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  1. Hi to everyone, i'm using PS version 8.1.5 and i'm using Faceted search module (version 4.0.0) but on Google search console i have a lot of issues about link. I noticed crawlers are scanning all filters i applied generating one link for each filter. You can imagine that i have thousands of useless l...
  2. Dear All I am very new to PrestaShop. I am currently evaluating it against other platforms as a replacement for our existing dated eCommerce platform. I have to say, I am very impressed so far. And it may be the solution. But I have hit a stumbling block..... it involves attributes/co...
  3. I have a product that is just a plain product, with a feature called 'Size' and a value of 'Small'. I have a product that is a shirt (for example), which comes in 'Small', 'Medium', 'Large', so they are a combination on the item. In faceted search, to be able to search on sizes, I have to...
  4. Hi, Everyone know how can i set always checked the available checkbox in the facet search filter? I have try edited the SearchProvider.php and much more script in the modules ps_facetedsearch directory but all change not work In short: When the user open the shop i need this ch...
  5. Hello friends, I would like to learn something from you if possible. The "Product Filter" (ps_facetedsearch module) module is running normally on my site. However, I can't filter in "Search Page" with ps_facetedsearch module. I opened the left column in Search Page and added the "Product Filter...
  6. There is a bug with the price range slider of the faceted search. I use the PrestaShop version 8.1 and the faceted search module version 3.13.1 but this bug is exists also for older versions of PrestaShop eg 1.7.x The problem is that if you try to filter items with discounted price it filters the...
  7. Bonjour a tous. Mon navigation a facette ne fonctionné pas. Donc je reinitialise, c'est toujours pareil....! Du coup, je me dis, je vais vider mon cache Smarty, pour etre sur d avoir le Front clean. Et là.. page blanche partout, BO et FO, avec ceci comme erreur Link to database cannot b...
  8. Hello, can anyone help me out.....I need to: 1/ Get sorting of the categories in the faceted search filter by ID. At this moment I assume the sorting is default by NAME. 2/ I need to set up the new category ID for some already existing categories. Should I rename the ID of existing ca...
  9. There is issue with facetedsearch category filter. If you have two categories with same name, products assigned to first will show up instead of selected one. Example: main category>boots>summer main category>hats>summer If you are inside category HATS and select category filter summer...
  10. Bonjour, PS / Alysum thème J'ai un problème avec le module de filtres de PS. Quand je clique sur un filtre, donc quand je change sa valeur, le filtre est bien pris en compte cependant il disparait de ma page tant que je ne la rafraichit pas. Avant changement de f...
  11. Bonjour, je viens vers vous au sujet de la navigation à facette. En effet dans mon back-office elle est crée, elle est bien rattachée à gauche de ma page (displayLeftColumn). J'ai vidé le cache plusieurs fois mais rien n'y fait elle ne s'affiche pas. Je pense vraiment que ça doit être dû à une erreu...
  12. Is there a way to make an attributes name to appear in the page meta title and in listing's header name, when filtered by that attribute? I'm talking about an option on the back-office, not by changing code (I've done this on the past and then I've serious issues when trying to update the shop 😅)....
  13. Bonjour, je suis sur une install Prestashop, suite à une mise à jour depuis Presta 1.6. J'ai un souci avec le module de navigation à facette auquel je n'ai pas trouvé de solution après des heures et des heures de recherche. J'ai configuré le module pour afficher le filtre par sous-cat...
  14. Hola, Tengo instalada la tienda en PS El módulo de búsqueda por facetas estaba instalado, configurado y funcionaba muy bien. Hace varios días instalé la actualización del módulo "ps_facetedsearch" de la 3.0.1 a la versión 3.0.2 Desde entonces la búsqueda por facetas no me...
  15. Hello, I recently migrated my store from localhost to cPanel. Everything was ok but a few modules don't allow the web to load correctly neither access to the module part of the backoffice. I ran the web in debug mode and saw which ones were giving the problems. Momentarily I changed the folders...
  16. Hello again, i couldn't find a solution other than buying a module. I'm using the faceted price slider but here is what it looks like: http://imgur.com/mGcABB2.png Not only it's not a slider but it's a big list of ranges which are not needed at all and also the price range does not include taxes as...
  17. Bonjour As t'on perdu la fonction glissière sur les prix et les poids dans la navigation à facettes pour la version 1.7 ? apparemment cela s'est transformé par des listes d'intervalles. Autre curiosité, le filtre ne s'affiche pas si les prix sont rapprochés de - de 5 € je n'ai pas encore fait de...
  18. Hi all Suddenly my faceted search is not working. I have tried to reset the module, but without any results. What to do? Please see the following; I have 4 different filters: Each connected to a category; and with different set...
  19. hi, Prestashop not showing all prices with faceted search enabled. All Products, categories, specials, attributes etc are all imported same way from as data only to db, so columns in db are all from 1.7.. Check for example here: https://vsezciny.cz/188-telefony...
  20. Bonjour, Je suis développeur et je débute sur Prestashop. Je rencontre une problématique à laquelle je n'ai pas encore trouvé la façon d'y répondre avec Prestashop. Je montes une boutique de joailleris qui possède un large catalogue de produit (>10k). Les bagues sont déclinées en mati...
  21. Hi, I hope this is the right place to post this question. I have a problem on the site www.zocas.es. When viewing the site on a desktop computer the price slider for the filter works just fine, but on mobile (and tablet) versions, it doesn't. It shows correctly but is static: cannot move the sl...
  22. Right now for all of our category pages I'm using 2 column layout, small left column and larger right column. The left column shows the Filters (faceted search). The only problem is, some categories just have no filters because those filters just don't apply to that category. So I'm wondering, is th...
  23. Hello! I'm having problems with Faceted search. If filtering is activated on the website by combinations (sizes) and selected the checkbox filter type in the settings, then everything just freezes the front end when you select any size of goods in filters. But if you select the Drop-down list filter...
  24. Salve, ho un problema più o meno noto che non riesco a risolvere, riguardo la visualizzazione dello slider del price range su determinate categorie. Nonostante nella configurazione del modulo "Faceted search" tutte le categorie siano state selezionate nel "FILTERS TEMPLATES", ed aver fatto più...
  25. Bonjour, J'ai récemment installé la dernière version de Prestashop. J'utilise le thème par défaut. Cependant le module Faceted Search (Navigation à facettes) pose problème : - Si je sélectionne "case à cocher" ou "puce" comme style de filtre (filter style) pour quelque filtre que ce soit,...
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