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  1. With this module, you will be able to receive notifications about new orders and messages from the contact form directly in your Telegram messenger. Settings of the module: In the module settings, enter the API token of your Telegram bot and the chat ID where notifications will be sen...
  2. Hi all I have recently updated my store from version to 8.0.1. The update seems successful so far, but I have a strange issue with the contact us page/form and I am really hoping that someone can help me out. The problem is that the form just wont display at all. All...
  3. Hi Prestashop users!, There is a problem with my contact page: the contact form itself does not show up. Only an empty bar where it should be. See attachement. Hope someone does know the answer and could help! Regards,
  4. Mange er plaget af spammere, der udsender mails på vegne af shoppen via kontaktformularen. Ud over at dette kan være medvirkende til, at serveren hvor shoppen er hostet bliver spammarkeret, er det jo heller ikke smart, at man står som afsender på en masse spammails. Vedhæftede modul deaktiverer...
  5. Bonjour, lorsque je teste le formulaire contact de mon site, voici le message d'erreur qui apparait (voir pièce jointe). Sauf erreur de ma part il n'y a rien à configurer normalement sur ce module-là ? Je suis sur la dernière version Prestashop. Merci d'avance
  6. Hello all, I am using Prestashop in 6 languages. My contact form stopped working. I tried it as a customer, and I get the following error message in French (my main language is in English): There is 1 error : Formulaire invalide. I tried it in all the languages - but this is...
  7. Bonjour, lorsque je teste le formulaire contact de mon site, voici le message d'erreur qui apparait (voir pièce jointe). Sauf erreur de ma part il n'y a rien à configurer normalement sur ce module-là ? Je suis sur la dernière version Prestashop. Merci d'avance
  8. Hi guys, When I send a message through the contact form I don't receive an email. It does however register the message in the backend. I have set up the proper contact person the email should go to. I use the smtp server from the hoster to send and receive email notifications, because php ma...
  9. Hi, I'd like to add a link to the contact form page with the subject pre selected in the select form. For example, I have 3 different subjects in my contact form : 1- Webmaster 2-Customer service 3-Ask for a quote I'd like to add a link to the contact form with "2-Custo...
  10. Is there any way possible to block an email address in the back office? Let's say you're getting nasty messages from a visitor who does not register, plus the email is a random address that cannot be tracked... Is there a way to just prevent this person from contacting again through the back...
  11. Hi, I'm using Prestashop 1.4 and have two contacts created in the "Messages" section of the back office - Customer Service and Competion Entry. Currently when a user submits the form for either of these, they get the same automated email reply (original contact form html setup" I would like...
  12. Hi, Has anyone still got issues with the updates to the contact form in Prestashop I've made the changes to the contactcontroller.php and contact.tpl as suggested in the GitHub ticket: https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/pull/8168 but I'm still receiving an error that the fo...
  13. Hi guys I have Prestashop where I have an issue with the contact form. When you try to send it you get the prompt message that email is sent. And yes it is at least partially it is shown in the Customer Service tab in the backend however no e-mail is sent to the email define as customer se...
  14. Hello, how can I change contact form subjects order? Now it's sorted alphabetically by subject names. I would like to sort subjects by ID in ascending order. I use Prestashop Here is the code from contactform.tpl <div class="form-group row"> <label class="col-md-3...
  15. Hi everyone, I have a error with my module "contactform", I tried to update the module "contactform" (I tried to delete and reinstall but I have the same issue after). Error message : Error! Exception thrown by module contactform on upgrade. Failed to copy "/home/artstudc/public_html...
  16. Hey everyone! I thought this would have been a nice tip for people wanting to use an ajax contact form, instead of a separate page http://nemops.com/prestashop-ajax-contact-form/#.WBhwB_nx6Uk Fabio
  17. Hello im trying to understand the way that prestashop work like. I want to add a contact form in product page but if the product is out of stock. I can't find the page that i have to edit. I was trying to edit product.tpl in themes/theme_name/templates/catalog/product.tpl but still nothing, it...
  18. Hola, Contacto porque hemos desarrollado una tienda en Prestashop y desde hace unos días tenemos este problema, Los emails funcionan perfectamente a nivel core de Prestashop, refiriéndome a los emails de Pedidos e incluso la opción para testear el envío de correos nos funciona perfectamente,...
  19. In prestashop contact form doesn't send email and in back office (Advanced Parameters -> E-mail) is not reported I tried in 3 different clean installations with classic theme, both with PHP mail() and SMTP. Instead the Mail Alert Module works correctly.
  20. Bonjour, Je suis nouveau sur le forum, j'espère que je poste ce topic au bon endroit 😊 Je suis en train de construire une boutique e-commerce écologique, mais j'ai un problème depuis hier que je n'arrive pas bien à résoudre : mon formulaire de contact ne marche pas, peu importe le messag...
  21. Hi, Here is a module that proposes to create a button on the product sheets to allow customers or prospects to open a modal window to fill in a form in order to contact you directly on the product in question. You can customize the form, limit the display of the button on certain products...
  22. Hi everybody! I received many requests to make a tutorial about adding new fields to the default contact form. Here it is! http://nemops.com/adding-new-fields-to-prestashop-contact-form/ Cheers!
  23. hi i really need help that i found a issue today. i dont get email when customer send messages through contact form. this was worked fine but now not working. also not sending confirmation email to customers. who can help me? please contact me to my email. i really need yours help...
  24. Hi! I'm looking for a custom contact form module for placing it in the product page as you can see at the following website: http://www.regaloempresas.co.uk/bottle_al3837.aspx Thanks a lot for your help.
  25. hello i can't send messages an error occurred while sending the message please try again. any help please
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