I created a site with Prestashop
Everything was working well until I found out that it started to send a lot of emails from the webmaster email to the unknown email address '[email protected]', which is not in the client list.
I don't know what the emails content is, but I imagine it's some sort of spam.
I installed a captcha module. Then I disabled the emails by going to 'Advance Parameters' > 'E-mail' > 'Never send emails (may be useful for testing purposes)'. I even tried deactivating the email server from the hosting panel. None of the solutions worked.
I don't know how to stop the site from sending those emails.
Buongiorno a tutti,
da ieri sto ricevendo un po' di email spam in russo, da mail russe, tramite il form di contatti del sito prestashop.
C'è un modo per evitare di ricevere queste mail di spam ?