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  1. Hi all, I activated recently a 3rd language in my prestashop (latest version of the 1.7 series). And I found out the when I switch to this new language, and try to see a product page of products which have been create before the new language activation, it is giving me a 404 sorry page....
  2. Bonjour à tous, Je viens de rajouter une troisième langue à mon Prestashop. Et le problème que j´ai est que les pages des produits qui ont été crées avant l'ajout de cette nouvelle langue m' affichent un "produit non trouvé". Les produits ajoutés après l' ajout de cette nouvelle langue ne so...
  3. Hi all, I have a problem that started more or less recently with my shop www.staring.es Customers using Firefox based browsers on all OS platforms (Firefox stable, nightly, Tor browser, OSX, Windows, Linux) cannot buy. If they add a product to the cart, and start the checkout process, at some...
  4. Bonjour à tous, Je cherche à modifier ma page produit afin d'obtenir le rendu visuel suivant : Une succession d'information sur la colonne gauche (Image / Description / Module Produits Identiques....) en position: relative pour qu'ils suivent normallement le scroll de la souris. Sur...
  5. Sorry for my english, the customer is pressing. Thank you. Gentlemen, I need it is still much simpler. My store has as main currency or US $, and it is the same, can not change, but I would like it independent of anything and not enter the frontend that the user can see in R $ .......
  6. Czy znacie jakiś moduł (presta 1.6.), który pozwoli mi odpalać na górze strony wąski sticky header z promocjami, info o jakimś rabacie etc?, coś takiego: https://scr.hu/2B72VJ
  7. Hi, Does anyone know of a module compatible with prestashop that will allow me to customize the quantities of a certain product that a customer can buy, so that for example they can only buy the quantities: 5, 10, 15.. etc. units? Thanks, Ollie
  8. As you can see at the attachment, the "box" which is the product placed inside is not at the same size It depends on the length of the product name, any idea to make it come in the same shape regardless of the product's name length Thanks
  9. Me gustaría saber si se puede dejar el menu principal (no la cabecera entera) siempre visible en la parte superior para que cuando bajes la pagina no se pierda y se quede ajustado en la parte superior. Un ejemplo: http://pavodemo.com/prestabrain/gentshop/d/index.php Muchas gracias
  10. How to properly fixe the header on top of page? I tried to change the position everywhere, in the header.tpl, in css... but each time i have a problem with the margin (attached pic) Thank you
  11. Hi, what about something like this fixed banners on left and right side that change when we reload the page? Is there a module for this or some code? Thanks http://www.pcdiga.com/index.php
  12. Buenas, mi cliente quiere una lista de deseos como si fuera un carrito de la compra. He estado jugando un poco con los hooks, pero no consigo que se muestre el wishlist/lista de deseos en la página principal, ni mucho menos en el top junto al carrito que es donde me gustaría. ¿Alguna pista? Gracia...
  13. Hi, my customer wants the wishlist to be displayed like the shopping cart (at the top of the web/header). Like in this web: http://www.modcloth.com/ I have been testing with hooks, but it doesn't appear. The only place where it appears is inside the client area. Any tip? Thanks in advance.
  14. Hello, We have build a module which is used by some client. After some days there need to add a table for multishop. But they already manipulate the data. So it is not possible to reset the module and recreate the table as in that case old data will lose. I saw many people add there modu...
  15. Hi there! I have a "little" issue using PrestaShop, ie. we sell businesscards and other printed matters. There is a startup cost of 12€ for one of these orders, and a unit price of lets say 0,025 Eurocent, so 100 businesscards cost 14,5€, 200 cost 17€, 400 cost 22€ and so on. This could be done...
  16. Bonjour à tous, Tout est dans le titre... site prestashop 1.5.4 : http://tempo.printingandco.com/index.php?id_product=72&controller=product Theme : default modifié On peut constater que le block .content_prices à été modifié par mes soins et contient total commande, devis, détail produi...
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