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  1. Hi everyone (je parle français), I am having an issue with my website for the second time this week. The first time it happened was two days ago, we changed absolutely nothing and the probleme disappeared overnight (i suspected the host for restarting a server or a service). Two days...
  2. Bonjour, Il semble que Cloudflare ajoute l'en-tête "X-Turbo-Charged-By : LiteSpeed". L'activation ou la désactivation de l'en-tête n'a aucun effet. Quelle option existe-t-il pour supprimer et/ou remplacer l'en-tête et pourquoi apparait-elle sans avoir fait quoi que ce soit ? Je n'ai...
  3. Bonjour à tous, Depuis que j'ai configuré Cloudflare sur notre site web hébergé chez Hostinger, on a eu des soucis (notamment pour l'audit GTmetrix qui me sort des erreurs 530, pour réceptions d'emails car dns mal configuré, etc...) Mais ici, j'aimerais fixer autre chose et j'aurais besoi...
  4. I have a feeling this will be quite a simple one but I need to pull the the delivery address to a theme file (more specifically the country or country id) and I'm not sure how to go about doing that. I found this topic that explains it in some detail but I'm not sure where exactly in the cart fi...
  5. So I've got Cloudflare and Prestashop running together to improve load times however a side effect of the CDN is that my cronjobs can only run for a maximum of 90 seconds. Any longer and Cloudflare will send out a 524 error and the cronjob will not be properly launched. According to Cloudflare the...
  6. Hello, I have I have two servers EU and USA. Geo DNS from AWS cloudfront. I have noticed that very rare but sometimes geoDNS is tricky. It redirect customer after the order to wrong shop and there is no order in BO. Payment is done, but there is no registration order....
  7. I have installed PrestaShop without any issues on Ubuntu server running apach2 with all prerequisites. However it was initially running on IP address. I later reinstalled PrestaShop after finishing DNS change for new domain name because side was reloading from domain name to IP address....
  8. Люди добрые помогите пожалуйста победить "Циклическое перенаправление на странице" под CloudFlare. Админка работает частично, в настройки магазина зайти не могу. Веб сервер nginx+php-fpm. Nginx конфиг: В админке CloudFlare включил: Always Use HTTPS и Automatic HTTPS Rewr...
  9. Hello! I'm having a problem accessing the "Transplant a module" page on prestashop I do not find problems on other pages of the backend but only in this. Host is Hostinger and Cloudflare for CDN. I activated the _PS_MODE_DEV and I receive the errors log as in the attached pd...
  10. Καλησπέρα σας, ένας πελάτης έχει ένα site σε PS Με τα modules που ζήτησε κατά καιρούς το αρχικό load του site είναι αρκετά μεγάλο, περίπου 6-7 δεύτερα μέχρι να εμφανιστεί η σελίδα. Αν το ρίξω το site πάνω στο free account του cloudflare, θα βελτιωθεί ή κατάσταση; Ή να αρχίσω να β...
  11. Dear All. I just upgraded Livezilla to version 7, and i face an important issue. It seems that prestashop in some way prevents Livezilla client to communicate with Livezilla Server. For example, If i try to start a chat i will never receive any notification server side, if i try to send mes...
  12. I will start with my own experience and Ps 1.6 .08: Easy to configure, I just changed name servers and everything was set from there on, no additional changes besides leaving the security option essentially off and the catching and performance to the highest available option for best performance...
  13. Hi, I need a little help..I have prestashop version My website https://klontongjack.com I need a little help. My product image wont showing after i use SSL from cloudflare..It show wrong URL to my homepage. if i saw from my sitemap, my product picture successfully rewrite to...
  14. Hi I installed ssl certificates on my website around 20 days ago from cloudflare by routing my nameservers to cloudflare nameservers, and now i want to remove my website from cloudflare as well as delete ssl certificate I tried Doing It by Directly Deleting Website from cloudflare and then deletin...
  15. I have been using Cloudflare as an extra security layer to prevent DDOS attacks and hacking. I am having some problems with orders now and was hoping someone can shed some light on this issue. I was receiving orders just fine before. Nothing else has changed that I know of. Customer create...
  16. Un mio cliente ha un server Debian su cui gli ho installato VestaCP per il lato web server. Per la gestione dei DNS ho registrato il sito su CloudFlare quale ho attivato anche il pacchetto SSL gratuito (richiestomi per le necessità del negozio). Attivando l'SSL sul negozio ho notato che comincia a...
  17. I had major problems in backoffice when Cloudflare was activated. If someone faces issues like: "After updating to, in modules search is not working (e.g. I write Paypal and nothing happen) and also the filters installed-not installed." "Another problem ist that when I do a rol...
  18. I am trying to use MAxCDN in conjuction with Cloudflare on my prestashop 1.5.4. I know MAXCDN supports Prestashop, so does Cloudflare. MaxCDN also supports Cloudflare to be used with it. I was able to setup the MAXCDN however SSL give issues and the links breaks. Can anyone provide me step by s...
  19. Hello All, I am new to PrestaShop - I was giving it a test drive in comparison to my current setup and I am having a very difficult time with Multi Stores in regards to separate domains. I have searched tirelessly here for 2 days for answers but do not seem to find anything exactly like I am lo...
  20. I have setup cloudflare for my prestashop website. In backend each time i refresh a page it points me to backend login page, it logges me out. In customer account this behavior does not happen. If i login as a customer it works fine. I have created a rule in cloudflare settings with url pattern...
  21. Zdravím, ať jsem hledal jak chtěl, nenašel jsem (možná neumím hledat ), tak snad někdo poradí. Mám PS a rád bych využil záložku "Nástroje - Výkon." Poraďte prosím s dvěmi věcmi. 1) CCC (kombinace, komprese a cache) - jak správně nastavit a hlavně 2) Media server (použit...
  22. I activated cloudflare in a pro account and when using SSL , website completely broken, it gives mobile theme mixed with desktop theme . Attached images (A)without and (B)with SSL SSL ....... When i paused cloudflare ,SSL working fine with green padlock but when using cludeflare i get orange padl...
  23. Hi, i'm again evaluating CloudFalre Capacities for Prestashop (1.4.8) It seems to work well but i'm dispapointed for two points : . no plug exists for Prestashop : IP addresses for carts are those from CloudFlare and the real ones . admin : when you want to filter orders or to check ord...
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