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  1. Prestashop 8.1 Salut à tous, J'ouvre un sujet "ouvert" car je n'ai pas vu grand chose là-dessus, sans savoir si ça intéressera des gens. J'ai constaté dans ma bdd que la table ps_connections avait + de 1M d'entrées ... Donc je regarde et constate qu'elle enregistre environ 1 connexion par...
  2. Hallo! Seit dem Upgrade auf PrestaShop 8 haben wir das Problem, das zu neu angelegten Kunden zum Teil Nachrichten alter Bestandskunden angezeigt werden. Die Annahme ist, daß sich Nummernkreise für IDs in der Datenbank überschneiden. Kennt jemand das Problem und wie wü...
  3. Hi All, Greetings of the day. The module helps to integrate Database Management Tool Adminer in the back-office. This helps to run SQL queries, and database backups, and perform various jobs such as SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE database tables and columns in tables. Also, get infor...
  4. Hello I'm trying to install clean install (for test purposes) and getting lot of errors. First problem was that installing modules at 63% failed, the reason was missing getSwiftmailer_EmailSender_ListenerService.php. I can not recover from this error , even when very similar topics are ava...
  5. database table layered filter block takes a lot of disk space on my database can i empty it or not ?
  6. Salut, Voici mon dernier module de l'année 2022 qui deviendra un indispensable pour vous durant l'année 2023. Il va vous permettre de sauvegarder automatiquement et régulièrement à l'aide d'une tâche cron la base de données de votre boutique PrestaShop. Vous pouvez programmer la récep...
  7. Hi, I recently faced an issue where my category IDs had very large numbers (at the edge of BIGINT). I managed to change the DB tables structure so they allow BIGINT instead of INT values for category ID and parent category ID. This brought me a step further and some categories with high ID values we...
  8. I have edited my db connection in app/config/parameter.php I checked in cache/cache and cache/compile there is no cache file however, I still got error with my old user and db setting [PrestaShopException] Link to database cannot be established: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access den...
  9. Hi so i have prestashop version, and i used the import section of prestashop back office to update quantity and pricing respectively. Everything of the import works well, and the price gets updated but when i go to the frontend it doesn't show up. The funny thing is only after seeing it...
  10. I'm doing a script to import products and need to know what is the field that is activated in the database, activating the box -> When no stock, Allowing orders. this method does not work https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/71738-what-is-the-purpose-of-out-of-stock-field-in-the-product-table/
  11. Hello, everyone: I need to show two new fields on the backoffice. I have them in the db on the customer table. I just need to know how to get the data from the db to de view, where I already could prepare de field presentation. I want to show it in the marked area in the picture....
  12. Bonjour, J'essaie de faire une requête SQL qui permet de lister toutes les commandes avec les noms des produits commandés par client. ça marche, mais la requête m'affiche qu'un seul nom de produit quand il y a plus d'un produit commandé. Si on part du principe qu'un client achete 2 p...
  13. Bonjour, Pour le contexte, actuellement j'arrive à PUT des informations dans ma BDD grâce à cette méthode Je n'ai aucun problème avec le GET et le PUT. Par contre j'essaie depuis plusieurs jours d'utiliser la méthode POST de l'API Prestashop avec finalement toujours la même...
  14. Hi everyone, I don't know if it's the right category to ask this but I have a problem. When a visitor wants to register as a guest, I have this error message and i can't go any further while I'm still getting registered in the database. I have no idea where this can come from....
  15. PrestaShop version: 1.6.1 Hosting: ionos PHP version: 5.6 MySQL version: MySQL 5.7 Hi, I recently saved new settings in orders > invoices tab but left the invoice number at 0 in order for it to continue being auto incremented. My problem is that since then no invoices are being gener...
  16. Hi, I was having issue with a payment gateway module so I tried installing an older version of it while the new one was on the website. It created more issues, and so I deleted the folders from /modules to get rid of it as I was unable to access my backend anymore. Now, the module is still sho...
  17. Hello, I am trying to understand how some tables of prestashop work to develop my own product import software from my ERP. I generate the products and their combinations, the categories, features and other options, but when I get to the table of images I can't understand it. In the ps_image ta...
  18. Hello community members. Every instance of prestashop which grows and gains more customers, gets slower relatively. I thought of a topic to share ideas about how to find a way out of this problem. I know some quick fixes but they will have temporary results, and according to their type of solut...
  19. When I want to create a database backup, I get the following error: "The backup file does not exist" Can anyone help me?
  20. Hello, I'd like to install prestashop using a remote mysql database, hosted by Amazon AWS RDS. I'm at the 5th step of the install assistant, where I need to add the database credentials. I've filled all the inputs, but I still get an error saying the credentials aren't right:...
  21. Hi. Is there a way that I can isolate and remove all customers that have not purchased in the last three years? Thank you Renier
  22. Bonjour, Actuellement sur la version Lorsque j'ai installer en local, j'ai tout laisser par défaut les paramètres de configuration (Connexion à la base de données). J'ai donc modifier le nom de la base de données dans le fichier de configuration (config.inc.php) exemple : bdd-1...
  23. Hi, I noticed in the back end that some orders gave € 0.00 on the label: "total paid from registration" even if the order is complete and shipped. Via query on the db: SELECT * FROM ps_orders WHERE reference = "ordernumber"; and I found a field called "valid" the value was 0....
  24. Hello everyone! I need some help please... I want to create a subdomain for my website (PS 1.7.5) and copy all the files there and then do some theme modifications through custom.css files. But I need to keep the same database connected for the new subdomain and my main domain. Is this possibl...
  25. Hi ! I would like to find a way to set the default value of my select input, from the one saved in database. Because when I edit something, if i don't re-set the value of my select input it just come back to default (first value of my select input) Editing it everytime I want to edit someth...
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