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  1. Hello, I Try to create a new CMS page or edit an existing one with the default TinyMCE editor i creative elements. If you attempt to insert an image, the file manager panel freezes. Any solution. (Prestashop 8.1.3) Thanks in advance. Henry
  2. Bonjour tout le monde! J'ai acheté Créative elements que j'essaye d'utiliser sur prestashop installé en locale via un MAMP (fonctionnant sur les derniers MacOS et Apple Silicon sans aucun outil Xcode installé). J'ai la version php 8.2.0 et la version mysql est 5.7.39. Malheureusement, certaine...
  3. Hi, I have what seems to be a fairly trivial problem with editing the home page on Presta Shop 8.1 I click on Creative Elements/theme builder to edit the home page. I then select the homepage and click edit in creative elements. I go to edit, but Presta only loads the bottom of the page for...
  4. Bonjour, quand je veux terminer l'installation de creative element, j'ai ce message : Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'installation de Creative Elements - live Theme & Page Builder. Exception retournée par le module creativeelements pour install. Error sent by Addons. Access Denied Si...
  5. Hi, i need to display features product on my product page template but i'm using "Creative element" plugin to manage the template. I could put this code if it was in product.tpl file : {foreach from=$product.features item=feature} {if $feature.id_feature == 1} {$feature.value...
  6. I bought the page builder Creative elements for prestashop 8.1.0. I use prestashop locally via a MAMP running on the latest MacOS and Apple Silicon with no Xcode tools installed. The php version is 7.4 and the mysql version is 5.7.39. Unfortunately some errors don’t allow me to use it. When I want t...
  7. Bonjour, J'ai créé un menu de navigation pour mon site qui s'ouvre au passage de la souris. Le problème est qu'il passe au second plan. J'ai une vidéo qui tourne en dessous et lorsque je passe la souris, le menu se déroule derrière la vidéo et on ne voit pas les sous catégories du menu....
  8. Hello, I put a navigation menu in the header of my website. Below I have a video running. The issue is that when hovering over the menu, the sub drop down menu goes behind the content that is below instead of having the screen priority. How can I fix this ? I also would like to align...
  9. Buenas tengo un ligero problema con mi tienda en prestashop, y es que instale el módulo creative elements y el primer error que tengo es que me apareció en la página de categorías(se ve en la foto que adjuntare) que es como un listado de todas las categorias pero ya debajo de las categorías que traí...
  10. I recently reset my prestashop website , I used Creative elements module to make the header , the footer , the homepage and also the product page . But the footer is hiding my cookies plugin and the product page hiding the product review . How can I manage to fix that ? J'ai réc...
  11. Hi guys, I'm new to the world of Prestashop and there are a lot of things I don't know. A few days ago I bought the Alysum theme with Creative Elements included and I haven't been able to use it. Every time I try to enter the Creative Elements theme builder it asks me to buy a license, ¿Does it...
  12. Cześć, Witam forumowiczów. Jestem żółtodziobem w presta (stoje po stronie woocommerce), ale staram się ogarnąć podstawy i poszukuje pomocy w rozwiązaniu problemu dodatkiem Creative Elements (czyli bliźniak Elementora w wordpress). Zainstalowałem to, ale niestety nie pojawia się opcja edycji ja...
  13. Bonjour, Je crée ce topic, car débutant mon premier projet Prestashop, je me demandais comment fonctionnait la modification des Header et Footer avec le Module Creative Element. J'avais pour habitude de travailler avec ce Module via WordPress mais je ne l'ai jamais pris en main sur Presta...
  14. Hi there, Can anyone suggest some [paid or free] PS 1.7 themes for fashion cloths store, developed using 'Creative Elements'? - it will help us customize the theme pages easily using this wonderful tool. Thanks for reading!
  15. Hi there, I am just about finalizing my first store [for a client] to go live, have come across a challenge, that's "need to setup a 'Best Sellers' section in my store's home page BUT display this label only when there's some Top Seller Products available to display in this section?" Is this...
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