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  1. I have created a child theme (parent: classic theme) but I don't understand what to do about assets and wepack compiling. I'd like to use scss files and compile them to css. Do I have to copy classic/_dev directory to my child theme? Create a _dev directory in my theme and keep only over...
  2. Hi, I'm asking for help cause I'm out of ideas. Since December 2021, my Prestashop started to crash and return blank pages until the website was not responding at all. I found out that there are new folders created in /cache/smarty/compile & /cache/smarty/cache, as 'root' user...
  3. Hi Prestasopers I was developing a shop on a sub domain - new.milmanltd.co.il when I moved prestashop to main domain - milmanltd.co.il I get this error while trying to enter the modules section @ the back office : Compile Error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/home/new.milman...
  4. hello i have a serious problem to access my front and back-end also due to ( back-end problem) (1/1) ServiceNotFoundException You have requested a non-existent service "prestashop.core.localization.locale.repository". in ContainerBuilder.php line 1053 at Contain...
  5. Cześć, korzystam z rozszerzenia Product Extra Tabs (choć wygląda na to że pytanie dotyczy również bazy Prestashop). Zaraz po manualnym wstawianiu/modyfikacji dodatkowego opisu (bezpośrednio do bazy danych) nie widzę zmian we frontendzie sklepu. Natomiast wstawiony opis jest widoczny w panelu ad...
  6. for some reason i have these files missing (/cache/smarty/compile/index.php) anyway i can replace them please
  7. I have recently upgraded to ps . I found a fix to some of the issues I encountered. No major problems. I lost access to all my modules, I can no longer configure them, with this error message " You are not authorized to configure a module" This issue started after I removed my ps-a...
  8. Hola,el sábado abrí a producción mi tienda veslab.com desarrollada con Prestashop y a esas horas tenía 150.000 inodos. Todo perfecto, pero a las pocas horas se colapsó y el motivo fue que había superado los 210.000 inodos (105%). El problema era que los directorios cache/smarty/cache y cach...
  9. Hello there, I have this error on my Prestashop This is the error message: "Fatal error: Uncaught --> Smarty: unable to write file /home/myuser/public_html/cache/smarty/compile/4a/3c/6c/4a3c6c34d6582e9dd10c9ea936bfa79244272a04.file.possearch-instantsearch.tpl.php <-- thrown in...
  10. Bonsoir à tous, Je rencontre cette erreur : VÉRIFIEZ VOTRE CONFIGURATION Paramètres requis Veuillez consulter la/les erreur(s) suivante(s) Certains fichiers PrestaShop sont absents de votre serveur. (/cache/smarty/compile/index.php) Paramètres optionnels ok...
  11. Bonsoir. J'ai supprimé le cache du site en production pour voir une modification d'un fichier en supprimant les fichiers sous le répertoire : /tools/smarty/compile/ J'ai supprimé par erreur le fichier index.php dessous, mais j'ai récup me dernière sauvegarde de ce fichier et l'ai remis rapide...
  12. Prestashop version: theme: Buddie theme (Codespot) URL: in localhost yet. Hi, I encounter a problem, when i go to the product detail page, some Smarty errors appear: [b]Notice[/b]: Undefined index: product in [b]C:\xampp\htdocs\hiperdog2\cache\smarty\compile\6b\72\13\6b7213d0d5f9e143c...
  13. Hello Everyone, I just started the new version of my site from the actual one at (1.5 RIP i know is so old ) to the new one . First of all i want to tell you that im not a pro in this new sass system and im trying to do my best to get this to work but its impossible for me. I in...
  14. Hola Alguien tiene conocimiento de que se puede tratar este error para poderlo solucionar Undefined index: reduction_type in /home/almacen/public_html/cache/smarty/compile/5d/5c/bf/5d5cbf7146e7deb159934cb474f30b47feb8a2af.file.default-list.tpl.phpon line 63 gracias
  15. Hi, my shop has just started acting weirdly. When I type something into the search bar, it gives me "fatal error" message. If i try to open this category page http://napilu.cz/12-motorove-pily , it's tottaly broken. Any suggestions about the solution? I have no idea what to do with it to be...
  16. Whilst the move towards SASS is a welcome step for 1.6, there are perhaps better ways of managing SASS than being dependent on Compass. There are ways of removing the Ruby/Compass dependency for Prestashop 1.6 & still maintaining code credibility. This is due to Ruby/Compass creating an overhead tha...
  17. Hello, I have a problem with the smarty cache in Prestashop 1.6 The system where the CMS has been installed is Microsoft Windows Server 2008 r2 The error is the following: [PrestaShop] Fatal error in module smarty_internal_write_file: Uncaught --> Smarty: unable to write file [PHYSICAL FOLDER]/...
  18. Buongiorno, ho un problema con la cache di smarty in Prestashop 1.6 Il sitema opertivo dove è stato installato il cms è Microsoft Windows Server 2008 r2 L'errore è il seguente: [PrestaShop] Fatal error in module smarty_internal_write_file: Uncaught --> Smarty: unable to write file [CARTELLA D...
  19. Does Prestashop compile the sass files? if yes, then how to enable? If not, then how can I automate sass compiling on the server? I am using Siteground as the host.
  20. Bonsoir, Je suis totalement novice en PHP et encore plus en prestashop. Je dois juste aider un ami en lui modifiant quelques structures HTML / CSS sur son site. J'ai donc copié le site sur mon PC et l'ai monté à l'aide d'un serveur WAMP. Toutes les configurations ont bien été effectuées (je l'e...
  21. Здравствуйте народ, Никак не могу понять как откомпилировать scss файлы в css. При компиляции жалуется: error hooks.scss (Line 2: File to import not found or unreadable: theme_variables. При этом компиляция для самой темы default-bootstrap проходит нормально, а вот для модуля ThemeConfigurato...
  22. Bonjour, J'ai quelques problèmes, d'utilisation, mais surtout, j'ai voulu supprimer le cache, comme indiqué dans les forum, j'ai donc tous effacé dans le répertoire cache/smarty/cache et cache/smarty/compile sauf le fichier index.php et (je ne sais pas si c'est depuis là) mais si je vais depui...
  23. Hi everyone! I have doubt, I'm uploading my website presta 1.5 to 000webhost (uploading not finish yet), using filezilla, and i received a file failure transfert information about the /public_html/cache/smarty/compile/... .file.footer.tpl.php that maybe a problem? Thanks for yours answers...
  24. Hey, I have a problem with my product page I would like to change the products image to pull in the "thickbox" sized image into the page so I have edited the product.tpl file to do this. (themes/mytheme/product.tpl line 150 - 153) www.funkyshirt.co.uk : my site I have then saved that fil...
  25. Since yesterday i'm having trouble with the smarty cache on PS After emptying the cache manually by deleting all folders and files (except index.php) from the folders cache and compile i found that ps is now creating more than 8000 files in the folder cache instead of folders with files in...
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