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  1. Bonjour, N'ayant pas trouvé la réponse sur le forum, je me permets de poster un nouveau topic. Je souhaite intégrer le code ci dessous dans une description d'un produit que je vend sur ma boutique. Or quand je le rentre, cela ne fonctionne pas et m'indique " Le champ description (Français (Fren...
  2. Bonjour, J'ai un problème avec le formatage de texte description de fiche produit, après la mise la mise en place de description et validation. Je trouve un code , exemple : <!-- [if gte mso 9]> <w:LsdException L Merci pour votre aide J'utilise Prestashop
  3. Hola, En las páginas de categorías por defecto viene el texto de la descripción encima de los productos. ¿Es posible poner ese texto debajo de los productos? Utilizo la versión Gracias
  4. In certain situations it would be very helpful, if I could enter an extra text on my product attributes, that I can also hook/show on the product page, if that attribute is selected. An example: The customer chooses "silver" as a color for their poster. In this case, it is important for me to le...
  5. Witam serdecznie, pytałem już gdzie indziej, ale odpowiedź mi nie pomogła. Otóż borykam się z problemem przestawienia kolejności elementów w widoku kategorii. Domyślnie w szablonie default-bootstrap w Prestashop 1.6 wygląda to tak, że najpierw jest Tytuł kategorii, opis kategorii i produkty bądź pod...
  6. Capture the attention of your customers and supercharge sales with ChatGPT - the PrestaShop-tailored OpenAI Content Generator module! Reclaim your precious time and energy as our potent module effortlessly handles all the repetitive tasks on your behalf. Uncover the potential of the ChatGPT...
  7. I exported products to .csv file, but, they haven't got description. How to export products with description?
  8. Bonjour, Je souhaite rendre plus agréable mes descriptions produits (description produit courte et longue) avec des paragraphes des images etc., une belle mise en forme, mais je galère beaucoup il faut souvent ajouter du Css etc. l'éditeur de texte et succins, il existe un plugiciel pou...
  9. Hi, I have a problem that I cannot understand. According to Google, the field "brand" is missing, but I see that it is there. How can I fix this? The description field is empty. There is also a missing "review" field even though I have the module Revws - Prod...
  10. Bonjour, pourquoi est ce que cette règle CSS ne modifie pas la taille de la police du titre des produit sur les vignettes en FO ? .product-title {font-size:30px;} Ca augmente l'espace interligne sans modifier la taille des caractères..
  11. Kedves fórum tagok! Hosszas munka után elkészült egy több mint 100 oldalas, magyar nyelvű PrestaShop kezelési útmutató, amely elérhető az alábbi linken: https://presta.hu/content/6-prestashop-magyarul-nyelvu-dokumentacio A doksi teljesen ingyenes. Na jó, majdnem. - csak az e-mail címed kell me...
  12. I am trying to increase my content on category pages as we only have a small area at the top of our pages for the category description for around 70 words and would like to add a second description to the bottom of the pages which we can add 200 - 400 words. Any ideas how i could do this? Th...
  13. Hello, Can someone tell me how to change the length of product description? Here you have a print screen to see what is all about. Thanks
  14. [MODULE] Advanced Bulk/Batch optimization SEO Pro Overview For Categories, Products, Brands, Suppliers, Page categories, Pages a total of 6 items of Name, Description, Short description, Meta title, Meta description, Meta keywords, Image caption, Friendly URL for batch SEO optimization....
  15. Hello, I need some help. It is posible to use css (not only html) in full products descriptions? Now when I trying to insert css with html, only working html, but not css.
  16. Hi, all. I need a help of yours: I want to remove (or even shorten/hide) product description and add to cart button from related products section. In attached image you'll see the visual effect right now. 😱 I'm using Bizkick theme and PS Thanks in advance and all the best.
  17. [MODULE] Advanced Bulk/Batch Find And Replacement Pro Overview For Categories, Products, Brands, Suppliers, Page categories, Pages a total of 6 items of Name, Description, Short description, Meta title, Meta description, Meta keywords, Image caption , Friendly URL for batch find and replac...
  18. i want to add add to cart button in product description what to do product description didn't accept php or js code?
  19. Buenas @joseantgv y al resto de miembros del foro a ver si me podeis ayudar. Estoy intentando posicionar para las keywords "Ferretería Cerca" y "Ferretería Online" con La Home Page. He conseguido cambiar el Meta Titulo para Añadir estas Keywords en el Apartado del Back Office -> SEO y URLS...
  20. Hi! I'm creating a lot of content in my category pages (in the text editor of the BO of Prestashop) and in the texts that I mention keywords that match the other categories of products I have on my website Im adding a link to these categories. Today I have realised that prestashop Automati...
  21. Sé que puede ser algo muy básico pero ¿Me podrían decir como puedo configurar la descripción de mis categorías para varios idiomas? Sé como cambiar el título, ya que me aparece un botón para seleccionar el idioma. Tenía entendido que para la categoría debería ser igual, pero el botón...
  22. Dear Community, Our 🔥BrandNew🔥 Module "Show Me More" is now for Prestashop 1.7 available on Prestashop Addons. For some Products as you know there are endless long Descriptions. This Module shows the Short Product Description with a "Show More" Link... The long description only...
  23. Bonjour à tous, J'utilise prestashop 1.5.6 et j'utilise très souvent les descriptions de catégories et le fameux bouton "plus" qui permet d'afficher la suite du contenu. Cet ajout est super utile mais il y a un petit truc qui me gêne quand même... Le fait de ne pas pouvoir refermer l'espace d'a...
  24. Hi, I'm looking for displaying brand name, logo and description on my product.tpl page. I managed to display these information : <h2>About {$product_manufacturer->name}</h2> {if isset($manufacturer_image_url)} <img src="{$manufacturer_image_url}" class="img img-thumbnail manufacturer-lo...
  25. Hi I am making a motor parts store that wants to have the features displayed by default on each product page instead of the description. The description section does not need to remain if it is necessary to remove it, I just need the features to be immediately available instead of tucked in behind t...
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