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Found 7 results

  1. Witam, Od jakiegoś czasu pojawił się ciąg znaków na samej górze strony, przed meta tagami, titlem strony, przed wszystkim. Nie ma tego w headerze ani w indexie. Te znaki jest to stare hasło to mojego konta w panelu admina. Wie ktoś jak to usunąć? Pojawia się wszędzie na każdej stronie na samym...
  2. Hello everyone, I recently tried to create a few attributes with elements including '< > =' and could not do this due to the validation. For my business, these characters are vital in features/attributes (<8mm etc.). Is there any way to remove the validation of these characters and ensure they...
  3. Here is a problem that we had with numerous customers at Prestashop where even with Friendly URL is enabled or disabled, the URL automatically adds a some kind of tracking token at the end of the URL. Here is an example of the problem: Why has the URL address for all the pages on our webpage...
  4. Beste iedereen, Wij hebben een probleem. In prestashop 1.4 konden wij bij productkenmerken WAARDE gewoon <>;=#{} enz gebruiken. Sinds Prestashop 1.6 is dit echter niet meer mogelijk. Dit is niet wenselijk omdat hier data in komt te staan als >500watt en <250watt , links en Anchors. Is er ee...
  5. Hi guys. I'm having a really bad head-ache cause of this stupid problem. I need to input the following on all my products: "Solidez a la luz: >6" "Solidez a la luz" is a feature that I created, and ">6" is the value, that sometimes will vary to "<3" or something like that. The problem I ha...
  6. I am not sure if in v1.5 the values of categories in products_import.csv was numbers? ie. like 25,56,96 In the new v1.6 are we expecting alpha characters now i.e. names of categories rather than cat IDs? e.g. ipods,music-players,game-players products_import.csv sample from v1.6 Categor...
  7. How to enter product information with a CSV file without the Characters turned into question marks? i save excel.csv under unicode utf-8 file. I have a default language Slovenian, also when loading csv files use the Slovenian language.
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