I am trying to install Prestashop in One.com. I have tried with versions and
After launching the installation, in the last step I get this error message at 67%:
1: HTTP 503 - error -
After looking it up on Internet without interesting results, I have contact with One.com support and they have told me to enable PHP error messages and Prestashop debugging. Then, I get this new error message at 12% of the installation:
1: Warning: set_time_limit(): Cannot set max execution time limit due to system policy
They have also told me to do this:
In file /classes/ConfigurationTest.php > search for the function public static function test_dir > add at the beginning of this function these lines:
if ($recursive)
return true;
I get the same time warning message, and another advisor has told me that One.com has a limit, so I need a PrestaShop version with a maximum execution time installation of 50 seconds.
Could you help me, please?