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  1. Hello! Since yesterday I haven't been able to delete a product or create combinations for it and today it completelyy broke my site. I'm not a tech person, so pls help! What do I do now?? From Log: "User Deprecated: Creating Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\UnderscoreNamingStrategy without makin...
  2. Hi everyone, I’m encountering a major issue with PrestaShop 8.2 where customer registration is extremely slow. The data is saved instantly in the database, but the page gets stuck in a loading loop and eventually returns a 500 timeout error after about 2 minutes. The issue happens consiste...
  3. Hallo iedereen, Ik gebruik prestashop Zodra ik in de backoffice naar klantenservice-->klantenservice ga dan blijft mijn hele winkel hangen en is hij tijdelijk onbereikbaar. Klantenservice-->Bestelling en retour doen het wel. Iemand een oplossing zonder herinstal prestashop
  4. Hello, I have been experiencing an issue with error 500 for a few weeks now, and unfortunately, the problem is getting worse. It started occurring two weeks after migrating to PrestaShop version 8 and adding new products to the store. Since these were similar products, I didn't hesitate to crea...
  5. Witam , od kilku tygodni pojawia mi się problem z errorem 500 z którym nijak nie mogę sobie poradzić- a problem niestety się nasila. Zacznę od tego, że problem zaczął pojawiać się dwa tygodnie po migracji na wersję 8 presty i dodawaniu kolejnych produktów do sklepu- jako że były to podobne pr...
  6. Добрый день! Нужна помощь специалистов и/или тех кто сталкивался с похожей проблемой. Версия Шаблон лицензионный leo quickmart (но покупали давно очень) Версия php 7.0* режим cgi При включении отображения ошибок в карточке товара получаем ошибки - залила на google диск, так к...
  7. Hi there, I'm using the version of Prestashop. Ok for my surprise (after many time without sales) I was visiting my website, The admin is working fine, catalog pages works fine... however, when I click in an banner ad, the link shows a http error 500, WHAT???.... ok I thought may b...
  8. Hello. I have a problem after transferring a site to my server with Debian, ispconfig and Apache. I don't remember the version of prestashop that was installed. I backed up the site with “Akeeba Solo Core” and restored it to my server with “Akeeba Kickstart”. In the /web/app/conf...
  9. Buenos dias! De la noche a la mañana funcionaba todo perfecto, iba descubriendo como agilizar la web, fluia todo y me levanto con TODA la web caida con error 500. A ver si me ayudan... este es el error en archivo error.log PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: array_key_exists(): Argument...
  10. Bonjour, je travaille sur la version Pour répondre à la demande des sociétés de livraison j'ai voulu rendre obligatoire le téléphone dans l'adresse de livraison sur ma boutique www.boutique.mari-et-femme.com. J'ai coché la case "phone_mobile" dans le menu > client/adresse/définir...
  11. Hi there I got this error and i am not sure how to resolve please help thanks, i am using prestashop Describe the bug Error 500 when I click on the invoice item in the backend menu. To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: in backend Click on invoice item menu:...
  12. Podczas składania zamówienia jako gość i wybierając płatność przelewem po kliknięciu potwierdzenia zamówienia po bardzo długim ładowaniu wyskakuje błąd 500 po odświeżeniu strony normalnie wyświetla się strona z potwierdzeniem zamówienia po włączeniu trybu debug wyświetla się takie coś: Fatal er...
  13. Hi, following a server transfer, everything works fine, but if I disable debug mode, this error appears and I can't investigate further because nothing is recorded in the log. But why does it appear only if debugging is disabled? It doesn't seem normal to me
  14. Hi everyone, I recently upgraded to Prestashop PHP 8.0, and my site URL is https://www.gr8-kitchenware.co.uk/ When attempting to checkout as a guest it takes me onto the checkout page and allows me to put my addresses and everything in, but as soon as I click proceed to payment the page...
  15. Hello there, From a day to the next, i got an error on my website Prestashop, Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '$html' (T_VARIABLE), expecting function (T_FUNCTION) in /home/bijougrasl/ideecad/classes/controller/FrontController.php on line 669 Here is the line 669...
  16. De verdad que siempre es lo mismo con prestashop, lo hacen mas complicado de lo que es, siempre que transfieres el host te comes un error 500. El caso es que ayer migre la copia de OVH a una VPS con PLESK, y no me funcionaba, llegue a la conclusión de la versión php8 no servía y al poner la 7.4 f...
  17. Hi everyone, I have tried to update a prestashop from 1.7.2 to 1.7.8 4 times. The first and the second time I did it using the module 1 click update and I had this error: Failed to start the session because headers have already been sent by "/homepages/16/d868063837/htdocs/publ...
  18. Hola a todos, acabo de actualizar el prestashop a la última versión pero me sale este error 500 y no me queda claro qué hacer
  19. So I first had issues with the checkout, there was a 500 server error thrown: [Wed Nov 03 18:14:52.942411 2021] [php7:error] [pid 238973] [client xx] PHP Fatal error: Access level to SaferpayCw_LayoutController::$page_name must be public (as in class ModuleFrontController) in /var/www/html/mys...
  20. ¡Hola! Después de seleccionar el campo de DNI como obligatorio para España dentro de Ubicaciones geográficas - Países - España, nuestros clientes ya registrados anteriormente en la web que no pusieron su DNI están teniendo problemas para hacer el pedido. Al pasar por caja, directamente aparece...
  21. Hi everyone; I recently updated my Prestashop version to 1.7.8. After the updrage, everything works well except for the fact that there is an error 500 (crbug/1173575, non-JS module files deprecated.) when a product is being clicked to load product details. I have tried several solutions t...
  22. The debug mode is widely used to see the errors on your shop and when: you get blank pages; you get 500 Internal Server Error; you have strage issues with your shop and don't know where to start; Edit: Debug mode on PrestaShop 8.0 PrestaShop Dashboard >...
  23. Hi, For those, who could encounter Internal server error 500 during the installation of PrestaShop 1.7.0.x A small solution, that was discovered recently on some hosting providers. When you try to install your Prestashop ver.1.7 you receive the 500 internal server error. If it is not connecte...
  24. Salve a tutti ho un problema con il mio è prestashop Quando l'utente conclude l'ordine anzichè uscire la pagina di conferma con eventuali dati per pagamento, il sito restituisce HTTP ERROR 500 quindi il cliente non sa se è riuscito a fare l'ordine, a me non arriva l'email di un n...
  25. Hi Im trying to get PrestaShop installed on server. But when I'm trying to access backend (admin) i see error 500 In PHP error logs i've got this: [06-Dec-2017 16:48:44 Europe/Warsaw] PHP Fatal error: Declaration of AdminDashboardControllerCore::setMedia() must be compatib...
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