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  1. [MODULE] Advanced Alipay Payment Gateway Pro Module Alipay gateway payment supports public key mode or certificate mode, and supports computer website payment or mobile website payment. It supports the conversion of any currency into RMB for settlement and the exchange rate can be adjusted by i...
  2. qualcuno conosce un gateway per sexyshop con relativa banca?? sono disperata, tutte le banche e gateway mi dicono di no
  3. am trying to upload a module manually It gives me the same error: "Oops... Upload failed." And: "This file does not seem to be a valid module zip"
  4. Openpay Plus Module for PrestaShop Receive payments with a credit, debit or service card in the simplest and most intuitive way possible. All transactions are approved or declined in real time thanks to a sophisticated Openpay anti-fraud system. Benefits for Merchants Significant incr...
  5. Salve, Ho questo problema che mi affligge da un po' di tempo.. anche perchè ora non posso cambiare prodotti o aggiornare il tema del mio sito web Nel fare il login alla pagina admin il server mi rimanda l'errore Gateway Timeout ma non so per quale motivo Come posso risolvere? Ringrazi...
  6. Hi, I have recently change my web hosting. When I am accessing my back-office pages , I am getting gateway timeout error sometimes. Web hosting support ready to help to fix the issue but no idea how to reproduce the issue as it comes randomly or sometimes. I see below error message G...
  7. How can i show message at order page, is there any hook to show custom messages at order page incase of failure or success? any help appreciated Thank you in advance
  8. Bonjour à tous J'ai un soucis lors de la génération de miniatures sous Prestashop Serveur Performance perf2014x1 Erreur 504 Gateway Time Out Suis passé en PHP 7.0 rien à faire J'ai lu sur les forum qu'il faudrait créer une tâche cron mais n'étant pas codeur je ne sais p...
  9. Not sure whether anyone can assist. A cart site we use will soon be no use once PHP is upgraded - therefore we need something else - thus attempting to set up prestashop. Before entering product data etc I am trying to get payment options set up . As we already use Authorize.net I wanted to use that...
  10. Ma boutique s'ouvre normalement dans une navigation normale, mais lorsque je serai dans une navigation privée ou dans un autre navigateur l'erreur 502 Bad Gateway s'affiche. j'ai vidé le cache, j'ai bloqué le Smarty cache mais toujours sans résultat.
  11. Since weeks I have read many threads complaining on either huge delays when it comes to the final order confirmation step in the front office. The same happend for some order state changes. Some users also reported gateway errors, such as 504 gateway error. At first it did not appear all thi...
  12. As the topic suggests , I have installed several payment modules like Paypal, Authorize.net, Skrill, Paybiz but none of them are visible in the front office when customer goes to purchase. Bank Wire and Cash on Delivery are visible. There are no country, currency restrictions. Please advise what is...
  13. Hi, I was transfering my website to a new domain. For that i made a CSV-Backup of all my 2100 items. Now by the import, i got the problem of an "gateway timeout". Does somebody know how to solve it? Or how to get around this problem? Thanks and best regards Lucio
  14. Buenos días, Soy de Uruguay y estoy comenzando con prestashop. Aquí existe un excelente servicio web www.cobrosya.com que integra los medios de pagos más conocidos en el ámbito local (BROU, ABITAB, OCA, VISA, MASTERCARD, etc). Ellos tienen una API en php que soluciona perfectamente esta problem...
  15. I have installed the following 1.Payment by cheque 2.Bankwire 3.Cash on delivery I have given all permissions of countries , Users , products to all the above. However none of the payment options are visible when I try to purchase a product. The payment gateway 5 page method works fi...
  16. I'm having a problem with the cardsave payment gateway module. On my test server the test payments work fine and after payment is taken cardsave redirects me back to my success page on my prestashop site. However, on the production server when I try purchasing a product, I successfully get t...
  17. Bonjour, Je rencontre parfois une erreur "504 Gateway Time-out" sans que je ne comprenne pourquoi. Quel paramétrage faut-il que je change pur éviter ce problème ? Merci
  18. So this modules is a copy of bankwire but with some changes. This is the file modulename / controllers / front / payment.php I can't get the order id ! what I'm doing wrong? <?php class ModuleNamePaymentModuleFrontController extends ModuleFrontController { public $ssl = true; public f...
  19. Desarrollamos módulos para cobro electrónico a través de NPS Argentina. Cobro con tarjeta de crédito y en cuotas. Cálculo del valor de cada cuota. Para más información sobre enviar PM. Gracias!
  20. Website- designinfo.in This payment gateway which I have attached is working fine and converts the currency from Dollar or Euro to Rupee before sending the value to the payment gateway (Payumoney Payment Gateway) The PROBLEM is that when the customer changes the quantity of products or purchases a...
  21. Payment gateway of Payumoney was working in the old version of prestashop but now after upgrading to ...it seems to have been unhooked. How do i hook it again to the payment page. I have attached the files for missing hooking. Also i have attached the payumoney gateway plugin. I believ...
  22. Olá Pessoal. Desenvolvemos um módulo de integração com TrayCheckout, novo facilitador de pagamento da Tray Commerce. É a primeira versão, gostaríamos da opinião de vocês, aceitamos reclamações, sugestões de melhorias, e principalmente elogios. Segue o link do módulo: http://static.tray...
  23. hi friends.. i have create a new shipping modules is Bakery Gsund. its work my local pc but when i upload the live server then disable all the payment gatway.any solution for this problems. you can check this url http://stage.interac1.myhostpoint.ch/ thanks
  24. I am using payu payment gateway. The price of my products in the shop are in dollars payu payment gateway does not convert this into INR .....Instead it just takes the value EXAMPLE Price of product = $100 price to be paid = INR 100 I want a tweak in my source code so that the value $1...
  25. 0 down vote favorite I have installed the following 1.Payment by cheque 2.Bankwire 3.Cash on delivery I have given all permissions of countries , Users , products to all the above. However none of the payment options are visible when I try to...
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