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  1. Hi guys, this is my first post. So, please, be kindly However, i 'm building a new ecommerce with latest PS 8.1.1. I'm in Italy, so i have to add two string fields (PEC and SDI) to address form. In past i integrated those fields with some custom override, but i don't like that solution. So...
  2. Hi, I wonder if someone knows if there is a way (or a module) to add custom text to a product image. I want to add some specifications of the product on the image (see example picture). I also would like this custom text to be searchable in the shop. I understand this might be difficult to fin...
  3. Advance Product Attribute/Field Module The Advance Product Attribute/Filed module allows the store admin to add the additional fields on the product page. By adding additional fields on the product page the store admin can provide more relevant information to the customers regarding the product...
  4. Im working on 1.7.8+ version, i would like to add custom fields to product without override. (facing many issues with override, sometimes need to remove /var/cache/<dev/prod>/class_index.php). The fields are used for frontend and backend purpose. Is there a way that custom fields can...
  5. Hello, I'm trying to add a custom field into the Brands page in the admin back office. Previously, I successfully added a custom dropdown box in the Category page in the admin back office with hookActionCategoryFormBuilderModifier and handled the update and create by using hookActio...
  6. hi, I am plan customize for food item product...How can add product Expiry date in Product Add/Update/View section in admin and Front office?.. Please guide me. thanks maran
  7. Bonjour, Je désespère et me tourne vers vous pour trouver une solution à mon problème.. Je souhaite ajouter à mes attributs un nouveau champs, modifiable dans le BO (champ de type textarea) qui sera affiché sur le front-office pour l'utilisateur. L'objectif de ce champs est d'ajouté plus d'info...
  8. Witam, wszystkich, Potrzebuje pomocy z dodatkowymi polami formularza rejestracyjnego. Postępowałem zgodnie z tym poradnikiem, ale napotkałem pewien problem. Otóż na formularzu rejestracyjnym wszystko działa jak należy, natomiast, gdy konto zakładane jest podczas składania zamówienia, to pola z...
  9. Hi, I'm looking for tips or a tutorial to help to create a custom field in CMS pages. If anyone knows anything! Thanks
  10. Salve a tutti, sto sviluppando un ecommerce con prestashop e sto cercando il modo di avere un sistema di Custom Fields per la home page, tipo quello che fa questo modulo per i prodotti. Mi andrebbe bene anche un qualcosa di più semplice. O comunque c'è un modo di creare una home pag...
  11. Hi i want to add a custom phone no field on the address tab see the attatched image. i am using prestashop version 1.5.6 with default theme
  12. Hello All, I want to customize my checkout page when customer click on "Proceed to checkout". Right now there are 4 tabs showing. PERSONAL INFORMATION, ADDRESSES, SHIPPING METHOD & PAYMENT I want to add one more tab after ADDRESS tab and want to put some custom fields inside it....
  13. Hello, I developped a while ago a shop using prestashop 1.6.1.x, it's using overrides and custom fields on many entities because I needed to write connectors that would translate our old, but trusty, custom AS400 erp to prestashop. A lot of work have been put into this to be able to seamlessly...
  14. I have PS What is the proper way of adding custom fields to products, customers etc? I have created my module and during installation I create new fields by executing some sql: $sqlInstall="ALTER TABLE " . _DB_PREFIX_ . "product " . "ADD ext_id VARCHAR(20) NULL;"; I have...
  15. Hello everyone, I ame a junior prestashop manager. I just configured Knowband custom fields to customize the account fields on the checkout page. I cannot disable the default account page and activating the new module, the page shows two registration form. I tried to manage the directory a...
  16. Im trying to add some custom fields in the custom profile. We sell ecigs so need to age check customers. One of these fields will be to say PASS or FAIL, and maybe the other will have a date that they were checked. I have managed to add the field in the db, show the FAIL or PASS on the...
  17. Hi, I want to add new fields to CSV file for bulk upload. e.g., I want to be able to add address, contact details, Products and images to manufacturers and upload them all together or at least assign products to manufacturers in another file. Please help if anybody has an idea. Tha...
  18. Hello, I need ISBN field to support letters not only numbers. where can i change this? also i need to include ISBN on Search. Also i created 2 custom fields and i need to include them on sidebar filter or faceted module! Can someone help me on this? Thank you in advance Eni
  19. Salve, sono nuovo di questo forum quindi se non sono nella giusta sezione sposto il post. Ho sviluppato un modulo prestashop partendo da questa guida: https://www.h-hennes.fr/blog/2017/11/15/prestashop-1-7-ajouter-des-champs-dans-le-listing-produit-admin/. Funziona tutto tranne che ne...
  20. Products_Test_Import.zipMay Day May Day!! But it's the end of June. I'm pressed, I mean I'm stuck in PrestaShop. This is a SOS calI. Can anyone help? All jokes aside. This is serious....I am a new PrestaShop 1.6 user. I have many products (thousands) to upload to my site with pictures. Therefore...
  21. Hi, I'm deploying a module for customize Customer default data. I need to hide Password fields, name, surname fields because this fields are provided by external (oAuth) and there are some fields that I need to ask to the user like Postal Code and Social Network URL (for that I use AdditionalCu...
  22. Créer et ajouter des champs personnalisés 202 ecommerce vous propose un nouveau module qui vous permettra d’accroitre les fonctionnalités de PrestaShop, l’ergonomie de votre boutique en ligne et de créer vos champs personnalisés très rapidement. Dès maintenant, personnalisez votre boutiqu...
  23. Hello, we need a new dropdown menu in the new user registration. We have followed this great tutorial -> http://prestacraft.com/adding-new-fields-to-the-registration-form/ but this creates a new text field with the code <div class="form-group"> <label for="my_field">{l s='My fiel...
  24. Dear Community, i know how to do this in php and sql but it is really complicated to implement some additional fields in the order progress. I´ve found this manual how to do it: I did all what Anthony told in his Post. The only thing i changed is that i need 3 Fields....
  25. Hello i want to add 2 extra custom fields on the product's page. i used this tutorial on the pass when i was on 1.4 http://strife.pl/2011/12/how-to-add-new-custom-field-in-prestashop/ put now this tutorial is not working for 1.5.3 because is not any AdminProducts.php in /[admin_panel]/tabs/AdminProd...
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