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  1. Module Gallery - Slider Anywhere for PrestaShop: Allows you to create, manage, and display sliders or galleries on any PrestaShop front office page. Main features of the module: 1. The convenient list of galleries or sliders for management of them: creation, editing, removal, movement, activa...
  2. The leading drag and drop page builder on the market. Users are able to control every aspect of the website in one place, reduce the web building time and help your online store to load and perform faster. The theme includes powerful modules and innovative design with many features: Professi...
  3. Hi, I was following this, but it doesn't work for prestashop 1.7. I realized the css classes and ids are not the same on my project but I've changed them and still doesn't work. Any jquery function or idea to implement at the onclick to get the next and previous picture of a product?...
  4. There is a SOLVED thread guiding how to add a SOLD OUT image when an item is no longer available. it works smoothly. What about implementing this to the mobile default template? I've tried to add the same line {if $product.quantity<=0}<img src="https://www.yoursite...d-Out-small.png" sty...
  5. Hello, i'm looking for any possibility/solution to change standard product gallery like in fancybox jquery. I mean about add to button prev/next photo and will be perfect if I could use scrool. Presta 1.7 Thanks in advance for help
  6. Hi everyone, I am using prestashop 1.7 with external theme. Products images on click/zoom are smaller than settings in back-office (source files are 650x650). - screenshot attached In code, the width is setup for 100% and still full window width is not used. Also it would be grea...
  7. This guide shows how to build fancybox gallery on cms pages in prestashop tutorial is based on prestashop 1.6. With guide you will: - extend tinymce editor to accept scripts - create a pictures gallery on cms page - enable fancybox option to enlarge pictures enjoy :-) i updated th...
  8. Hi, I've just switched my hosting provider to Web Hosting Hub, since I'd seen they were a Prestashop preferred vendor awhile ago. The switch over wasn't easy and now that I've finally gotten it mostly working, there's still a few things that aren't quite right. I've searched for this info and c...
  9. Hey, I would like to make slider gallery instead of 1 image. Is there any module which could provide me this option? If no how much it would cost to make that module/change. Also I would try to do it by myself. Only my question is how to get all images of products. Then I would try to make...
  10. Hello. I wanted to share the way to extend standard cms pages. With this code You can add any images to Your cms pages and they will be converted to gallery with popup and the first image will be extracted and shown on cms articles list page. It is first version so it needs some more work. Steps...
  11. Boa tarde. Gostaria de ter um link no meu menu para uma página de fotos de eventos em que a minha empresa participa. No menu tenho os links para os produtos e também para uma página contendo fotos. Estas fotos seriam, não dos produtos, mas sim de eventos em que os nossos produtos são usados, p...
  12. Good day! I just installed the module "Video gallery - V2.1" and it works fine until I try to just click on "ALL VIDEOS" which directs me to a page "not available" what can I be doing wrong? Does anyone feel the same? This is the http://www.rollei-america.com/ page (the module is located near th...
  13. Ciao a tutti, un amico ha perso il lavoro e, dato che è veramente bravo con la fotografia, voleva realizzare un sito web dove vendere le proprie fotografie. Ho pensato a prestashop e la gestione dei prodotti virtuali però ho qualche dubbio: - al variarie della dimensione e dell'uso che si fa...
  14. Hello, I'm looking for a module which will give me an opportunity to mark certain point on product photo with a link. Something like mapping a photo but with an icon and attached link. Something like face mapping in Facebook. Does any similar module exists? Here's an example: http://ww...
  15. Hi i wanted to know if there is a way to link my facebook album with my images to my prestashop site, so when they click on a menu page on my prestashop website is shows them my facebook album feed of images. I found a module that does this for instagram but not yet facebook. http://addons....
  16. Hi, I would like to add a gallery to my site. Does anyone know a good gallery module for prestashop 1.6? Vekia, I already saw your explenation on how to make one using some code. Although i think i have the skills to follow your lead here, i prefer not to mess around with the codes. Thanks...
  17. Hi guys, looking around the internet i can't find a working CMS GALLERY MODULE, i need a simple gallery on a cms page. Tried many, but don't works fine... I hope somebody can help me Im using PrestaShop™
  18. Buongiorno a tutti, informiamo che abbiamo aggiunto i seguenti 2 moduli all'interno del nostro sito http://shop.studioitc.com/index.php 1) Itc_homefeaturedconfig: permette di creare box da visualizzare nella home page, completamente configurabili e senza limiti di numero, che forniscono la p...
  19. Installed Gallery module and want to display the images within the gallery at the bottom of category page. Got as far as being able to show link to gallery , but i want the images within the gallery to be shown. (see attached) Any help? Pete
  20. Hi, I would like to add a page with a "lookbook" or a photo gallery. My first question is how do I add a new page? Second question is which is the best way to make the "lookbook", maybe connect some kind of blog to the page or something like that? http://nuwa-project.com Regards,...
  21. Hi Everyone, I need a gallery for my prestashop 1.5 site, a module the same as NextGengallery would be geat. I need the client to be able to upload images for the gallery via the backend. The images wil be the usual thumbnails which open up in a lighbox box sort of thing. Thank you...
  22. Buongiorno a tutti, sto usando Prestashop per la creazione del mio ecommerce. Ho necessità di avere una galleria dei prodotti, dopo una ricerca da home page come da foto allegata n.1 e dopo l'inserimento nel carrello vorrei che si vedesse come da immagine n.2. Suggerimenti??? Gra...
  23. I am trying to add a Galleriffic photo gallery to a CMS page but it is not working correctly for me. I have successfully implemented this page as a custom page on my site, but to show someone how to modify this would not be as easy as if I had it in a CMS page that could be edited via the BO. My...
  24. hi I am in urgent need of a gallery module for prestahop 1.5 that allows me to upload images (not products) and then displays images as thumbnails which open in a lighbox or something. a similar thing like nextgen gallery for wordpress but a prestashop version.
  25. Hi I would like to upload pictures that customers have sent in wearing our products. What is the best way to do this? I though if I created a flickr account and then could I put that on a page on my website? Would appreciate any advice thanks
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