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  1. Simple Export module. More complete export from prestashop. This module allows you to export products in more detail. Almost all export parameters that are available when using standard import have been added. Feel free to contact for module modification. Download simpleexport.zi...
  2. Prestashop Hi. If I should look for a module that can help making an effortless price updating of existing products - which module would you recommend? I was thinking the tasks of: exporting existing products in Shop from a specific supplier (nice with editing the Que...
  3. Hi! I need to export products to CSV file from a shop to build a new shop with old products But I need to export everything: multiple images for one product, features, multiple categories, EAN etc... Is there any way to do it? I tried to override the AdminProductsController.php, but...
  4. Buenas! estoy buscando un modulo que me permita exportar en excel los siguientes datos: Cliente: nombre, apellido, email, telefono. Pedido: Si compro, o abandono carrito, Monto de la compra, Referencia del producto (SKU), nombre del producto, cantidad. Cualquier info me sirve, muchas gr...
  5. I exported products to .csv file, but, they haven't got description. How to export products with description?
  6. Hi,, anyone can help me with sql query? I have a query for export products with combination,, but I only get 1 images for 1 combination item. example if I have 1 products with 2 combination and 3 images in each combination,, this query only give me 2 images url. how can I get all images url? *sorr...
  7. Hello! I know that this topic was discussed many times, but I couldn't find answer even on second pages of google. I need to import data from old store( to new store( Data like categories, user accounts, and ofc. products. I'vh tried this module exportproducts: http://www.prestash...
  8. Bonjour, voici un module permettant de récupérer vos données via requetes SQL assez facilement. Le module contient quelques requetes SQL par défaut, vous pouvez les modifier, les supprimer, en ajouter sans limites. Les requêtes SQL peuvent utiliser ps_ (préfixe par défaut des tables, exemple...
  9. Bonjour à tous, J'aimerai pouvoir ajouter l'ID du client à mon export de commandes via le backoffice en modifiant la requête SQL. Voici ma requête actuelle (qui est celle de base de Prestashop sur le backend des commandes). SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS a.`id_order`, `reference`, `total_p...
  10. Hello, Im trying to transform the generated invoice- witch is pdf to be an excel file. I need this for faster import to other program. I know there are a lot of addons but they all export all orders and i need them to be separaded and exported order by order with specific filters. I have...
  11. dear community, we are looking for a module how can import/export all text content to make a translation of the site. I mean text like: product category cms mail Thanks to any reply. Balla
  12. Hello guys i have a question and you all might help me. I need in my store (prestashop add a button in my account menu (already done) in front (client-side) so when the client click in that button, my store will generate a csv file with all products with prices and son on... like t...
  13. I'm having trouble with the export function on the backend order page. I'd like to export all orders within a certain time period. But for some reason prestashop only allows me to export what is on page 1, while I want all 20 pages of orders that's within my search parameter. If anyone...
  14. One Click Upgrade + Update or Migrate PrestaShop to 1.7 Pro We present you the update PrestaShop module in 1 click: Upgrade your old version shop to the latest version of PrestaShop in one click with One Click Update or Migrate to 1.7 Pro. It's the best module to transfer your products, categ...
  15. Buenas a todos, primero agradecer a la gente que me responda. Me comunico por el foro, porque me he encontrado con un problema que necesito resolver de urgencia, y es que tengo que exportar los productos de una tienda en total 7500 productos mas o menos a un archivo csv o excel pero las propias...
  16. Ciao a tutta la comunità, sto cercando un modulo che possa esportare tutti i contenuti testuali per le traduzioni dei testi in altre lingue, avete suggerimenti riguardo prodotti he avete provato? Un saluto ciao e grazie per le eventuali risposte. Balla
  17. Buenos Días, Tengo un problema a la hora de exportar los datos que obtengo a través de una consulta SQL de mi base de datos. Resulta que cuando visualizo el contenido de la consulta en PrestaShop el contenido está correcto pero cuando lo exporto a un CSV el código de caracteres en el que se exp...
  18. Hello everyone, i'm new here We're checking PS features to decide if this will be part of our new ecommerce, and so far it looks very nice and complete, but we need an important functionality we didn't find in the back office . Let me explain better. Periodically, we send the details of our ord...
  19. Bonjour, Est-ce que quelqu'un saurait comment exporter les produits du catalogue avec leurs caractéristiques. J'ai besoin d'exporter tous les produits dans un fichier excel dont l'id de la caractéristique est égale à 15 J'arrive à extraire les éléments de cette caractéristique...
  20. Hello, is there a module to export the user profile permissions? If not exist and if i wanted to create a form to do it, is it possible to add a tab in the permissions page?
  21. Hi, what does mean the position 0 after the value in the import file? Thanks for any clarification. PC
  22. I want to export them with a mmodule and if its posible to automate it to send and email with the buy
  23. Ciao, ho scaricato il file csv delle combinazioni per effettuare dei test. combinations_import.csv combinations_import.csv Ho modificato il file in maniera da fare un test su di un prodotto esistente nella demo di PS. import with only reference.csv import with only reference.csv...
  24. Bonjour sur conseil de Ebay j'ai installé le module FastBay, il n'y a pas de notice... le module propose de télécharger un ficher .csv pour envoyer les produits, mais pas de template proposé ; et j'imaginais qu'il y avait un export direct par synchro de la base Presta au compte Ebay donc,...
  25. Bonjour, Je souhaite exporter les infos suivantes depuis le gestionnaire SQL de Prestashop : Email Téléphone Portable Prénom Nom Pays Code Postal Avec cette j'arrive à presque tout avoir, mais il me manque le tel (fixe ou mobile), le code postal et...
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