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  1. When I click on Add a feature button, below an error comes. Above is beofre clicking and below is after clicking. Due to this I am not able to add any new features to a product. I am able to see this error in all products (10k plus)
  2. Hello folks I have in my store products with feature. I want this feature to appear right under the "SKU" field, in the shopping cart summary. I've been checking the forum but I can't find a solution to my question. I attach a picture to make it easier to understand. I hope anybody can help...
  3. I need to set a Feature without value. The reason for that is that I use the features to display flags in product-flags.tpl (like this) {foreach from=$product.features item=vlastnost} <li class="product-flag fl-{$vlastnost.id_feature}">{$vlastnost.name}</li> {/foreach} and the feature name is...
  4. Hello all I'd like to disable the upload feature in the contact form so that no files can be uploaded when they send the form. Thanks!
  5. Bonjour à tous, je suis passée à Prestashop depuis quelque semaine (j'étais sur Prestashop 1.6.18). J'ai un souci sur la page admin du produit, en particulier sur la possibilité d'ajouter/modifier une caractéristique. En fait, le formulaire ne reconstruit pas la bonne structure Feature/Fe...
  6. Module Display Related Products by combination and combination features offers you to associate or link the related products to combinations of combinations products also allows you to add features to a combination. Module Display related Products by combination and combination features it is a...
  7. Hello devs, How to add custom (not-predefined) product feature to feature group in already existing product? For example I have: Product = Pretty furniture; and Feature group = Furniture material How to add to this Furniture material group custom value like "asdasdasd" in PHP? I...
  8. Hi, I am suddenly getting the following error: The controller search is missing or invalid. This error is given when I go to attributes and features and [press save after making a new attribute or feature and even when I go into an already made one and press save. This error also is given...
  9. Bonjour, suite à un changement de thème, mes feature ( caractéristique ) ne s'affichent pas? Il s'affiche lorsque je mets le thème classique. J'ai essayé en mode debug, sans succès. Prestashop: Thème : Zone-supermarket Mon site : www.boxcoquine.fr Merci d'avance...
  10. hi, Display all products with feature value = "X" only to one customer group . Example: -customer group A can only see products without id_feature_value=X and display it on product-list.tpl - customer group B only see products with id_feature_value=X and display it on product-lis...
  11. Hello, Sometimes a product is yellow, sometimes it is optional yellow (or red, green, ...). They both exists and must be found in the search results together if I need a yellow product. If I want to organize a search filter, I would like to create a search option by colour that will show all...
  12. Hello. I need help to save html tags in features section of the create/edit product page. I have changed TYPE_HTML and isCleanHTML in classes/FeatureValue.php, but the validation still ignores html tags. Ex. 'value' => array('type' => self::TYPE_HTML, 'lang' => true, 'validate' => 'is...
  13. Descrição O Ajax Live Search Product ajuda os clientes a economizar tempo na pesquisa do produto desejado, encontrar resultados significativamente mais rápidos. Nosso módulo de pesquisa ajax aprimorará o frontend da loja com novos recursos excelentes. A configuração de pesquisa de preenchimento...
  14. Bonjour, Je débute sur l'utilisation de prestashop et je suis confronté à un léger souci dans la mise en place de ma page d'accueil. Je souhaite en effet mettre en avant sur cette dernière, un système de produits phares pour deux catégories de produits distincts. Par exemple: p...
  15. Otro modulo que con opciones que no están incluidas en la base del Prestashop 1.6 y tampoco en la version 1.7, el mostrar una barra de progreso dependiendo el valor de una característica, ademas este modulo pueden añadirse todas las barras que queramos por cada producto de nuestra tienda. Engli...
  16. Buenos días. Me gustaría ubicar una serie de valores de caracteísticas en una zona determinada de la página de producto, para hacer una tabla con datos. Tal y como muestro en la imagen adjunta, esto lo he realizado en la versión 1.6 con el siguiente código: {foreach from=$features item...
  17. Hi, I try to figure out to display or check features in cart (Prestashop 1.7.3). But $feature.value in code below works in all product views, but not in cart: This works fine in product.tpl, product-listgrid.tpl a.s.o. {foreach from=$product.features item=feature} {if $feature.va...
  18. Hello everyone, I have long been searching in google and the Presta forum for a SQL query of the Product URL for a CSV export. I'm not fit in SQL queries and spellings. Maybe someone can help me. In the back office the product URL is deffiniert from me. {category:/}{rewrite}{-:ean13}-{...
  19. Hi, I would like to set the type of feature for product - as it is for attribute (color...). I was looking for some module / extension for Prestashop, but I failed. Did someone hear about this kind of extension? Thanks for answering, Darek
  20. Hi, I have a category "Books" and I was wanting to be able to let customers filter the entire listing by topic. (a bit like only showing dresses in red) I thought I would be able to use feature to do this but despite putting a feature in it is not showing when I preview the product....
  21. Bonjour, J'ai 3 "rubriques" dans les caractéristiques qui ont chacune leur n° de position et leur flèche Drag&Drop. Par contre, toutes les valeurs de ces rubriques ont perdu leur flèche Drag&Drop et sont pré-affichées à 1 sans que ce champ soit modifiable (voir pièce jointe) J'ai regardé ma BD...
  22. Hi!! I would like to show choosen features on product-list.tpl I want to show it on line 120 of product-list.tpl For instance if free shiping or not with an image. Here is part of product.tpl code that works on my web: <td>{if $feature.id_feature==32} {if $feature.value=='Free Shipping'}{html_im...
  23. I often import product data from csv files into PrestaShop, and I've noticed a slight problem. If the spreadsheet software formats the price of each product as a currency, when I export it to a csv and import it into my shop, PrestaShop can't process the price and it ends up as $0.00. Is there any...
  24. I am able to display my custom field in Feature Value Add/Edit form by overriding AdminFeaturesController and overriding initFormFeatureValue() function. I want to do the same for Feature Add/Edit form but cannot find function to override. I tried renderForm() function but didn't work. Which file/cl...
  25. whenever i click the item, the paypal button and wishlist button is mixed together, how can i solve this?
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