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  1. Hi everyone, As title says, sometimes adding to cart does nothing - not even a pop up window with confirmation of it opens up. I sometimes manage to test-buy something with newly created users, but after that order buying from that user doesn't work anymore. Can't buy anything with unregistered...
  2. Hi, does the Carrier module or the Advanced Shipping Cost module allow you to add shipping costs (for different countries) that are not based on product weight, but on the packaging method? Note* The packaging method is specified for each product. Thanks
  3. first of all sorry for my english i just did styling of my product page for prestashop 1.5 it looks OK but I would like to have "indivitudal product" that looks very different than all other products in my prestashop (different in css/positions of everything) i know there is possibility to s...
  4. Bonjour, Je cherche à afficher un breadcrumb (son background) différent selon que l'on se trouve sur la page home ou sur telle ou telle page CMS. Le header.tpl de mon thème contient la section: <header id="header" class="header-center"> <section class="header-contain...
  5. Hello everyone, I hope my question will not get ignored after all... but do you know guys how to change the rendered HTML/content according to the hook the modue or the template is attached to? I thought about something like this : {if hook=displayNav} {*HTML content*} {/if} {if hook=disp...
  6. Hello I was wondering if anybody could have any idea that can be of help. The problem is the following: When I put a name of a product then this name is automatically copied as the caption of the image of the product. i.e. image caption=product name As far as I understand it, the caption o...
  7. Hi everyone! I'd like to know if there is an easy way to have different images in a category that is shared in two stores (having the multistore feature active). So if I have two shops A and B, and a category C that is shared for those two shops, is there a way to have an image for the categ...
  8. Bonjour, J'ai un problème sur mon prestashop 1.6.2 j'ai activé le mode multi-boutique, donc j'ai 2 boutique maintenant. Mais je n'arrive pas à avoir 2 mises en page de facture différentes (header, footer et invoice). J'ai essayé de chercher une variable smarty qui pourrait à l'aide d'un...
  9. Hi there, Im using Prestashop Im not good coding, but working hard to learn Im trying to use a background for header in homepage and a different one for the rest of the pages. I've found a post talking about how to change for categories and I guess the solution could be similar but c...
  10. Hi all, I'm working on the Prestashop standard theme. I was wondering if it's possible to have a different background in each page of the website. I understand it's possible to modify the CSS to have specific colours in body/header/footer/etc. However ideally I would like to have something like:...
  11. I'm trying to find a way to allow a customer to pay us whatever price the customer chooses to type into a box. I guess a module would do it somehow, but I can't find anything that does this. Background: I have customers who must pay me different sums at irregular times, according to an invoice s...
  12. Hi guys, Hope someone can help! I added a new font to be used across the site. Which works on most pages, home and product pages. But some pages it reverts to the original font (times new roman, and comic sans). This seems to be on the https secure pages. Is the font-face call not...
  13. Bonjour, Après plusieurs tentatives et recherches sur internet je me résous à solliciter votre aide pour un problème qui me dépasse Le montant TTC indiqué dans le panier est différent de celui indiqué partout ailleurs (fiche produit, liste produits, produits phares). Exemple : J'ai appl...
  14. Hello, I have a problem with prices. In the backend everything seems to be correct, but when I go to the frontend, the catalog and product listings display the correct price (let's say 35€) but when going inside the product page to see more details, the price inside is 35.01€. And finally, when...
  15. Hi, Suppose I have a product .Let's say T-Shirt. For english language I want to show two color combination white and black but while user click on Russian I want to show same T-Shirt in red and blue color. Is it possible ? If no, what would be next idea ? Thanks for reading my issue and yo...
  16. Hi Prestas I have noticed a strange error i have on a shop. If customers buy 2 different products, from 2 different Categories. They will receive 2 different order mails, which contain a single product. As well in back-office there will be 2 orders under "order". But the orders have sa...
  17. Ciao a tutti ho un problema da risolvere . ho bisogno che quando si registrano con partita iva possano vedere i prezzi diversamente , prezzi da me fatti per vendere all'ingrosso. e chi si registra senza partita iva, veda i prezzi normali da me fatti. ora il punto e' se e' possibile fare una c...
  18. Hola!, tengo una nueva duda y problema: Necesito que existan H1 en cada categoria y que se muestre. Ahora mismo, mi prestashop hace mas o menos eso, pone un H1 con el nombre de la categoria. Pero lo que hace es que coje el nombre de la categoria en la pestaña de nueva/editar y lo pone en H1...
  19. Bonjour, J'utilise PS et j'ai comme thème, modshop. Gros point d'interrogation pour moi, dès que je me connecte ou que je m'inscris avec un profil test, mon affichage change radicalement ! Plus rien dans la top bar Plus rien dans le top-footer Plus rien dans le footer-primary Plus...
  20. Hello, I work for a little software company, and one of our customers asked us to create a multi-shop, with two different ordering processes (from the point where one clicks on the cart to the payment step). Is it possible or do I need to create two different stores? AFAIK, it seems to me...
  21. Hello, I just installed version 1.5.5 (upgraded from 1.3.X) My issue is that in version 1.3.X i could make an order with a shipping address to one person and the billing address to a different one (with Orlique module). In version 1.5.5, I don't need an extra module. The system allows me...
  22. Good night, I am setting up a site where I have the latest version of prestashop 1.5.6, and I need to perform transactions through SSL, but my insurance this site in another domain (virtually), and ex meusite.com.br meusite.websiteseguro.com all occurs normally but when I add a product to varinho a...
  23. Hi, Basically, I had a test order go through. Paid for the item (cost of 2 gbp plus postae of 6gp = 8). This went through fine and the money hit my paypal. When I went into back-office to observe the order, it said that the TOTAL AMOUNT SPENT SINCE REGISTRATION was 12.10 gbp. This is com...
  24. Hi there community, i got a question where google couldn´t help me so i decided to ask you. Can you tell me if it is possible to do different themes / layouts on different CMS Views / Pages. A theme per CMS view? I know that it is possible with categories and found instructions on ho...
  25. Good Day, I'm from Malaysia. In Malaysia we have West Malaysia (WM) and East Malaysia (EM). The same product but different price for WM and EM because of geographical/ different location. Example as below. Product A for WM is 10 MYR Product A for EM is 15 MYR The question is how can i...
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