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  1. Hola, buen día, Alguien me puede ayudar con lo siguiente? por favor: Necesito traducir el formulario de direcciones, ya he ido a internacional --> traducciones... he elegido el tema que estoy utilizando, luego voy a shop --> forms --> labels... pero no encuentro los campos del form de dire...
  2. Hi, I have a Prestashop with multistore feature active. Both shops are different and I need custom registration for each of them. Each registration page will contain different form fields, so simple HTML/CSS would not work here, as the POST data need to be stored somewhere via cont...
  3. There is no way to override the validation regex mask provided in the src/Core/Domain/Customer/ValueObject/FistName.php and src/Core/Domain/Customer/ValueObject/lastName.php files. Or for any ValueObject ? Some people advised to alter those files : but, it's not a good idea because change...
  4. Buenas a todos, tengo un problema el cual no he podido solucionar estoy intentando adicionar unos campos al formulario de registro del cliente He seguido al pie de la letra los siguientes pasos que encontré en el siguiente Blog https://victor-rodenas.com/anadir-campos-en-el-formulario-de-r...
  5. Hi there, I would like to create a simple form on a front office page. I started to create a module, I called it cg_cartegrise. In that module I manage to display text content in backoffice. I then create two pages on front office: formulaire and resultat. this by creating 'controller/front/for...
  6. Hola, tengo una pregunta, como se pueden implementar los Form types que se mencionan en la documentacion de prestashop? , veo que menciona el codigo y como se veria, pero he buscado por muchos lados pero no menciona como implementarlo en una pagina, me gustaria saber si alguien sabe como se hace, se...
  7. i am developing module for CRUD operations . created form using fields_form . all the functionality are working correctly and the validation also working correclty But the validation error message was not displayed . i am created a admin controller in my module . AdminController public fu...
  8. How to change the order of fields for customer registration form (Tested with v1.7+) Simply change the order in the following class (Override class is recommended) classes/form/CustomerFormatter.php public function getFormat() { $format = []; //#1 field $...
  9. Hello, i have an issue enabling or migrating or nesting or adding the Address Form into the registration form. so the user at registration need to send FULL Data, instead of waiting till need to checkout. in old versions i saw in preferences > customer> account cr...
  10. Hi all, We have a problem with our last Prestashop installation. We have install Prestashop and Warehouse theme without problem. We have configured some plugins (Export, Stripe...). And we have detected this problem: except the login form, all the forms doesn't work ("contact" for exa...
  11. Hello, I have a form with four input text fields and a submit button.So ,after submitting the form the same values I entered in the input text fields must be displayed in the form after page refresh.
  12. Hi! I am developing a new module, where I have to create a new product tab in backoffice. This is not very difficult task, but i am finding problems to integrate helper form into this tab. I have created another similar modules, but writing the html manually. Now I would like to use...
  13. Hello, I need modify register form. For example, I need to modify the default form. I want to delete the labels and add them in the placeholder. In addition to eliminating some inputs and adding new. Thanks.
  14. Hlw guys... I'm new around here... I need to do a very little job in the order page.. i want to make the email field while order as a guest, "non-required'. any quick solution? TIA
  15. Buenas, este es mi primer mensaje en este foro ya que llevo tan solo unas semanas con prestashop. Ahora mismo quiero sacar un producto (el principal de la tienda) en el que los usuarios tienen que facilitar cierta información, ya que por decirlo de alguna forma están comprando un carnet....
  16. Hi there, I am trying to add a customization field to all my products either programmatically in a module or by direct manipulation and update of the database tables. I have tried updating the ps_customization_field, ps_customization_field_lang and ps_product tables, to reflect DB changes...
  17. Hi I have a product inquiry form that I have hook on product page and php mail handler in the server. Its working fine for me sending email to my shop email and customer for confirmation of inquiry. It send Name, Phone, Email, Massage and Page URL which has product id. Now I need to improve it...
  18. Hallo zusammen Ich habe für einen Kundenshop (PS folgende Problematik, welche ich lösen muss/sollte. Der Shop hat 3 Kundengruppen, zwei davon sind B2B und die andere Privatkunden. Zuerst wäre es gut, wenn ich zwei Registrationsformulare hätte, da sich Firmen und Private in den Regis...
  19. Dear everyone, thank you in advance for anyone who could help me. The positions of the modules no longer work - both on the dedicated page (Forms and Services / Positions -> Engage a form) where on "Transfer to" a red symbol of "prohibition as if it were not clickable" appears - both in...
  20. I have checked online for a solution to pass my values for the checkbox **`"select all"`**. I have multiple forms in a page. So I will need to separate passing the values based on specific forms. jQuery: $(document).ready(function() { $(".select-all").change(function () { $(this).siblings...
  21. Hello everyone, I'm very much new to prestashop but still managed to add a tab in the menu items by creating a new module. Now i need to create a form that contains some input fields and button just like a sign up page after clicking on the tab(CRUD Model) that i created. please have a look at t...
  22. HI there I am trying to change the "required" option on my one page checkout form fields in Presta Shop I think I have found the file in which to do so? "order-opc-new-account.tpl" - in my themes folder. _ I have removed the asterisk (*) from the field labels, "First Name" and "...
  23. Hello, I need a help with two things (using prestashop 1.6): 1. How to make work the tweak of making extnded tinymce editor in 1.6 version allowing putting code into cms pages (related link source: http://mypresta.eu/en/art/know-how/tinymce-editor-full-options-all-html-tags.html) Is there a...
  24. Hi everyone, I've been trying to make the field company NOT mandatory when a user is creating his account. I checked several solutions such as go to my admin panel and then Clients>Address and then setting the mandatory fields. That's not working since if I check company field it does appear in...
  25. I'm almost finished designing a new module for editing Prestashop & have hit a hurdle. The Helper form class expressly states: $this->context->controller->addJS(_PS_JS_DIR_.'tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js'); $this->context->controller->addJ...
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