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  1. Hello everybody, we want to build a store which has only downloadable products. We want to use cloud storage on any service provider(DigitalOcean, Amazon, Google Cloud etc.). But we have no idea about how we can store our virtual products on another storage. Let me explain our problem with an exampl...
  2. Hola a todos, Tengo varias tiendas de prestashop funcionando en varios dominios independientes alojados en el mismo servidor y entre estas tiendas a pesar de ser independientes entre si, por lo que no me sirve la opción multitienda, si que comparten el catálogo de productos . El...
  3. Hi all, As a will for the new year I wanted to transfer my prestashop from a shared server to a cloud server (virtual machine) As of my website started getting laggier and laggier, becoming slow also on simple operations, I wanted to do a fresh install on the new virtual machine, use a lig...
  4. Hallo Community, Leider scheitere ich komplett an meiner Shopmigration, seit dem die Cloudnutzung abgeschafft wurde. Irgendwann lande ich beim Fehler "500 Server Error" und komme nicht darauf, woran es scheitert. Der Fehler tritt auf, sobald ich meine Shopdaten (das www.tgz Dateipaket) hochlade...
  5. Buenos días estimada comunidad. Hemos usado Prestashop en nuestra tienda usando el hosting de A2Hosting sin tener resultados muy favorables. Ahora estamos por emprender en un proyecto multitienda usando los servidores Cloud de Microsoft Azure. Mi pregunta es acerca de la factibilidad de...
  6. I have moved my business to cloud. Is it still important to have an online backup of the servers on my end when my hosting provider is already backing up the data on their end?
  7. Всем привет! никогда не устанавливал престашоп на облако (клиент настаивает), поэтому прошу советов у специалистов и тех, кто имеет опыт в этом вопросе. Предполагается новая установка магазина с 5 тыс. товаров. Также необходима будет синхронизация данных с другим сервером. Поде...
  8. Ciao a tutti, abbiamo bisogno di un gestionale per un sito online con Prestashop e due punti vendita fisici, per cui è indispensabile sincronizzare i magazzini. Ho già visto Danea che però non mi entusiasma sotto vari aspetti. Per ora ho trovato questi: - Sirio Cloud - Smarty Avete altre...
  9. HI. i have a cloud 1.6.13 store. Recently im experiencing issues saving changes to product, or adding customer cart rules, or even saving discount amount. i have to repeat the same multiple time, or disable and enable the product again multiple time to save the needed changes. this i...
  10. Prestashop hat Ende Januar 2015 offiziell die Prestashop Cloud Lösung vorgestellt und freigegeben. Es handelt sich um eine vorinstallierte gehostete Prestashop-Variante, ein Einführungsvideo findet ihr hier: Open an online store in 2 minutes with Prestashop Anleitung und Dokumentation gibt es zur...
  11. Hola hace poco creé una tienda en la versión Cloud. Opté por borrar la tienda. Ya que al importar los productos me presentó dificultad. Ahora deseo volver a crearla desde cero pero no puedo ver la opción de crear tienda en la nube. Sino únicamente descargar. Agradezco su ayuda.
  12. Salutare, Mi-am facut un magazin in cloud-ul prestashop si nu reusesc sa-mi atasez propriul domeniu .ro Domeniul respectiv a mai fost folosit in trecut, dar am sters toate ns-urile de pe rotld.ro Am atasat cateva capturi de ecran cu setarile de pe rotld.ro si statusul prestashop. Nu...
  13. Mesi fa ho realizzato un sito con Prestashop Cloud - tutto ok, funziona perfettamente. Giorni fa volevo realizzare un nuovo sito per un'amica ma l'opzione cloud è scomparsa. Ora o si installa il software o si paga il servizio di hosting. Il bello è che il cloud gratuito è ancora pubblicizzato. Non...
  14. I want to install and use securepay (auspost) as the payment component, but it seems to force me to download. I have only been using the prestashop with the (cloud) online version. Do I have to download prestashop to be able to use securepay??
  15. Hi PrestaShop Community, The Google Cloud Platform now has both MySQL and PHP (limited beta) support. Has anyone tried to set up PrestaShop there? This would be interesting for people like me that don't want to maintain a Linux server, and don't want to pay for a managed server. On top of th...
  16. Bonjour, Voici un module qui permet d'imprimer avec Google Cloud Print directement dans le back office de Prestashop. Il est ainsi possible d'imprimer n'importe quel document sur une imprimante distante d'un simple clique sur une icone. Ce module est mon premier module gratuit. Prestashop...
  17. Hello, We want to start a new store on Prestashop Cloud wtih 26000, which will be imported from datafeed CSV file, BUT we had been denied by the limits of Cloud, so only 304 products were uploaded. Please, could help us how to resolve this? I want to contact Prestashop directly, but there i...
  18. I'm using Prestashop Cloud version, in order to build one of my stores. Is there any way to upgrade to the latest version? Correct me if I'm wrong, but 1-Click Upgrade module works only with the Download version (I tried to install 1-Click Upgrade but an error was encountered). I sta...
  19. Hi, I'm setting up my store and linked one of my domain to the shop. I have set the IP correctly and the management console showed it's ACTIVE However whether it's www.XXX.COM or just XXXX.COM not, it only point to cloud console page, not actual webstore. It only point to https:...
  20. Hello, Sory for my englisch, I have problems with my site and after seeking for 2 days i dont find a solution. When you Klick on my logo in the shop we have: HTTP And for the rest: HTTPS Also when you open a product you can add to cart ( Https ) But when you go to a categorie, and you dont open t...
  21. I bought an SSL certificate but it is not installed yet, I still get "There was a technical problem..." after some days of buying it. What could I do? Here is the screenshot: Thanks
  22. Hi I'm using Prestashop Cloud ( and just installed a theme called nt-supersale. When I tried to install the EU-Legal module the following error occurred: Folgende Module konnten nicht vollständig installiert werden: eu_legal : The method initContent in the class ProductControlle...
  23. Salve ho da poco acquistato il ticket che permette la migrazione dalla versione cloud alla versione download di prestashop tutto fatto da loro. La mail di attivazione e il sito del servizio sono solo in francese e non mi è chiaro, dopo essermi registrato, dove e quali dati inserire. Qualcuno ha us...
  24. Hello, I've been running successful prestashop 1.6.0 store since March of this year using tsohost as a server but it has grown so much that we're thinking about better offer or even VPS. We have about 300 unique visits and 10 high value orders daily, growing very fast. Linux VPS £70 is what we defi...
  25. Salve a tutti, dopo un periodo di prova con la versione cloud sto valutando il passaggio alla versione locale, sia per aver accesso al codice sia per poterlo implementare con i miei sistemi. Volevo un parere su questo ticket/modulo: http://addons.prestashop.com/it/guida/19155-migration-t...
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