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  1. Bonjour, j'espère que vous allez bien. Je rencontre cette erreur(Fichier joint) dans mon backoffice(généralement en essayant d'accéder à la pages des commandes) PS PHP 7.4.33 Temps maximal d'exécution : 240 Quelqu'un saurait m'aider svp ? Merci d'avance
  2. Hello everyone, i need some help please. So i initially created a backup of my website to copy my site and create one test environnement etcc ... in another domain i had many error but finally it works but only in debug mode when i disable it it gives me a blank page with nothing, also when it...
  3. Dear Team, I have installed 'Prestashop' software on my website. Backend seems to be working fine, however while trying to access the frontend store I get the following error: Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'SmartyCompilerException' with message 'Syntax Error in template "/home/vhosts/solar...
  4. ¡Hola a todos! Veréis, tengo un problema al registrar un nuevo cliente desde mi Back Office de PrestaShop. Al rellenar todos los datos, me devuelve la siguiente excepción: Se ha producido un error inesperado. [PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Domain\Customer\Exception\CustomerException código 0]...
  5. Amigos muy buenas tardes, noches y días para otros. Me despiste en el intento siguiendo esta guia. Intente copiar mi Tienda a otro dominio, pero me doy, cargue, hice todo lo que sugieren los videos y tutoriales. El tema pasa porque las base de datos corren en el mismo hosting, cree una base de...
  6. Bonjour! Je suis nouveau sur prestashop alors je vais essayer faire de mon mieux pour être le plus clair possible. En modifiant l'ordre des modules de ma homepage, une erreur est apparue: J'ai donc désactivé un par un les modules jusqu'à que celui qui pose problème soit désa...
  7. hello i have a serious problem to access my front and back-end also due to ( back-end problem) (1/1) ServiceNotFoundException You have requested a non-existent service "prestashop.core.localization.locale.repository". in ContainerBuilder.php line 1053 at Contain...
  8. Greetings PS community, I'm a relatively new PHP dev with zero experience in Prestashop, I've only been using it for a week. With my project, I'm trying to add a few currencies, modifying the currency's displayName & symbol to something else in translations/cldr/main--en-US--currencies, then al...
  9. Buenas, Desde hace un par de días al cambiar el estado de un pedido de "Etiquetado de Correos" a "Enviado" salta el siguiente error en algunos pedidos, podéis ayudarme? http://shop.teamheretics.com/es/ versión Tema: at_onsport version 3.0.0, Diseñado por Leotheme Team...
  10. When I install a new theme the following error is displayed. Please help. Theme: label - https://addons.prestashop.com/pl/moda-obuwie-tematy/27689-label.html Prestashop Whoops, looks like something went wrong. 1/1 Exception in ModuleManager.php line 566: Moduł Array musi być najpier...
  11. Bonjour à tous, Je vous contacte car je ne parviens pas à comprendre mon problème. Lorsque j’active le debug mode, mes fiches produits ne sont plus accessibles : Une petite idée ? Merci d’avance !
  12. Ciao a tutti, sto riscontrando questo errore provando ad accedere al front-end del mio sito: www.stilprojectstore.com Il back-end funziona correttamente. Qualche idea su quale possa essere il problema? Ho già provato a far ricompilare la cache smarty ma non cambia nulla Grazie
  13. hi i think i have an issue with my database, we have had issues with the website for the last 2 months which are slowly getting resolved however once we fix one issue, another issue happens. i can no longer access the website, and getting the following error: any idea wh...
  14. Hallo. Ich bin noch am Einrichten des neuen Prestashop 1.7.3. Die Seite über uns habe ich in Deutsch fertiggestellt. Danach den Slider mit 3 Bildern und Texten in 4 Sprachen eingerichtet. Sah alles gut aus, es waren jedoch einige Texte vor hellem bzw. dunklem Bildhintergrund kaum lesbar. Des...
  15. Can anyone tell me what this means please. [PrestaShopException] Property FeatureValue->value is not valid at line 954 in file classes/ObjectModel.php 949. } 950. 951. $message = $this->validateField($field, $value, $id_lang); 952....
  16. Hi, i have 3 stores , but only 1 is giving me an exception after payment. the exception : RecursiveDirectoryIterator::__construct(/var/www/accountname/data/www/sitename/cache/smarty/cache/blockbestsellers/): failed to open dir: Permission denied in defines.ini cache is point to : de...
  17. I need to show a specific HTML content only for products made by a specific manufacturer. I have the module, but I don't know how to add the exception. I have found here a similar topic to add the exception for a specific CATEGORY: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/39745-solved-adding-cate...
  18. Buenas tardes, a ver si alguien me puede ayudar. Intente modificar unos datos de clientes porque venian en lenguaje ruso y en la factura correspondiente en vez del nombre salian ?????, y ahora me sale esto, tanto cuando intento entrar en los datos de la cliente en cuestion, como si quiero consultar...
  19. Hello! I need help. I recently installed the latest version of prestashop and everything went through fine however, when I went to my website I was getting a blank page. So I enabled debugging and now I'm getting a fatal error which reads: "Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'SmartyException' with...
  20. Hii Im trying to install the getresponse module, but when I finish installing I have this problem as you can see in the attach image. Also the Getresponse Tab does not work properly. Does Anyone know something about it? Thank you
  21. Hallo, ich nutze Prestashop Vers 1.6. Beim Aufrufen des Menupunktes Kunden->Warenkörbe im Backend bekam ich folgende Fehlermeldung: PrestaShopExeption Invalid address #143 at line 393 in file classes/Address.php (siehe Bild). Was kann ich tun und woher kommt das? Shop lief ohne Proble...
  22. I need help with a module (HtmlBox) I hooked to display in the page's header, under the horizontal menu. (see attached pic) It displays correctly, but doesn't show in the homepage and ironically shows in the pages I added as exception in the module position menu! I checked carefully the m...
  23. When i make a new order on my website, as a logged in user, in 1st step after i put my address for purchase, it keeps giving me this error: Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'SmartyCompilerException' with message 'Syntax Error in template "/var/www/vhosts/taxco.com.ve/httpdocs/themes/taxco/order-add...
  24. Bjr a tous, j'ai des dificultes a obtenir des infos sur mes clients cela vaut au niveau du front office comme du back office(administration). Apparemment prestashop n'arrive pas a se connecter a la table ps_wishlist, le plus bizar est que cette table est vide alors que j'ai des clients que j'avais...
  25. Dear all, We moved to new hoster. Site is up and running in test. PS V In test, we came accross 2 errors: 1) cannot add new product, 2) cannot add product to cart. Rest of the site is tested and O.K. Here is the error warning: http://screencast.com/t/cV9yWpFSrY0v Tip(s) want...
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