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  1. Is there any quick way to restrict customers from using more than one coupon code? I know about the "Compatibility with other cart rules" in the Conditions tab but that's really not a great option when dealing with hundreds of coupons. Quite time consuming to add a new coupon and then have to go...
  2. If a customer tries to sumbit a coupon the following error appears: Fatal error: Call to undefined method Cart::getOrderedCartRulesIds() in /homepages/5/d91252996/htdocs/clickandbuilds/PrestaShop/Presta/override/classes/CartRule.php on line 56 Code-Snippet -> Line 56 -> $all_car...
  3. Social Logins et Coupons 19 en 1 + Statistiques Les gens n'aiment pas s'inscrire sur des centaines de sites. Avec cette extension, un nouvel utilisateur sera en mesure de se connecter à votre boutique en utilisant uniquement son compte Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, Paypal, LinkedI...
  4. Hello, I have noticed an issue on PrestaShop's coupon system: as you know, using the native feature, you can create discount codes and exclude some specific categories from the discount. The problem comes when I want to create a coupon with a fixed value discount. I make an example to expl...
  5. Hi, I am new to Prestashop. I feel like i traveled all the web for an answer but couldn't find it so i thought i'd come here. I'd like to know how to add an affiliate type module where i could reward sponsors (customers that brought other customers) with something else than discounts on orders...
  6. Hi, I am new to Prestashop. I feel like i traveled all the web for an answer but couldn't find it so i thought i'd come here. I'd like to know how to add an affiliate type module where i could reward sponsors (customers that brought other customers) with something else than discounts on orders...
  7. Hello. I have a problem with the coupons and that is that I currently have created one called 'Welcome coupon' that should be shown to each client that registers, but it is not happening that way. The rule that I have applied for this coupon is that everyone who belongs to the client group...
  8. I'm stumped. I'm running I'm trying to create a discount/cart rule/voucher/coupon code - whatever you want to call it - that will give our customers a $1.99 discount on each and every item of a group of items. We sell beef jerky (www.bubbascarolinajerky.com) and we want them to get that d...
  9. Hello, one of my customers has presented me a problem laying in PS 1.5 and I found no solution to this apart from open requests left unresolved on the forum and issuetracker. Suppose you have a shop with a number of items on sale with reduced prices. Say you are placing these on sale items in...
  10. hello everyone, I am creating this because I cannot find exactly what I am looking for. So 1 of my clients requirements for his store is to generate a coupon code for his customers next order. Now here is where it gets tricky. My customer wants to create a cashback coupon for his customers....
  11. When a customer tries to use a coupon code or a cart rule or voucher, they get an error when trying to check out via paypal The error says: Unfortunately, an error occured while communicating with PayPal. Short Error Message: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional erro...
  12. Hi there. We are deciding between eCommerce platforms for our business. We've whittled it down to four options (Jigoshop, Prestashop, Magento, OpenCart) but may I trouble you for help in assessing the implementation costs? First of all, to brief you on our functional requirements: 1) We sell SEO...
  13. Looking for somebody who is able to create a module that will allow multiple sellers and/or vendors to be able to offer their customers discounts at checkout. (It doesn't have to be a module I just need my site to function this way) Looking for something similar to cart rules that's available in the...
  14. Hey thank in advance for anyone that can give me an idea how I can resolve what seems to me a very complicated matter. Here we go! First of all, the site is a printer's website, so it is not typical of what your everyday run of the mill PS store contain and how they operate. We are adding in li...
  15. Hello, Je viens de passer en et j'ai un bug sur le thème par défaut. Sous firefox, quand je vais dans la panier, la case "Bon de réduction" n'apparaît pas alors qu'elle apparait bien sous Chrome, tablettes, smartphone. Vous avez la même chose ? (j'ai vérifier sur une install neuve 1.6...
  16. Hallo, bei Prestashop 1.5.6. wird kein Feld angezeigt, wo man einen Gutscheincode eingeben kann. Am Template liegt es nicht, da es bei unterschiedlichen templates auftritt und bei unterschiedlichen Browsern. Sämtliche Foren durchforstet und bereits folgende Anpassungen ohne Erfolg ausprobie...
  17. Hi I am using PS1560 and I established degression of prices based on quantities for certain products. I also manage coupons in Promotions > Rules cart. I wanted to know if there was a way to disconnect the rules of degression and coupons, that's to say, to make them not cumulative. I looked aro...
  18. Hi everyone, I would like to offer downloadable products (pdf files) like coupons with a percentage discount. I don't know how to include various pdfs (with a diferent verification codes) for the same product . ¿Any idea? Thanks in advance.
  19. Bonjour, Je vous présente un nouveau module appelé "bloc Coupon". Ce module permet à vos clients de saisir leurs bons de réduction depuis n'importe quelle page de la boutique. Il n'est plus nécessaire d'attendre le tunnel de commande pour permettre l'ajout. Mais ce module va beaucoup plu...
  20. We have configured the module loyalty and we want that coupons can be used only in a section of the site with 20 specific products, we've created called "Redeem your points." The problem is that, even though that section only is checked to use the discount, the customer can use the discount througho...
  21. Whenever i try to checkout , i am unable to found the voucher field. I have created two vouchers using cart rules but still problem remains. Help me. http://www.jaysha.com
  22. I'm trying to find a gift card module. Can anyone recommend one that might do the following? 1. ability to be purchased on website and emailed to customer 2. ability to deduct balances and keep track of remaining balances 3. create gift cards from the back office 4. csv option to import or ex...
  23. Need to have a coupon /poinrts system where in a user who registers will get the coupon /points Can anyone help in this Aslo it there a module whjich will help to invite friends and earn points Thanks in advance
  24. Hi everyone, I am currently setting up my PrestaShop and I have the following issue: I would like to offer returns for a coupon/voucher of the value of the returned product + the customer's original shipping costs. PrestaShop lets me do this with the RMA system but there is a tiny proble...
  25. Bonjour, Je souhaite développer un site avec prestashop mais sans utiliser la partie e-commerce. Je souhaite l'utiliser uniquement pour son CMS. Ca je pense pouvoir m'en sortir. De plus, je souhaite que le client quand il se logue et quand il se rend sur un produit puisse télécharger et impr...
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