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  1. Hello Everyone, We are selling the PrestaShop addons from last 6 months. I m new here in the forum. I followed the instruction and read some old posts where people promoted their modules with descriptions and links to purchase on prestashop.com. I wrote the post about our addon which is a pro...
  2. Buenas @joseantgv Alguien sabe como crear un foro (un foro de preguntas y respuestas como por ejemplo forocoches) integrado con nuestros ecommerce de prestashop? He visto que hay modulos que integran Pretshop con Wordpress, seria posible crear el foro en wordpress y la tienda en prestashop...
  3. Bonjour je suis nouveau sur prestashop, et je dois développer pour une entreprise un outil de déclaration et de paiement en ligne des cotisations. De collecter les données liées à la déclaration, dee payer en ligne par virement, d’éditer un support résumant la déclaration pour accompagner le pa...
  4. Hy can you please suggest me how to remove well come message from header also i have attached a screen shot. Regards faisal latif
  5. Bonjour à tous, je ne sais pas si vous aussi vous avez eu la même expérience que moi, mais depuis plusieurs jours j'ai, de temps en temps, une fenêtre de Livechat qui s'affiche sur le forum. J'ai donc demandez à Moez ce qu'il fait là et il m'a répondu qu'il était là pour aider les cli...
  6. Herkese Merhaba, Prestashopa birde Forum veya Blog eklemeyi sunmayı düşünüyorum, mesela Müşteriler Ürünlerle ilgili Konulara yazabilmeleri için. Sizce gereklimi uygunmu? ne diyosunuz Fikir ve Önerileriniz...
  7. Je ne suis plus Marchand mais Développeur, Comment puis-je le changer ? Je ne vois rien à ce sujet dans les préférences de mon profil ou dans mes paramètres de compte…
  8. Hello, I'm triying to search topics with the word "countdown" posted in "Free Modules & Themes" forum but server give me back a 500 error: Forum redirect me to this URL with the error: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/search/?q=countdown&type=forums_topic&nodes=144&page=1&sortby=newest&se...
  9. I've had very good experiences with Xenforum on PS in the past. Now that i've switched over to PS i installed Xenforum 2.7.2 fresh. I can access the forum frontend and backend, except in backend when i want to access the Forum Tree link, i get the next error. Please advice.
  10. Hi, Is only on my Safari or the Prestashop is extremely slow on Safari web browser? In the other browser work perfect but on Safari is extremely slow.
  11. Zo snel mogelijk een antwoord op je vraag en een oplossing voor je probleem? Houd je dan aan de onderstaande regels en maak gebruik van de tips: Lees de complete Engelstalige forumregels eens door Er is al een uitgebreide Engelstalige versie van de regels waaraan je je moet houden bij...
  12. Hi, I tried to share my forum post on Facebook, Twitter, pinterest and Google Plus. I can see post title, image and link properly shown in popup for Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, but pinterest popup does not show images, link and title. Any idea?
  13. https://twitter.com/PrestaShop/status/1017733415825797121 Which I think means they are out of ideas- they don't know what to do
  14. Hi, When I use the search function of our webshop - www.livinflame.com - I receive the following warning : "Warning: Function getFormatedName() is deprecated in /var/www/vhosts/livinflame.com/httpdocs/controllers/front/listing/SearchController.php on line 77in /var/www/vhosts/livinflame.co...
  15. Hi, When I am trying to upload images on a post which was created in older version of the forum, I am getting error as "There was a problem processing the uploaded file. -200" Attach screen shots. I test the same file upload on other posts and it works fine therefore I think the problem...
  16. Guten Tag allseits, Ich habe derzeit keinen Computer bzw. Notebook zur Hand und versuchte deswegen, das Forum mit einem iPhone 5 zu nutzen. Das ist vor allem innerhalb eines Threads kaum mehr sinnvoll möglich. Die Seite ruckelt beim Scrollen und hängt mitunter auch vollständig. Vor dem For...
  17. Hi, Are there any options to change the username on the forum? As there is no such option in profile settings. Thanks in advance!
  18. I'm no more User/Merchant but Developer, How can i change it? I don't see anything about that in my profile or my account settings…
  19. Mir ist aufgefallen das dieses Prestashop Forum nur in den Unterforen "Aufrufe" und anzahl "Antworten" angezeigt werden nicht aber in den Kategorien, Es wehre gut wenn es auch in den Kategorien die Anzahlen Aufrufe und Antworten zu sehen wären.
  20. Hello! In previous version of this forum there was a feature that I went to my profile I saw list of all topics where I post my message chronologicaly and there was information about who was OP and who replied last, and there was a star or dot on the left which indicated if there was some new pos...
  21. Hallo zusammen, kommt es nur mir so vor, oder ist das Forum jetzt seit der Umstellung total unübersichtlich geworden? Früher konnte ich schon im Forenverzeichnis sehen, wer wann den letzten Beitrag gepostet hatte, dazu auch, zu welchem Thema, das fehlt vollkommen. Jetzt muss man ständig in...
  22. I was wondering if PrestaShop (or anyone else) has a module for this forum? This forum we use here on the PrestaShop Forum is really nice and I was wondering if this forum here on the PrestaShop Forum was available. I like how the forum works here and the layout. Are there any forum modules like thi...
  23. As to my observation spam postings are more and more to come since moths. Sometimes I have the impression there are more new spam topics than real topics. Why what and why not avoid spam with some simple techniques? Ban user accounts if reported to spread spam (5 days at first, longer if repeat...
  24. Bonjour tout le monde, Je suis débutante en prestashop, j'aimerai bien savoir s'il y'a un module gratuit qui va me permettre de créer un forum, ça fait pas mal de temps que je cherche mais je n'ai trouvé que des modules payants. Merci à vous.
  25. Salve, vorrei integrare un forum all'interno del mio sito: 1) esiste qualche modulo ufficiale o non per ottenere cio(soluzioni free)? 2)se installo un forum esterno(phpBB esempio), esiste qualcuno che abbia combinato le due login(login su uno e successivo login automatico sul secondo)? attual...
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