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  1. I was installing a module for printful onto my website. As soon as I upload it, I received a fatal error and now I can’t access anymore my module page. Im using the 1.6.1. Version of Prestashop. I’m also using prestashop from a hosted website
  2. Merhaba, Hosttaki Apache serverde Prestashop 1.4.4 versiyonunu kullanıyorum. Import sekmesinde .CSV dosyayı yüklerken, Dosyanın dilini seçiniz (yerel olan yüklenmelidir): Tükçe (English seçince sorun olmuyor) olarak seçtikten sonra bir sonraki ekranda “CSV verileri içeri aktar” sayfasının alt kı...
  3. Hi to all, need help. I get mesage when I get to modules : [PrestaShop] Fatal error in module file :/home/piensosn/public_html/modules/autoupgrade/upgrade/install-4.9.0.php: Call to private method Autoupgrade::registerHookAndSetToTop() from context '' Can anybody help ,thank you
  4. Hi Would appreciate any help support for a fatal error message It is a fresh new istall PrestaShop version, have not loaded any modules for last 2 days, and the last module installed was PayPal all appears to be working fine in Admin I selected Modules and got the following error...
  5. Hi everybody, I just tryed to install prestashop I got this error : Fatal error: Class 'Smarty_Internal_Undefined' not found in /var/www/vhosts/kartal.in/httpdocs/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_extension_handler.php on line 164 Can you help m...
  6. Impossible dacceder à mes module depuis un mois. j'ai contacté prestashop et pas de réponse concrète. Dans mon back office quand je clique sur Module, j'obtient une page blanche avec le message suivant: [PrestaShop] Fatal error in module Translator:syntax error, unexpected 'class' (T_...
  7. Bonjour, Lorsque l'on essaye de s'inscrire sur mon site internet on obtient ce message d'erreur et l'inscription n'est pas prise en compte.. Pouvez vous m'aider à régler le problème ? Merci Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Access to undeclared static property: Va...
  8. Witam, niestety, po wielu próbach i sposobach, wciąż nie odnalazłem odpowiedzi na pytanie, dlaczego po przekierowaniu domeny "mojadomena.com/kontakt" wyskakuje błąd o takiej treści Fatal error: Class 'Contact' not found in /home/moje/domains/mojadomena.com/public_html/controllers/front/ContactContr...
  9. Hey Guys, Yesterday evening I made an update with "1-click-update" module from a well working PS to - Clients today reported white screen of the front page. Unfortunately I have not keep the error codes and immediately rolled back to from manually back-up files and datab...
  10. Hi, after updating from prestashop to prestahop this error occurred: Fatal error: Call to undefined method Category :: getCategoryParentById () in /home/ksportwhm/public_html/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php(157): eval () 'd code online 128 The e...
  11. Warning: rename(/tmp/class_index.phpF0NWE4,/home/vomisnet/www/vergami.com/app/cache/dev/class_index.php) [function.rename.php]: No such file or directory in /home/vomisnet/www/vergami.com/classes/PrestaShopAutoload.php on line 255 Warning: rename(/tmp/class_stub.phprdIOwl,/home/vomisnet/www/vergami...
  12. Ciao a tutti, mi capita che in alcuni casi , accedendo al mio sito da Google Chrome , venga fuori un messaggio di errore FATAL ERROR, e non si riesce piu' a collegarsi; provando da un'altro browser si accede, ma non posso permettere che I miei clienti , e qualcuno me l'ha segnalato, ricevano q...
  13. Hi, i have this error on fresh installation of Prestashop 1.6.3 version with base template: Fatal error: in /home/yoursite/public_html/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php on line 129 Please help me to solve this error. Thanks in advance for the support. S...
  14. Hi, my shop has just started acting weirdly. When I type something into the search bar, it gives me "fatal error" message. If i try to open this category page http://napilu.cz/12-motorove-pily , it's tottaly broken. Any suggestions about the solution? I have no idea what to do with it to be...
  15. Hi, I'm new to prestashop. Just created for education practices. I'm using because of security issues from the host server. I've removed the default user as recommended then I got this error. I'm not sure what I have to do. Please help me Fatal error: Class 'Controller' not found cl...
  16. Hola, hace un tiempo que estoy trabajando en mi nueva web. Pero llevo unos días que cada vez que haga click en cualquier enlace (del menu superior principalmente) me lanza el siguiente error. Después de darle otra vez a f5 entra bien. MENSAJE DE ERROR: La verdad es que estoy bastante per...
  17. I updated my shop from 1.5.6 to 1.6.1 and everything goes almost fine, but I got some problems at the backoffice: I got warning on the memory limit (but 1.5.6 was fine) and my host is not so happy to increase the memory_limit, so I'm trying to release some pressure on the back office. I deleted...
  18. Hi! We have a shop set up on and Price Rules is not functioning as it should anymore. We don't know what caused the issue but it might be because of some sloppy programming that was implemented by one of the previously assigned programmers who fixed bugs on the website. problems with Price...
  19. Alguem pode me ajudar com esse erro? Aconteceu depois de instalar um novo tema. Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'SmartyCompilerException' with message 'Syntax Error in template "/hermes/bosoraweb022/b1553/ipg.technoworldconz/shop/themes/PRS010016/modules/blockcart/blockcart.tpl" on line 330 "{ad...
  20. Hi, I just tried to change a theme image/banner via Themeconfigurator(V.1.1.7) in PrestaShop ( However for the first time I get this error: [PrestaShop] Fatal error in module themeconfigurator: Call to undefined method Tools::purifyHTML() Doesn't matter if I try to edit, or add a new ite...
  21. Bonjour, Je veux classer mes produits par groupe. J'ai fait un override de ma classe Category pour lui ajouter la fonction getGroupe(). public function getGroupe(&$groupe) { // Requête SQL $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT groupeprod FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_lang` ORDER BY groupeprod ASC;'; $...
  22. Bonjour, Je travaille en ce moment, enfin, j'essaie ... Je dois effectuer la refonte du graphisme et de la structure d'un site déjà en ligne. Il est actuellement en 1.4.7. Je travaille en local sous EasyPhP. Seulement voilà, j'ai pour mission de le mettre à jour. J'ai tenté la mise à jour ma...
  23. Столкнулся вот с такой странностью: с какого-то момента на странице категории стала появляться белая страница с надписью "Fatal error". НО! Это происходит только в браузере Google Chrome. В том же Fire Fox всё нормально. По ощущениям зависимость от кол-ва товаров (их более 400 в категории). В други...
  24. Hi guys, Thank you by attend me. I need to fix this trouble, when I install with theme installator in my prestashop, the theme, my store is all in white, i can´t see anything. This is the error message that I achieve; Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'SmartyCompilerException'...
  25. Bonjour à tous Je ne peux m’empêcher d’ouvrir ce sujet, je pense déjà mis en avant pour Quadra Informatique, mais je suis obligé de poster notre problème So colissimo Fatal error. Apres avoir installé et configuré le module nat...
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