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Found 11 results

  1. Hi, I'm sorry for the trouble. I can not find valid solutions on the net, I've been looking for days.I need to delete all products, images and everything associated with the products. I have to make a new import of products from the new catalog and I want to empty all my shop to have it fresh to ins...
  2. Hi, We´re running a client´s PS shop and now we have a situation that is strangely not working as expected. We have an order that´s in pending paypal payment status, and we would like to delete one of the products in the order. We click on drop-down arrow on the Edit button, select...
  3. I have 106 products and there is one sentence particular that has to be deleted (in orange highlighted in the picture), in both languages I sell my products. Of course I tried to play around with CSV import/export features but, I am stuck. I used Presta Cloud I am completely green in c...
  4. Hi all, Hopefully someone can point out what I'm doing wrong? I'm trying to delete every product from an array. But this doesn't seem to work. When I use an SQL Delete statement it works correctly: $proddeleted = Db::getInstance()->Execute(' DELETE FROM `'.pSQL(_DB_PREFIX_).'product`...
  5. hi all, when i going to delete products in cart block it removed and work as fine... but if i delete a product from cart summary page, it removes product from summary list but not update cart block it give error ReferenceError: currencyFormat is not defined in /cart-summary.js. plea...
  6. Bonjour, Nous venons de mettre sur l'addons un nouveau module qui va aider beaucoup de webmarchand pour l'optimisation du référencement de leur boutique. En effet, quand vous supprimez ou désactivez un produit, l'url n'est plus accessible, donc pour le référencement c'est une page de moins,...
  7. I am on PrestaShop version 1.5.5 with SSL and PHP version 5.3.27. I'm currently experiencing this error in the shopping cart whenever I go to try and increase or delete a product: TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to save update quantity Details: Error thrown: [object Object] Text status: error I have...
  8. I have written a module which shows the listing of all products. I want to know how I can delete multiple products. Is there a way so that I can send product Ids and it does the rest for me? Or some other way so that I can delete multiple products.
  9. Hi, is there a way how to achieve AJAX update of shipping price? Because I've set that the shipping price is free from some value of cart. That feature is working all right. But when customer makes a change ( delete produkt from basket), the carrier table is not refreshed. It keeps the old value...
  10. I use Prestashop what needs to be set to get the administration to be able to delete the product from the order if the customer wishes to At the moment where I do not have this option. why?
  11. I'm setting up my categories for my store in the back end. Obviously categories for my website are going to be entirely different from default store theme since I'm not selling any electronics. I deleted all default categories but I cannot delete ipod touch which is a default product categories in "...
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