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Showing results for tags 'excel'.
Prestashop Hi. If I should look for a module that can help making an effortless price updating of existing products - which module would you recommend? I was thinking the tasks of: exporting existing products in Shop from a specific supplier (nice with editing the Que...
Hello, Im trying to transform the generated invoice- witch is pdf to be an excel file. I need this for faster import to other program. I know there are a lot of addons but they all export all orders and i need them to be separaded and exported order by order with specific filters. I have...
Ce module va vous permettre de créer un rapport comptable complet en toute simplicité et d'exploiter les résultats sur Excel via un fichier CSV. => Disponible sur <= 25% de remise en ce moment ! (bientôt disponible sur addons) Co...
- comptabilité
- compta
- (and 6 more)
Prestashop csv import products module is a useful tool which helps you add a huge number of products to your website by csv or excel file in the easiest and fastest way. You can create the csv/excel file manually or get it from your product supplier. There too much room for human error and way too t...
I want to export them with a mmodule and if its posible to automate it to send and email with the buy
- module
- free module
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Hi, I am using the "Product Catalog (CSV, Excel) Import" Module to import some items. After the import is done, I can see that even though on the excel file the images are inserted correctly for each combination, when I preview my item and select the second combination, the image does not chan...
- combinations
- image
- (and 7 more)
Hallo liebe Community, ich habe meinen neuen Shop immer noch nicht fertig. Gibt es jemanden, der sich so richtig mit CSV-Import auskennt und mir mal persönlichen Support leisten könnte?
- 19 replies
- openoffice calc
- excel
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Hi guys, I'm a new Presta user and moving from a customized solution. Here's an issue I can't solve and that's giving me lots of headache and lost time. By importing a full list of items from the same producer, all goes well, but not the import of the categories and subcategories by IDs f...
- 7 replies
- excel
- subcategory
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Buenas, tengo un excel .csv, de productos para importarlos con prestashop, pero algunos de los productos no están en mi prestashop, no quiero que agregue productos nuevos, solo que actualice el stock de los productos existentes que contiene mi prestashop. ¿como puedo hacer para que se...
Hi, I see a web site: There you have a search bar to seek and spare parts. It looks like the service seeks inside an excel or spreadsheet and show up an outcome if success (In this case an item with its value and ready to be...
Can you help me, I filled Excel file like this: Where: Мощность is Power 6000 BTU is value 1 is position 0 - customize When I try import this it return me error: Two columns can not have the same type. What I do wrong?
Hi Dears I many searched, but not found any solution... How can I import features for products from CSV? Each of my products have 3 features. I have tried creating 3 new columns, named as Feature: Year, another column named Feature: Size, another named Feature: Medium when i try to point them all to...
- 21 replies
Bonjour, J'aimerais importer des produits à l'aide de l'import CSV, cependant je rencontre des difficultés avec les caractéristiques des produits. En effet, dans la documentation il est indiqué qu'il est possible d'ajouter les caractéristiques suivant le modèle suivant Caractéristique (N...
- import csv
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Καλησπέρα, Υπάρχει ήδη μια σελίδα (eshop) η οποία περιέχει 3,000 προϊόντα και αποφασίσαμε να πάμε σε PrestaShop 1.6.x.x Το κύριο ερώτημα μου είναι αν μπορώ να εισάγω αυτά τα προϊόντα από αρχείο excel ο οποίο θα εμπεριέχει τα δεδομένα ύστερα από εξαγωγή της ήδη υπάρχουσας βάσης. Λοιπόν; Έχω...
Buongiorno, informiamo che la nostra azienda sviluppa moduli ad-hoc per il caricamento delle informazioni relative a categorie e prodotti tramite file esterni (come csv, xsl e xslx), molto utile nei casi di inserimento/aggiornamento di una grande quantità di prodotti e categorie. In base all...
- upload
- aggiornamento
(and 8 more)
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Hola chicos, a mi me pasa que cuando subo productos nuevos, los sube bien, sólo que la columna de cantidad no la coge. Y si posteriormente hago una excel con los ids respectivos y la columna cantidad, me desaparecen los productos del Admin. Y lo he probado con el botón de forzar Id's activado y desa...
Привет. У меня к вам вопрос, при добавлении cvs файла выходит ошибка т.е. нажимаю на next step и просто экран не выходит. файл он загружает в FTP. Добавляю скришоты с объяснениями. Спасибо заранее
- 1 reply
- adminpanel
- error
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Hola, en mi tienda prestashop voy a "productos" y pongo exportar y me exporta un CSV Lo descargo, lo abro con el excel, y modifico el precio unitario de algunso productos. Luego voy a productos y pongo importar, y me lleva a otra pantalla donde me dice que ponga cada columna con su nombre, sin emba...
- 2 replies
- excel
- prestashop
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Buenas tardes, Estaba buscando un modulo que me permita exportar los pedidos de los clientes de una fecha a otra, los totales y por clientes. No se si me explico? A ser posible gratuïto ya que si es de pago me plantearía crear un excel que tire de la base de datos para recoger lo que me interesa...