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  1. Hi all, we have a lot of abandoned carts (probably not the only one). I wonder what the best strategy is to get some use of them. The problem is that we don't have ay information about who is leaving the cart, so I was thinking if there is a way to either do some sort of offer when the "move"...
  2. I have created a cart rule in which I choose a product that has free shipping. When I add that product to the cart everything works fine and the free shipping appears, but when I add a product without free shipping in which I should add the shipping price of that product, they both appear as f...
  3. Hello, I'm trying to figure out how to solve the out of stock combination products when opening the product page. Now when the customer is on the product page and if the default variant-product is out of stock it doesn't change automatically to the available stock which adds some confusi...
  4. Hello i have a serious problem with my e shop and i cant take anymore orders because when u add a product in the cart sometimes shows zero price and total a bigger amount or sometimes add correct the price but again the total amount is bigger.Please if anyone could help me and get me out of this pre...
  5. I have the check and paypal module enabled, but in the shopping cart it shows that there are no payment methods. I checked the obvious places for errors (admin payment options [currency], module settings), but nothing work. I tried disabling/enabling the modules hoping that it would correct the prob...
  6. Hello, I would like my cart button to show the whole ajax blockcart modal instead of showing a dropdown menu. On the cart button I've tried to change data-toggle="dropdown" to data-toggle="blockcart-modal" with no success... onclick="prestashop.blockcart.showModal()" does...
  7. Hallo Prestashop 1.7.8 does not refresh the quantity in the cart. When I press refresh F5 it changes to the correct value. In previous version Prestashop, the quantity is updated correctly automatically. I have a Sonice template from Hiddentechies. What could be the reason? Is it relate...
  8. Hello, in Prestashop 8.1.4 i have made an override of the Cart.php file. I have done this override many times in different older versions of PS. So i am overriding the function getPackageShippingCost(). The goal is to add an aditional shipping cost for each product, calculated during cart execu...
  9. Hello, I have developed a custom module that allows purchasing specific products individually. Every time a product from that group is added to the cart, I check for it and remove any other products already in the cart. This works fine for most products, but when I add a product with combi...
  10. Hi, i'm using webservice api to get order from my e-commerce but i need to retrieve information about cart rules other than total discounts in order api. How can i get this data? Thanks in advice.
  11. Bonjour, j'aimerai ajotuer dans le panier (personnalisé par le thème) une phrase du style "X € restants pour bénéficier des frais de port).. et remplacer ce texte par offert si le panier hors livraison dépasse 59€. J'ai réussi à ajouter la phrase "Frais de ports offerts à partir de 59€"...
  12. Hi guys, i have problem with ps wirepayment module! When its activated i cant open cart (500error) and cant make order (500error) When disabling wirepayment, every thing works, but people can make order because there is no payment method! Here is error! Any solutions? PHP8...
  13. Hi there, I have a problem with the cart icon displayed in the header. Description of the problem Step 1: When I launched the site, I wanted people to create their account befoyre buying anything. For a few days, there was no cart icon displayed as long as you weren't logged in. You c...
  14. Hello. I have an issue since I created this website: when I add something to cart it takes around 8 seconds for the pop-up to show and after that the whole website starts working very very slow. After I finish the order and the cart empties, it comes back to working perfectly fine. Any i...
  15. Hello, My website is having this issue for some accounts ! but other could place orders normally! any one knows why? and how to fix
  16. Hello, I used this code: {$urls.pages.cart} to get the cart url page. If I am not logged in when I click on the button it redirect me to the cart page what is normal. But if I am logged in, even if I have products on cart or not, the button redirect me to the homepage. Any a...
  17. Hi all, I have a problem that started more or less recently with my shop www.staring.es Customers using Firefox based browsers on all OS platforms (Firefox stable, nightly, Tor browser, OSX, Windows, Linux) cannot buy. If they add a product to the cart, and start the checkout process, at some...
  18. Advanced Delivery Date Pro This is a powerful and functional module for organizing a more convenient choice of delivery date and time with support for delivery date and time in invoices. With the help of the module, you can set up time intervals, with the ability to disable delivery on weekend...
  19. Bonjour, dans le BO Prestashop, on a de nombreuses lignes de panier à 0, apparemment un comportement normal mais à quoi correspondent ces paniers à 0?
  20. Bonjour à tous, j'aimerais ajouter à ma fiche produit un bouton "ajouter 6 au panier", avec comme vous l'aurez compris l'ajout d'un coup de 6 produits au panier. Le but étant bien d'ajouter une certaine quantité du même produit (pas de bundle). Auriez-vous une idée de comment faire ?...
  21. Hi, I'm building a module for my client. This is my client's requirement. How to force user login when trying to add product to cart and after login the product should be in the cart and also redirect the user to the product page. do anyone has any opinion or suggestions?
  22. Hello, I've installed the Knowband Manager gift cards module v2.0.5 from Knowband and I'm encountering an issue. When I use a gift card code, the discount is only applied to the product and doesn't take the shipping cost into account. For example, I have set up free shipping through the 'Carrie...
  23. Hi everyone! I just posted a quick tutorial on how to display the "free shipping starts at" amount, and what is left to spend, in the cart summary page! http://nemops.com/prestashop-show-free-shipping/#.U99bavna6r0 Hope it's useful to someone! Cheers!
  24. Hello, I'm looking for a cart bonus module that will work a bit differently than the ones I've found available, because I want the bonus product to cost one penny, not be free. Additionally, I need the module to have a counter in the cart showing how much more needs to be added to the cart valu...
  25. Hi everyone. This is my first post on the forum. I'm happy to be here. I was wondering if there is a way to share cart content between sessions: I noticed that, every time I logout, I loose all items added to the cart. A further investigation on the database revealed that, when a user logs...
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