Hello everyone,
I'm a happy PS user for 2 years now, just every now and then I stumble on an issue and I just dont know how to see light at the end of the tunnel.... :-)
The issue regards Carriers and how the are offered during Checkout Process:
“How can I restrict the (types of) Carriers offered in Check Out to ONLY those (types of) Carriers that are highest in rank for the actual (types of) Products in the cart AND are able to deliver ALL the different (types of) Products in the cart” ?
The reason is that I sell different types of products that require different types of carriers. Setting this up in PS 1.5.1 is not difficult, actually quite easy.
However, the behavior of the Checkout Process (which carriers it shows to the customer to choose from based on the products in it) is not logic.
I have products of type A and type B. I have carriers of type X and type Y.
Product A requires Carrier X. Product B requires Carrier Y.
Carrier Y can also deliver Product A. But Carrier X can NOT deliver product B.
If the customer puts Product A and B in the cart, ONLY Carrier Y must be offered to the customer, which is the Carrier that can deliver both type of products A and B.
To arrange this in PS 1.5.1 both the Carriers X and Y must be assigned to the Products A and B under the BO > Catalog > Products > Shipping tab.
However, the unfortunate consequence of this is that BOTH the Carriers X and Y will also be offered to the customer that ONLY puts Product A in his cart. Which I dont want.
In PS versions 1.4.x I managed this issue with the help of the free module StiffCarrierCateg. Worked flawlessly. However, I can not find an update for this module for PS 1.5.1 (already asked for it!).
I had hoped this issue would have been taken care of in PS 1.5 since the possibility is now offered to assign a Carrier to a Product in BO (see above).
Anyone has a clue how to manage this? I can hardly imagine that I’m the only one trying to find a solution for this.
Many thanx in advance for ideas and suggestions!!