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  1. Hello, I have developed a custom module that allows purchasing specific products individually. Every time a product from that group is added to the cart, I check for it and remove any other products already in the cart. This works fine for most products, but when I add a product with combi...
  2. I am unable to delete any product from an order. We are using the latest current version of PrestaShop. I followed the directions in the help document which state: Removing products To cancel a product, go to the product list, and either delete the product by clicking on the "Delete" actio...
  3. Hello, Don't know if I'm in the right place to post this... I have a problem in the backoffice of one of my clients : I can't delete languages on the 'Localization' page. Prestashop version is When I try to delete a language (any of them, enabled or disabled) I get this error...
  4. Hi I just found out that the new Experimental Feature writes out a origin-trial code inside the <head> tag. I don't like that, it might cause SEO problems. Is there a way to completely remove the Experimental Features from the site/server? Thanks!
  5. Bonjour, Un grand merci d'avance à toute la communauté, j'ai l'habitude de résoudre tous mes problèmes en cherchant sur les forums, internet sans devoir solliciter quelqu'un. Et le partage de votre savoir est une vraie mine d'or sur ce forum ! Mais je crois que, si je continu...
  6. Hi there, I'm using the "blocknewsletter" module (2.3.1) on Prestashop to allow users to sign up to newsletters. I observed two strange things (assuming that an eMail address is only registered for a newsletter, and does not have a corresponding customer account with the same eMail a...
  7. Hi, I'm using Prestashop 1.5.4 and I'm unable to delete products in block cart. Here's what I did: 1. Removed block cart from hook displayTop 2. Added block cart to hook displayRightColumn 3. Disabled ajax cart from module cart block Looking forward to your help. Thanks.
  8. BULK PRODUCT CATEGORY MOVE The objective of the module is to allow you to change products from one category to another, modify their default category, eliminate associations, make copies, among other options...
  9. I have imported the products with the "Import" native function of Prestashop. Than I imported the combinations, and it works for most products. The problem now is that I can't delete combinations in back office. Why? Prestashop version: Informazioni sul ser...
  10. I select several products and with the grouped action tool I try to eliminate them, but when I go to the first one I get an error and only delete one. Attached screenshots of the moment of the error. Thanks in advance.
  11. Selecciono varios productos y con la erramienta de acción agrupada intento eliminarlos, pero al pasar del primero me da un error y solo elimina uno. Adjunto capturas del momento del error. Gracias de antemano.
  12. Hola, Me gustaría eliminar estas URLS. No sé cómo hacerlo, no las encuentro en el backoffice en páginas. Dónd epuedo eliminarlas? /es/proveedor /es/novedades /es/productos-rebajados Gracias Un saludo
  13. Hello , I have Prestashop 1.7.5. I have 3 language installated and I want delete one . I open the BO with italian language , then I choose the delete the English language and I have this error in Italian "Non puoi cancellare la lingua usata attualmente. Cambia le lingue prima di cancella...
  14. Bonjour à tous, voila je voudrais savoir où peut on supprimer dans la topbar l'onglet check-out, voir image ci-dessous. Cordialement, cyrfan.
  15. GDPR PRO General Data Protection Regulation - ALL in 1 This module allows you to be fully in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation requirements, by allowing your customers to agree or disagree with privacy policies, download and delete personal data. The General Data...
  16. Hi guys, I am using prestashop 1.5 and there are 2 search bars, one is default search box and the other is Quick search box module. Quick search box module can be removed from modules section in BO but I would like to keep Quick search module and delete the other one. Is that possible and how do I...
  17. Hi. I need you to help me eliminate the short description of some areas of my store. I do not want it to be shown in the "Products of the same category" module or in the "Combinations" module that are the page footer of the products. I also want it not to be seen when the slider is opened with...
  18. Hi friends By mistake i have added a new product but with out name or photo. and now i can not delete this product because is not in the products catalog, although is in my shop.. how can i delete this ghost product? please help and advise Thank you in a...
  19. I would like to delete products, but leave pictures in img/p/ folder, so I can just added products from CSV which will connect to images already there. I use PS 1.7 Thanks
  20. Hi guys! Prestashop, in store 2000 positions, i press delete for one, and delete by 30 sec or 1 min !!! How repair this trouble ? Thanks for ask and anybody help...
  21. Hello everyone, Apologizing in advance for my english. My shop is a B2B and it has products that are sold in sets of 2, 4, 10... depending of the product. Let's take the product Blade sold by 10 as an example for my problem. We used to manage those products with attributes but th...
  22. Bonjour, Après avoir personnalisé ma page 404, j’aimerais maintenant qu’elle s’affiche sans la partie Header (topbar, logo, menu). J’ai bien compris qu’il fallait modifier le header.tpl et/ou le foirer, mais je n’en sais malheureusement pas plus :/ Merci beaucoup de vos...
  23. My module adds a tab to the back office product sheet. I need to know what combinations are currently active on the product. Since in v1.7 the combinations are created and deleted via AJAX without refreshing the page, it's not enough just to know what the combinations are on page load. I also need t...
  24. I am trying to customise prestashop default theme and make it relevant to my clients in my country. I am however stuck on the initial registration page. I wanted to take out the fields for VAT number, Zip/Postal Code and city as they are not necessary. When I use custom address format from i...
  25. Dear Admin or Moderator. Could you please delete this account I'm writing from. Everything related to this account must be deleted. There isn't any delete button under the profile settings, which is the reason I'm making this request here
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