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  1. My PS 1.7 is using a lot of memory(6-7GB of a total of 7 GB memory) over an unspecified amount of time. Is there a way to see what is causing this? I can see that when indexing all products, either by cron-job or via BO, the memory hits the roof and after the cron-job is done, the memory u...
  2. Hello Comrades, When i turn on in cPanel ModSecurity on my prestashop domain, my customers can't add new delivery address for their order! and... if options is ON, customers will be see this screen when tray to add delivery address: Please all, can you help how can i use modsecuri...
  3. Hi all, I"m trying to install PrestaShop for the first time. Using cPanel, my host company uses an Apps Installer called Softaculous. Within Softaculous, I can install PrestaShop (among several other eCommerce platforms). When I choose to install version, via cPanel/Softaculous,...
  4. So I am setting up Prestashop with Polipay on one of our Servers (with Plesk). The Polipay module works on their own Sandbox, but doesn't seem to work on our Plesk or cPanel Servers and also doesn't seem to work on another cPanel Server (CloudLinux and LiteSpeed, which isn't our Server). The co...
  5. Hi y'all, I have a question, let me explain my situation. For a client I have to edit a website made with prestahop. For this reason I copied all data from /Shop and put them into a new folder created for the occasion. Secondly, I exported the entire database and put it into my new da...
  6. Hello everyone, I'm desperate. In my top menu (header-nav), I see contact us and log in but the "contact us" comes out in English. According to the element inspector firebug is a link. Up there, ok. I understand but ... how do I know which file is that hyperlink? How can I translate it? The same...
  7. Hola tengo un problema. Quiero entrar en mi prestashop en mi host con cpanel pero no consigo entrar. Pongo mi pagina seguido de */cpanel como he visto por google y sale mi pagina y error 404 solamente. ¿En que me estoy equivocando?
  8. can i delete rar or zip extention file in my cpanel?and how to make my website and server have more securitys.
  9. Hi, I've recently launched my website but I've come to realise that my server's RAM is exploding ( it never goes bellow 1.6Gb.) and the website is very slow.. I'm not sure why this is happening, it happens even at 2am, when no one is online! What could be the cause of this? Some in...
  10. Mods: Please move this post if i have it in the wrong place. Thanks. I have searched for help on this, but no joy. I developed a shop on a cpanel account using Domain #1 with Prestashop version 1.6x. I want to migrate it to a new cpanel account with a new domain name, but on the same...
  11. hola. anteriormente hablé sobre un tema de migracion a nivel local. ahora resulta que necesito hacer un respaldo de la pagina web en un subdominio. creé el subdomino. alojé la pagina allí y modifiqué la base de datos. el front office funciona bien. sin embargo cuando quiero entrar al back office...
  12. Hello, From some days ago, when someone visits my site, my cpanel error log shows this message: /home/mysite/public_html/es: No such file or directory WARNING: /home/mysite/public_html/es: Can't access file Or this one if the English version is the one accessed: /home/mysite/public_html/en:...
  13. Hello All, I am new to PrestaShop - I was giving it a test drive in comparison to my current setup and I am having a very difficult time with Multi Stores in regards to separate domains. I have searched tirelessly here for 2 days for answers but do not seem to find anything exactly like I am lo...
  14. Hoy recientemente instalé mi prestashop, todo estuvo funcionando sin problemas, pero ahora que quiero ingresa al CPANEL como administrador principal, no puedo, no responde qué hago, ayuda!!
  15. Hola a todos. He revisado y seguido todos los pasos que los tutoriales aquí publicados señalan para la correcta activación de multi-tienda en esta plataforma y no he logrado tener éxito. A continuación les describo lo que he hecho para ver si alguien me puede ayudar identificando mi error. P...
  16. How do I Enable allow_url_fopen? I am using a server with cpanel and I can't find php.ini file, I've been trying to figure this out for weeks now and am about to lose my mind! Please help?
  17. Hi everyone, Greetings from San Francisco! I wanted to announce my company's new "freemium" control panel, ServerPilot. https://serverpilot.io/ We work with VPSes everywhere and focus on simplicity and security. All core functionality you need for server configuration and security...
  18. Just some information Our hosting plan comes with cpanel and one of the advantages of that is the Softaculous software installation package - which has a prestashop installation option Softaculous has been upgraded and will now perform automatic backups of your installations (Database and fi...
  19. I've a website with PS 1.5.5. I manage the backup from Cpanel. The problem is that when I try to download a Full Backup, there is a strange behaviour. Infact, not all PS files are included in public_html folder and, also, there are a lot of folders (modules, admin, smarty, etc.) outside the public...
  20. mohon bantuannya agan2 yang tahu cara mengatasi hal seperti ini :
  21. Bonjour à tous ! Voici mon erreur : Le site Web a rencontré une erreur lors de l'extraction de http://w2beauty.com/...cc369bc5fcf5c73. Cela peut être dû à une opération de maintenance ou à une configuration incorrecte. Voici quelques suggestions : Actualisez cette page Web ultérieurem...
  22. Hello everybody ! I have moved some folders from my prestashop shop repertory on filemanager on cPanel.. I took everything on my shop repertory and moved it to another repertory .. and then moved them back to the shop repertory and here came the error .. I cannot access my admin page anymore...
  23. Hola foreros, Este es mi primer post en este foro y como tal, requiero vuestra experiencia para hallar un hosting para PrestaShop. Requiero las siguientes características: - Hosting Linux - Acceso SSH - Perl/PHP/MySql Actualizado - Tráfico/Espacio/Dominios Ilimitados - IP Española - Dis...
  24. I do not know how to upload themes into my root folder of the cpanel. where am i supposed to do this? Which folder? I'm very lost!!
  25. Hi folks, I will upgrade from shared hosting to a VPS server for my PS 1.4 shop - but I am unsure if I should go with cPanel or Plesk? I am currently used to workign with cPanel, but the VPS package with cPanel costs double of the same config with Plesk. So my question would be, does any...
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