s work In the file: class Product extends ProductCore { public function __get($name) { if ($n...
  12. Hi Currently i have a large shop with about 100.000 products, and arround 5mil images. i have optimized the theme to load faster, using sprites and other optimizations. the problem is the load time of the webshop is slow becouse of the large database. here is output of a test attached to th...
  13. When I turn on Friendly URL, and generate .htaccess file I lost GET parametres. Example I go to url/product.php?id_product=4&someparam=someparamtext, and in PHP I don't see someparam in $_GET massive. My htaccess file - https://docs.google....4AxY6EBG2U/edit Where is the problem? P.S. Sorry f...
  14. Hi all, Since there's no way AFAIK of bypassing catalog mode by default, I'm trying to figure out how to efficiently bypass catalog mode using a GET parameter. I've tried adding the following to my header.tpl (knowing it probably won't work): {if $smarty.get.foo == 'bar'} {$PS_CATALO...
  15. Hi, I have recently moved to a prestashop from an old shopping cart (none prestashop) and I’m wanting to be able to provide re-directs from my old site product pages and categories to my new friendly URL’s. Now my hosting provider has cPanel which allows me to write standard re-writes but nothing th...
  16. Dear members i need some help. My client want to see in the email confirmation the gender (mr. or ms.). When i say email im talking about the email wich he recieves. So i need something like this: "You've a new order from {gender} {firstname} {lastname}" I have several hours...
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