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Siemka, w ostatnim czasie stworzyłem generator modułu dla PS 1.6. Wygenerowany moduł działa tak samo jak moduł "Polecane produkty na stronie głównej". Można wygenerować kilka takich modułów i mieć kilka zakładek z produktami z pewnej kategorii. Jest to projekt open source, umieściłem wsz...
Hi Presta Pros! I hope someone here may have some insight on generating combinations without having to purchase add-on modules. I'm hoping it's something I overlooked. I've scoured the forums and can't find my specific problem. I thought I would ask here first. I sell t-shirts. In a nutshell, I sel...
- attributes
- generator
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Hello community Does anyone know how to change order of values in attributes generator to order by name ASC not by id? It is pain in the arsh to look for attribute when generating a bunch of combinations. This is really weird because when You want to add only one combination that the order i...
- 1 reply
- attributes
- generator
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Hi. I need to add to Attribute Generator images from product. WHY? Because when I generate 38 combination of sport wear, like size 29-36 with 4 colors and Now I need enter in each combination for set two images that first it is standard image of wear and second is a wear in color. it would sa...
Hi, I am using Prestashop When using the combination generator : is there away to add combinations to one product without deleting some data (such as EAN13 value) of existing combinations ? Thank you in advance for any reply. Patrick
I've successfully created new attribute values (new colors), however, these does not automatically transfer to the list in the attributes generator, when creating new product combinations. E.g. I created the color 'blue' in the 'attributes and values' section, but it does not show in the 'produc...
- 1
- attributes
- value
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Witam, szukałem, ale nie znalazłem... Poszukuję informacji: 1. Jak skonfigurować standardową wyszukiwarkę aby wyszukiwała produkty po nazwach, (obecnie wyszukuje tylko po tagach), 2. Jak edytować zamówienie po jego złożeniu na zapleczu, już opisuję problem: - Klient składa zamówienie na śr...
- 4 replies
- wyszukiwarka
- meta
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Hi, I've used to generate very basic module. I installed module and observed following: After I switch from no to yes and fill email and password fields and click save, data is saved in database. However, switch field returns to no regardless of database...
First off - I'll be so thankful to whomever is able to help me solve this, it's really been bugging me. I'll definitely buy you a beer! I'm trying to add a product that's got a very large number of variations, color, size (diameter), size (width) and application. The end result is something like 350...
- 16 replies
- Product
- Combination
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Hola, verán, me gustaría editar para quitar los metatags description, generator, robots, entre otros que se generan automáticamente en cada enlace, sección de mi página web. Si fuera posible una forma que no fuese ir a cada archivo html y editarlo. Es que no se como editarlos en prestashop > SEO...
Hello. My prestashop version is How to edit meta name generator content? So, How to edit "Prestashop"?. I tried editing header.tpl file but then I view the source code and nothing. It is not edited.
- 3 replies
- generator tag
- generator
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[SOLVED] Combinations generator flexibility
Guest posted a topic in Ecommerce x PrestaShop [ARCHIVE BOARD]
Hi, I find the "Product combinations generator" a great tool but unfortunately it seems to be too much "static". What I mean is that it only does a cartesian product of the selected attributes+value, but what if I want to "differentiate" those combinations? An example is worth more than tho... -
Hallo Prestashop-Community Wir sind gerade dabei einen Mützen-Shop zu konfigurieren. Die Produkte sind nach Modell und nach Muster unterteilt, das Einzige, was der Kunde aus den Kombinationen ändern kann sind die Grössen, also Kopfumfang und Länge der Mütze, sowie die Farben (Grundfarbe, Farbe 2...
Telkens als ik de combinatie generator gebruik loopt 'ie vast en krijg ik een 'Internal Server Error'. Bij de eerste vijf producten was het geen probleem en ging het heel snel, maar nu lukt het me niet meer om 'm te gebruiken en ik moet nog heel wat producten invoeren. De eerste keer liep hij al...
- 6 replies
- combinatie
- generator
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Zdravím, potřeboval bych poradit. Mám atributy výrobku - RAM, HHD, SSD, atd. Chci použít ve verzi 1.5.4 generátor kombinací. Provedu výběr - vše je ok. Potom dám generovat a objeví se mi pouze bílá stránka. Čím to asi tak je? ) Ještě by mě zajímalo, jak odstanit hromadně kombinace, které už mám...
Hallo, ich bin auf der suche nach passenden Modulen für einen Brillenshop, leider finde ich nichts. Es muss dort die Möglichkeit geben, falls mit Gläsern bestellt wird die Stärke links und rechts eingeben zu werden. Außerdem einige weitere Anpassungen die sich auf den Preis auswirken, siehe Screen...
After upgrading PS to I have no access to Tools / Generator and receive "Access denied" whilst trying to access it. I desperately want to make my URLs SEO friendly asap. Can anyone help me getting access to Tools / Generator again? A second solution would be to change the standard for the UR...
- 3 replies
- access denied
- upgrade
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Guten morgen, ich habe mal wieder google durchforstet auf der Suche nach interessanten Hinweisen zum Thema seo... Da ist mir untergekommen das das Prestashop wie es derzeit im Quellcode steht (Anlage)nicht gerade foerderlich ist fuer das seo der eigenen Seite... Frage... Kann mann /sollte ma...
Hi presta users! As I use to generate (update) day to day my sitemap.xml, and watch my google webmaster tools, I find a strange thing: I have some inactive categories with active products (just finded by customers via google index) not searchable directly on the shos site also I...