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  1. Hi I am looking for a module with the following functions : - individual price calculation based on several input parameters - input parameters can be specified on a config page - for each parameter it is possible to determine how it affects the price - a price formula can be given to...
  2. On my custom module, I've a custom admin controller with a tpl, anyone knows how I can use bootstrap on that controller?
  3. Hello everyone, I have created a form to enter a custom price for a product, it is saved on the db as "web_price". I would like to be able to use this price for the entire purchase process from the site, but as I have several modules (amazon, ebay) that use the original price of the product, I would...
  4. Hi everyone, I don't found a module for my need, and I would like make a custom modify. I don't know how to do, please anyone can help me, I do a discounts with voucher on cart rules. I make vouchers with percentage discount for some products, for X minimal total cart value. Example: Product A...
  5. Salut tout le monde, Après avoir créé un modèle d'email personnalisé dans mon module (/modules/module/mails) en anglais et en français, j'essaie d'envoyer ce nouveau modèle à l'aide de la méthode Mail::send() et j'obtiens toujours cette erreur : Erreur - Le modèle d'e-mail su...
  6. Bonjour chez vous , Lorsqu'on installe un module de paiement sur notre back-office prestashop, nous obtenons ce message d’erreur: Vous n'avez pas la permission de configurer ce module Le module fonctionnait bien mais après une migration du domaine .net en .ci nous sommes confrontés à ce pr...
  7. Hello Guys , I want to build a module that add a new custom Bulk action to the products grid im using this hook $this->registerHook('actionProductGridDefinitionModifier') and in the function public function hookActionProductGridDefinitionModifier(array $params): void {...
  8. Hi, I've created a custom module to add fields to registration form but something isn't working I've tried to change position of fields using this tutorial https://webkul.com/blog/adding-new-field-in-prestashop-1-7-admin-symfony-controller/ but remain same positions as before. Why? Fields are...
  9. Hi community members. I was trying to override a listing controller from this path `controllers/front/listing/CategoryController.php`. As you all know you just need to copy and paste this file with the relative path into your custom module like this `modules/mymodule/override/controllers/f...
  10. Hello, i have the same line of code, one is in file product-prices.tpl, and the other one is in the product.tpl. <span content="{$product.price_amount}">{$product.price}</span> The first price is the one that is displayed from product.tpl, and the one below is from the product-prices.tpl....
  11. Hi everybody, I need to add a custom field (checkbox) during the Checkout process and then register the data in database. Later I would like to have this data appearing on the PDF invoice in the back-office. What I have done so far: - Create the field in the template /themes/themeName/order...
  12. Hello everybody, my prestashop version I would like to add second variable for free shipping by price into the Admin Shipping Preferences controller. I have created custom module and decided to decorate/extend the PreferencesController into the Prestashopbundle/Controller/Admin/Im...
  13. Hello, How can I remove or change the "© 2021 - Ecommerce software by PrestaShop™" text in the footer of my shop that visitors see in version I have looked into other threads but couldn't find a proper way to do it as the "CMS Block" module is missing in this version, I think.
  14. I'm writing a custom module for prestaShop. I was able to correctly display a new field in the list of customers in the BackEnd section. Now I would need to insert a callback for a specific field in this table but when I try to use it I get an error. PrestaShop tells me that the callback function...
  15. Where and how Can I add bootstrap directories like: <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.3.1/css/bootstrap.min.css" integrity="sha384-ggOyR0iXCbMQv3Xipma34MD+dH/1fQ784/j6cY/iJTQUOhcWr7x9JvoRxT2MZw1T" crossorigin="anonymous"> <scrip...
  16. Hi, I'm looking for a way to link a attribute to another product. Example: I sell golf clubs and a club can be customized with left or right, loft etc. But some of the attributes can actually be another product in my store. So I would like the attribute "grip" to link to all availabl...
  17. Static, Custom, HTML, Text, Multi blocks Create content blocks and place them everywhere you need on your website - now quickly and easily. Need a fast and efficient way to display a piece of content on your website (e.g. some important notice, marketing information, etc)? Prestashop...
  18. Ich plane den Einsatz eines HTML Block modul. Ziel ist es Bilder, Bewertungen o. ä. ohne großen Aufwand an verschiedenen Stellen der Seite einzubinden. Bis jetzt sind in der engeren Auswahl das Custom HTML Block module https://addons.prestashop.com/en/blocks-tabs-banners/13292-custom-html-...
  19. Bonjour, je chercha à ajouter dans l'administration et dans les catégories un champs personnalisé en wysiwg. Mais seulement depuis cette version (1.7.6), la méthode a changé, l'ajout de champs se faisant avec Symfony, on ne peut plus overrider "AdminCategoriesController.php" car l...
  20. Display customs products blocks filtered by categories in your homepage. Products Block filtered by categories Features Customization in module configuration ability to choose how many products display in the block ability to view products randomly Screenshots...
  21. Hello, i have a problem regarding changing the contents of the predefined Emails (order_conf, password_query, etc.) I copy the HTML, import it to Dreamweaver. I change Text and Style i want and then paste the code into Prestashop (Frontend). It looks good before saving.. then all the For...
  22. Hi everyone, is there a way to recreate or use a mobile menu like this in Prestashop ? Sliding Menu Link Thanks
  23. Hello devs, How to add custom (not-predefined) product feature to feature group in already existing product? For example I have: Product = Pretty furniture; and Feature group = Furniture material How to add to this Furniture material group custom value like "asdasdasd" in PHP? I...
  24. [MODULE] Social Toolbar Custom Widget Module Overview A social toolbar widget that can be customized and unlimited dynamic additions, such as adding Facebook, WhatsApp, Skype, Live Chat, QR code, etc.Use familiar social icons to improve your interaction with customers and increase order co...
  25. Hi! So I use PrestaShop together with a module called "tshirtecommerce". And I've written a code that calculates the amount of custom text and updates the price accordingly. The problem is that I would like to save the custom calculated price to the product so when the product appears in the...
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