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  1. Hello, I'm trying to modify the layout of the frontpage and have for example two columns (hooks) inside the main container where I could attach modules. On the footer or the header it's easy because there are .tpl files (footer.tpl, product.tpl,...) I can edit and change the layout with bo...
  2. Hi friends, First thanks to all fot the help you gave me. Im not a programmer, only kind of advanced user. I have a shop who some of the products have references like "s-01" or "T-01" this is with a "minus" character in the middle. This searches works well on back office, but in fron office...
  3. Hello, I read several tutorials on how can i can I set up a meta description for my shop front page. I found that I must go to the General MetaTile and MetaDescription in tab Shop Parameters -> Traffic & SEO and modify the index page and it may take some time for the edit to be displayed in...
  4. Hi i need some help. I just downloaded prestashop latest version and installed it, after installation is done it do not show my frontpage. i tried to do a new install and it happend again, tried to delete catche and that do not work. Have used prestashop before but newer had theese is...
  5. Hola, mi pagina ya no aparecen los productos en la pagina de inicio. para q aparezcan se debe hacer click en los tabs NOVEDADES, PROMOCIONES... ETC. Y Se depliegan los productos., al cargar la pagina, no se muestran por defencto Ya re instale los modulos, newproducts, futereproducts, etc.. ,...
  6. Greetings! I have a small problem with my prestashop website. I have a lot of different products with different combinations. The problem is whenever I change the combination (size) on the frontpage, it will not change the EAN code in the URL and neither on the front page. The reference code do...
  7. Hello everyone, just finished migrating to 1.7 got everything pretty much in place, products etc. get someone to install payment module for C/C processing etc. Then all of a sudden i get a strange border around the mainage, which also takes up space so now only 3 products fit per row inste...
  8. Hej forum, Jeg sidder med lidt af et problem. Jeg vil gerne have at min webshop får en blok som ser ud lidt ala ligesom nedenstående billede. Altså en blok hvor jeg har mulighed for at evt. smide billede og tekst i. Jeg bruger version og bruger er et købt theme. Min hjemmeside...
  9. estaba haciendo modificaciones en mi plantilla y desaparecieron dos elementos de ella. 1. Las opciones de ingreso para el usuario en la TopBar 2. Los banner que habían en la parte central de la pagina , ente el menú principal y el footer cómo las regreso a su lugar?
  10. Hi, i'm noob on prestashop so, i want to create a new page for a specific category but with the same structure as the frontpage as is a range of special products. Is there a module that helps, or how can I do this? I searched for several days but found nothing explicit. is attached an image with an...
  11. Hallo, Ik heb een vreemd probleem en ik weet eigenlijk niet waar ik het moet zoeken om dit op te lossen. Ik heb de producten vergeleken met producten die wel goed zijn en kan het verschil niet zien of vinden, Het probleem is: Op de frontpage en categorie pagina's staat bij sommige produc...
  12. I need each multistore admin / email to be able to see only 1 product that they upload or I (admin) can upload. And only view/modify orders for this 1 product so shopA can only see ProductA and orders on ProductA in admin I have only one shop / domain name customers / users on this domai...
  13. Hey y'all, On the site I'm working on - www.zeliahorsley.com/shop - there's a bunch of links to CMS pages (as you'd expect) on the frontpage of the site, both in the header of pages and in the footer. Unfortunately, for some reason they're currently redirecting to the homepage and I just can...
  14. Bin ein ganz neuer hier und freue mich auf Hilfe: Ich suche den Zugang bzw. möchte die Telefonnummer in der Frontpage korrigieren (class=shop-phone) Die Änderung bei der eigenen Firma habe ich vorgenommen und ist mir gelungen. Sage schon Danke und Gruß Atze41
  15. Hi everybody, I have some problem with the prestashop 1.6. My homepage displays a different theme, but when I click to one of my categories, the default-bootstrap theme is displayed. I did not know about this problem because in my theme tab, there is only one them and it is default-bootstrap...
  16. I have hosted a site and this displays error of config.inc file in front page as well as administrator login page. any solution will be great appreciated. @ini_set('display_errors', 'off');define('_PS_DEBUG_SQL_', false);$start_time = microtime(true);/* Compatibility warning */define('_PS_D...
  17. I looked all over but couldn't fin anyone who explains how the homeslider width works. I set the width in the module configure form, I checked the field HOMESLIDER_WIDTH was updated (to 980px) in the Configuration table. But all this seems to do is make the img element have that width but the li...
  18. Hej Hvordan kan jeg ændre sproget til dansk på nedenstående tekster? Jeg har forsøgt, at søge på forumet, men kunne ikke lige finde noget på det. Jeg kan vel ikke gøre det inde fra "backoffice". Jeg skal vel ind i en bestemt fil og ændre det? De bedste hilsner fra Jon MONEY BACK GU...
  19. Hi guys, I am looking to set different width for my center column width for frontpage = 90% or 100% width for page with 1 right or left column = 60 - 70%. I managed so far to disable right side bar or left side page for homepage :-) via vekia help . thx for help
  20. Hi, I tried to customize the feature product front page and change the width and height for the image but I have a ajax class that I could not find anywhere . www.sabaartplay.com Thx for help.
  21. Hi I've beeng trying to figure how can I center a 360 degree image on the frontpage. and move cc logos, newsletter subscription to the right corner of the footer I will apreciatte any help.
  22. Suddenly my frontpage is missing most off it´s layout. I have activated error reporting but I don´t get any results. You can look here http://www.coborimport.com Pleas advice.
  23. Hola tengo un problema Subo la carpeta de prestashop con Filezilla y luego no puedo ver el frontpage de prestashop. Hay que hacer algun cambio en public_html? o como debe de estar compuesta la carpeta. agradezco cualquier ayuda ya que soy nuevo en esto, cualquier aporte me sera de ayuda....
  24. Hi everyone, Just thinking about adding a "customer reviews" box on the front-page, will it come true? Eg. Can I also add this content to each products below? Eg. Is it I need to write data on my own? ... Thank you in future advance.
  25. Hi. Is it possible, by some simple way, to set that the frontpage (index page) will be without sidebar and other pages will have one. Something like this http://addons.prestashop.com/en/beauty-jewelry/3343-X-012W.html . And if it posssile, than I would like to set this option also for all CMS...
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