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  1. I develop a module using Twig for Prestashop 1.7 and 8. I have a form and I would like to use the ImagePreviewType (https://devdocs.prestashop-project.org/8/development/components/form/types-reference/image-preview-type/) But I use this field Type in my module, it just displays a hidden fi...
  2. Custom Field Registration Module It is must for the online businesses to develop a strong relationship with the prospective buyers. By collecting more information regarding your customers you can communicate more effectively with the customers and share the information about what actually they...
  3. Hello, I have a module where I have a form with which I can choose a category. Is it possible to have multiple categories selected ? Like, if I choose a subcategory, parents categories will be automatically checked too. Currently, I can only choose one category from the Categor...
  4. Bonjour, Sous Presta Je souhaite afficher le formulaire de contact dans une page catégorie : plus précisément dans category-header.tpl J'ai trouvé ceci à intégré directement dans un tpl : {widget name="contactform"} Le formulaire apparaît bien, sauf que ça ne fonctionn...
  5. Hi, I have a Prestashop with multistore feature active. Both shops are different and I need custom registration for each of them. Each registration page will contain different form fields, so simple HTML/CSS would not work here, as the POST data need to be stored somewhere via cont...
  6. Hi everyone, I don't know if it's the right category to ask this but I have a problem. When a visitor wants to register as a guest, I have this error message and i can't go any further while I'm still getting registered in the database. I have no idea where this can come from....
  7. Hi again community. I managed to make my own custom field for the checkout form, specially to the section Delivery Address. I did this: 1 - I added my custom field to the DB into the Address table. 2 - I modified the CustomerFormatterAddress file to display my custom field:...
  8. Καλησπέρα. Γνωρίζει κάποιος αν μπορώ να προσθέσω στις διευθύνσεις (λογαριασμός μου) ένα επιπλέον dropdown με τα zones και απο εκεί αναλόγως να φιλτράρει τα states που αντιστοιχούν? Έχουν δημιουργηθεί κάποια extra states για περιοχές της Αττικής λόγω μεταφορικών. Ευχαριστ...
  9. I am developing a module for prestashop 1.7 and trying to make an ajax request from the form of my page to backend, it does not really matter for me if it would be to the main php file of the module or a controller of this page. Just I cant get it done whatever I am trying. I have tried methods...
  10. Hi everyone, I am trying to create a file type field in the registration form of my prestashop. I have already created the field and I can attach a pdf, the problem I have is that I cannot save this file on the server, and in the database the name of the file is saved, but not the p...
  11. Hi. I just want to add new field in registration form. That field will be filled with phone or mobile phone number. I'm using Prestashop Can I apply this simply for guest and user? Is it possible through module? Thanks for replies.
  12. Hello, I need to configure somehow that if the customer is from the Canary Islands, Ceuta or Melilla, does not have available a shipping method as such, but that appears an option to "Check conditions" in the list of shipping methods and works through a contact form and does not have to pay....
  13. Hello to everyone, we added a new required field in address, this is filled in by new customers but not by those already registered. There is a way for force old customer to recompile address in order to add the missing field as well? Or if it is not possible, can the checkout be open...
  14. Hello community! I hope you are all well! I need your help for a little problem that I can't get through! In the contact form you can choose between Webmaster or Customer Service (which is differents e-mails) before an email is sent. I set an email for Customer Service, but we are 2 (s...
  15. I would like to add my own form on the homepage in PrestaShop 1.7. I add form fields in the tpl file displayed on the home page (e.g. in .tpl some module from home page). I would like to send it now with some simple php script, but it doesn't send anything to the email. How to do it? Add p...
  16. Hello people, I have a module that allows to issue different types of documents integrating with another platform. In the installation of the module I create some tables and when configuring the module I save the configuration in these tables. One of those fields is the type of document to iss...
  17. Hello all I'd like to disable the upload feature in the contact form so that no files can be uploaded when they send the form. Thanks!
  18. Bonjour à tous, Merci par avance pour votre aide. Je cherche a enregistrer dans une base de donné les valeurs de mon formulaire qui est and un "hookDisplayAdminProductsExtra" public function install() { $sql= "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `"._DB_PREFIX_."MyParam`(`ID_Produit...
  19. Hola a todos, espero contar con su ayuda para resolver: Estoy buscando la manera de que el cliente pueda seleccionar la zona asociada a su pais en el formulario de envio, para que luego puedan seleccionar la provincias asociada a la zona que seleccionaron. Ejemplo: Tengo Pais Chile,...
  20. Hola a todos, espero contar con su ayuda para resolver: Estoy buscando la manera de que el cliente pueda seleccionar la zona asociada a su pais, para que luego puedan seleccionar la provincias asociada a la zona que seleccionaron. Ejemplo: Tengo Pais Chile, este pais tiene 50 provinc...
  21. Bonjour à tous, Je reprends un site prestashop et je souhaiterai mettre un default value sur un button radio ( titre civilité présent dans le formulaire checkout ). Version prestashop : Thème : Warehouse Je pense que cela se trouve dans le fichier form-fields.tpl d...
  22. Hi, I'm sorry if there is a problem but to make this query I will use the google translator quickly. I want to update the name of a field with a module. To be more specific: Chile is divided by Regions and communes, not by states and I want that when installing a module, it updates the labe...
  23. Hola chicos ¿saben donde puedo encontrar el archivo tpl para editar esta parte? Bueno en sí quiero editar el input que lleva los precios ya que quiero que sean campos requeridos al igual que el nombre, pero no he logrado encontrar el tpl, espero puedan ayudarme, gracias
  24. Hola, tengo un sitio web, el cual tiene b2b & b2c,los cuales ambos tiene el mismo formulario, debido a que esto puede ser confuso tanto para clientes detalle como mayorista, he decidido agregar un botón de "empresas" y quisiera que esté pudiera rellenar en una página CMS el formulario de registro, c...
  25. Greetings to all, I've run into a bug in the administration panel, while editting an address of a registered customer. The customer had already placed an order before using the guest checkout, so his email was already used in an address to connect the address to a "Guest" user group account. Af...
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