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  1. Hi Everyone, I have multiple 8.2 installations that seem to have just gone haywire overnight. The front-ends are responsive and processing of orders is quick and without issue. It is however when accessing the admin back-end that the performance issues are being experienced. I have multiple...
  2. Hallo Zusammen Ich bin der Stephan und neu hier. Seit gut 3 Wochen läuft mein Frotend vom Shop zwar aber ich komme nicht mehr ins Backoffice. Wenn ich den Adminbereich öffne, kann ich die Anmeldedaten eingeben und nach ein paar Sekunden kommt die Http Error 500 (weiss mittlerweile das dieser ni...
  3. Hi all. Installed 8.1 version on Ubuntu 22.04 Installation went well, no errors When I entered backend, the dashboard opens but none of the other button links does not work! It directs to shop frontend 404 not found page PhP version 8.1 tried other versions still does not work Any h...
  4. Hi everyone. I've just installed PS in my local machine (OS X), everything went smoothly but when I try to log in to the admin panel it get's a loop redirecting to the same page (login page) all the time without an error message (it only shows the error message when I type a wrong pw on purpose)...
  5. My dashboard is showing totally incorrect data, how can I reset/clear this data
  6. Hoi allemaal, Een vraag over het maken van een nieuw product in Prestashop. Op het moment dat ik een nieuw product aan wil maken via of het snelmenu of de reguliere weg redirect de knop "nieuw product" naar het Dashboard. Als ik de Prestashop installatie in Debug modus zet ontvang in de fo...
  7. I have a strange problem: Even though I'm sure that my shop has visitors (and I even got a first order) the dashboard keeps showing 0 visitors. Searching the forum I only found this but resetting or reinstalling the data-mining-addon doesn't change anything The log files don't show a...
  8. Hello After migration to another server my dashboard looks like missing css etc. Prestashop PHP 7.2.34 (same) Any idea?
  9. Hello everyone, I take the liberty of writing to you, in order to request your follow-up to a bug that I encountered on my Prestashop 1.7 dashboard. the buttons to display the stats no longer work and the loader at the top left of the page is displayed. Attached is the screenshot of t...
  10. Version de PS : URL du site concerné : https://www.interstoves.fr/fr/ Thème (défaut/perso) : perso Code (original/modifié) : modifié Hébergement : OVH mutualisé - pas de ssh... Version de PHP : 7.1 Version de MySQL : privée : MariaDb 10.2 Navigateur(s) concerné(s) : Chrome...
  11. Hello. I'm using PrestaShop Currently. (Just updated 2 days ago) On the Dashboard page there is the section "Activity Overview". That section shows the Stats for the Online visitors, Abandoned Carts, Orders, etc, etc.. My problem is that the online visitors shows around 400-5...
  12. Hi, I'm working with Prestashop from a year now and this is the first time that this happen to me with module dash trends. Since this week I'm having problems to see the sales, visitors, benefits and everything from this month, specific since 09-07-2020 until today in two sites that I have allowed i...
  13. Hallo, habe auch schon im englisch-sprachigen Teil mein Glück versucht allerdings ohne Reaktion... Habe frisch einen Shop eingerichtet (PS und nun festgestellt, das im Dashboard beharrlich "Online-Besucher: 0" angezeigt wird! Auch wenn ich selbst auf den Shop zugreife und sogar se...
  14. Καλησπέρα σας. Εχω έκδοση και αντιμετωπίζω το παρακάτω πρόβλημα. Κάθε φορά που κάνω save τις αλλαγές στο προϊόν ή βγαίνω και ξαναμπαίνω στο προϊόν αυτόματα μου προσθέτει Features. Κάθε φορά διπλασιάζει αυτά τα features. Υπάρχει κάποια λύση? είναι bug σε αυτή την έκδοση?...
  15. Hi, I bought the module and theme from Prestashop and the shop worked fine until I’ve added a few new modules such as skill (for payment) and a pop-up note for cookies. I have also created different delivery options based on payment methods and different combinations for products with combinati...
  16. Ik ben gestart met een nieuwe installatie van Prestashop versie 1.7 In het dashbord van de producten is bovenaan het statistiekpaneel op een of andere manier verdwenen. Is het mogelijk om dit terug te halen? Bij de categoriën zie ik dit statiestiekpaneel nog wel. Voorbeeld van wat ik bed...
  17. He intentado quitar los impuestos excluidos de el Dashboard para poder ver el total de las ventas. Pero no encuentro la manera de solucionarlo, me gustaría que me ayudarais a resolver el problema para que me aparezca la venta total con los impuestos incluidos, ya que desde la configuración de ese pa...
  18. Hola! AMigos espero me puedan ayudar y es que desde que instale Presta V no he podido cambiar el idioma a español, traduje todo manualmente pero lo único que no se puede es el "Dashboard" o Tablero general, anexo imagen esperando alguien me pueda ayudar por favor! ") Saludos.
  19. Bonjour à tous ! Je viens de passer de prestashop à, et depuis cela mon tableau de bord ne s'affiche plus et toute la page est blanche avec du texte comme en témoigne l'image. Pourtant cela reste cliquable et en allant sur les autres liens ça fonctionne. Seulement la page t...
  20. Hi all, Unfortunately I can't login into the Dashboard any more, the screen just turns white without any information. Anyone else had this issue? Thanks.
  21. Hello, Checking my website (minus.eco.br) at my computer, I noticed that some products were showing the wrong image. Then, I verified the situation on my mobile, which showed the correct image for each product. Again at the computer, acessing Catalog > Products, the images were correct (as the...
  22. Although I rate less than a dozen visitors to my shop per day, dashboard stats 500-1000 visitors a day for over a year. As I am interested in the conversion rate a 0,02% score doesn't make me happy. How can you exclude counting searchmachines as real visitors ? For if you can't what's the use of thi...
  23. Hallo, wie ändert man den Startbildschirm des BackEnds von Dashboard zu Bestellungen ? Thanks for Tips. Greetings p27971
  24. I am getting an extremely long delay on the Dashboard page only. If I don't increase hosting time-out params to 5 minutes, the page won't load and I get the following error: upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading response header from upstream After about 3 minutes the D...
  25. Hallo zusammen, seit nun 4 Stunden sitze ich hier und probiere sämtliche Lösungsansätze die ich im Internet finde. Leider hilft nichts. Kann mir einer von euch helfen? Das würde mich sehr freuen Kann ich möglicherweise ein manuelles Rollback fahren? Problem: Wenn ich mich im Backo...
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