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  1. Transmit trust to users by showing real comments from your customers about the service offered by your store. Supported PrestaShop versions: 1.6.X & 1.7.X Demo: https://demo.presteamshop.com/ifb/ More info: https://www.presteamshop.com/en/prestashop-modules/ifeedback.html Cus...
  2. Buenas noches tod@s. Os dejo una web en prestashop para que me deis vuestro Feedback como usuarios para mejorarla. Web Prestashop -> https://likeinformatica.es/tienda/es/ Web Wordpress -> https://likeinformatica.es/ Gracias.
  3. Bonjour, J'ai un site qui tourne depuis 2013 sur Prestashop, d'abord via un mutualisé OVH puis une VPS OVH. Aujourd'hui on a pas mal de module qui tourne dessus pour des synchro avec des marketplaces (Ebay, Amazon...) et aussi un système caisse pour boutique physique (Sora Caisse). J'aimer...
  4. Buongiorno, sto cercando un modulo che permetta ai clienti di esprimere il proprio giudizio non solo sui prodotti acquistati ma anche sui servizi connessi all'acquisto (es. customer service, facilità d'uso del sito, imballaggio, tempistiche di consegna, ecc.). Qualcuno saprebbe consigliarm...
  5. Advanced Customer FEEDBACK Collect Vital Information The most complete Feedback module that allows you to engage your visitors and captures their Feedback along with contact details. Turn your store into a lead generation powerhouse, build stronger customer relationships and increase conversion...
  6. Ciao a tutti vorrei chiedervi gentilemente un feedback sul mio negozio. Fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate graficamente ma sopratutto se la scheda prodotto è abbastanza intuitiva http://www.poufsacco.it/
  7. Hi, I would like to get some feedback from e-commerce managers/owners concerning a new kind of free service we have developed in my current company. The service is called QRness and is available here : https://www.qrness.com/ Basically, it allows e-commerces to have a QRcode automatic...
  8. Hi, I am using a feedback module that sends an email to customers asking them to write a review about us. A variable called {url_ifb} is used by the module in his email template to generate the URL for each customer so customer data is attached to each review. I would like to use an image with...
  9. Hello everyone, Since yesterday I try to embed on the header of my website the reviews from customers we've got on Google My Business. After a long time of research, I think I found the right code but I actually don't know where to place it, I've tried some solutions but even if I clear cache,...
  10. Aggiornamento 4 marzo 2012 è disponibile la nuova versione del modulo per i feedback dei clienti: feedback ver4.1 (attenzione: questa versione è solo per le 1.4.x e non è compatibile con le versioni precedenti) Queste le principali features aggiuntive : * paginazione in Front Office...
  11. Hello, I recently switched to Prestashop from Zencart. Here is my new store - www.tsnjewelry.com Any feedback will be appreciated!
  12. I find a custom module in git hub . https://github.com/Web-Wave/ww-custom-module-prestashop what you think about this module. I upload it but i not find this in module list. Please help and give your valuable feed back about this ,module. Thanks
  13. Buongiorno a tutti, avrei bisogno di un aiuto: sto cercando un modulo per recensioni ai prodotti e al servizio in generale. La mia versione di prestashop è la Ho provato ad utilizzare 'recensioni verificate' che è un modulo molto ben strutturato ma ha un costo che ritengo eccessiv...
  14. Hello, I'm looking for a module for a floating feedback-button like it can be found on many websites. Example: http://www.alexpeattie.com/projects/feedback_button/ Any hints? Thanks.
  15. Hi, I just finished our site after months of hard work ( photos, core modifications, custom projects, etc. ). It is fully integrated with wordpress ( installed on a sub page /meet-casanova1948 ) I spent a lot of time to create all custom products to give our customer the ability to fully confi...
  16. Module: Ifeedback Categoria: Aplicaciones Front Office Descripción: Inspire confianza en las nuevas visitas de su portal de compras, mostrando la puntuación y comentarios de las personas que compraron satisfactoriamente en su tienda PrestaShop. Dispondrá de todos los comentarios realizados a su e...
  17. I would very much appreciate some feedback on my store where I sell books and older issues of a magazine I am working with. Some features that might interest other shop owners and theme builders: - Collapsable sidebar (responsive) - Fixed breadcrumbs The site is in swedish. I have bee...
  18. This is a solicitation for feedback on my new site located here. Theme is modified bootstrap. I have no education in website design, construction, programming, or SEO. Most of my work has been via trial and error method. Thank you
  19. When I test my site, I get to the checkout and try to get the shipping to be correct (under $10) like it should be, but once I tell it to refresh the carrier, I get told there's no carrier available for my order. What is this, and why does it keep happening? Everything is set up the way the US...
  20. Good Day: I would appreciate any feedback on www.silkplantscanada.com which is the main site under the ps multistore function selling artificial plants, trees, palms ivies, etc.. To date I am using the default template as it has been a long journey just to have this one working as we...
  21. Hi, We have a new shop, www.puntosex.es that is a sexshop selling to Spain. We know it's a little slow at loading, but the template doesn't seem to work with any of the ccc on. Is it worth it to get a new theme? What would you do? Also, even after adding to google webmaster, if we search for "se...
  22. Hi, I just developed my first prestashop website. It was designed for a medium-sized company that sells car accessories. It would be cool to get some feedback from you. URL: http://accesoriosazteca.com/
  23. Hello We wish to change the page title here: http://www.vente2site.fr/modules/feedback/viewfeedback.php We have searched in vain where we could do this in code. we wish to add this title: <title>Témoignages de cédants ayant vendu leur site Internet, leur e-business ou leur start-up</tit...
  24. EDITADO: Tenía un error en el módulo de feedback en la página feedbackview, que se debía a que no es compatible con la versión de php 5.4, por lo que la solución fue cambiar a php 5.3 ¿Cómo se tendría que escribir esta línea de código para que no de un fatal error en php 5.4 y 5.5? (me inte...
  25. Hello iv just opened my store Devineattractions.co.uk and im just wondering if any one has a spare minute just to flick threw and see if your able to place an order (you dont have to purchase anything) make sure paypal links working etc. any feed back would be much appreciated also. thanks guys.
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