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  1. Hi I have an issue where some of our products can only be collected in store due the nature of the product ie Chainsaws for example So within Carriers - we have a click and collect option along with our royal mail shipping options The problem is that it keeps shows as Shipping: Free...
  2. Advanced Delivery Date Pro This is a powerful and functional module for organizing a more convenient choice of delivery date and time with support for delivery date and time in invoices. With the help of the module, you can set up time intervals, with the ability to disable delivery on weekend...
  3. Hello, I want to add a delivery time to the invoice PDF, I've tried to code it but without success. What I think what must be done is add on invoice.summary-tab.tpl an extra rule 'delivery time' and an extra rule with information in it. I've tried to add $carrier->delay but the result in the PD...
  4. Olva Courier Module for PrestaShop Calculates in real-time the shipping costs through the Olva Courier online quoting service, based on Lima (as origin) and the client's destination city, dimensions and weight of products added to the shopping cart. Benefits for Merchants Trusted ship...
  5. Greetings, Am still using the older version of PrestaShop v1.6.1.24, but I think this issues is also in the newest version of PrestaShop, if not let me know. To keep it simple and short, let's say we have only one carrier setup in PrestaShop that can go max to 40kg and is afterwards deacti...
  6. Hi! This is an odd one. I noticed that "{carrier}" is used in the order_conf.html email template and new_order.html email template and when emailed, shows the name of the carrier selected for the order. I'd like to include that info in a couple of other emails the customer receives when I up...
  7. Hello everybody, Presta i am newbie in creating modules, but still have decided to solve one small problem by creating a very simple module, which adds 2 fields in the carrrier / checkout step. These fields are saved in the ps_orders table and will be used and displayed on the new...
  8. When I place an order via my back office for one item I get this message No carrier can be applied to this order and I can not create the order However when I increase the units to two or order a second product so the total becomes 2 all of the usual carries are applied and the order can be pla...
  9. Hello, Does anyone know how can i add an additional tab to the order list in the backend? I want to add a tab with the carrier picked for that order. Is this something that has to do with AdminOrdersController.php file? Here's what i mean:
  10. HI I am new here. I just did a reset my whole prestashop website because i have had a bug in Carriers module from prestashop. I could not save the configurations as such my website soes not work. THe save button wasn't seen in the admin. SO i reinstalled it and.. Same. Can someone p...
  11. Bonjour tout le monde, Voila je suis bloquer que la version prestashop 1.6. Je doit définir un transporteur par default. J'ai bien défini le transporteur par default dans l'administration. Coté front : J'ai mis en place un nouveau design avec des checkbox de type radio le pr...
  12. SCENARIO I sell precious metal and semi-precious metal jewellery. When shipping gold or platinum pieces, I am required to have the customer sign for their package before it is released to them. It is an insurance requirement, as it protects both me the seller and my customers from mail fraud....
  13. Hello is there a way to disable specyfic carrier when order bigger then 100$? If there is no way to do this in configuration please point me a file where I can set this restriction.
  14. Hi everyone! I have a problem with orders with more than one carrier in a PrestaShop 1.7.6. I have configured several carriers for different zones and products and PrestaShop divides them into several orders in the Back Office (so far it is correct). The problem is that it also does it wit...
  15. Hello everyone! I would like to know why the function `$module->getPackageShippingCost()`, from the Cart class, it's been called so many times. I have 2 carriers added. The calls come from Cart and Carrier classes. I attached a screenshot of the function calls doing echo's fo...
  16. Hi, I am struggling to get the shipping cost of a carrier while products are in a cart. I've looked at /carts, /carriers, and etc but it doesn't seem to have any field relating to it's shipping cost. I am using this API on a remote server, so I can't edit the prestashop files to retrieve i...
  17. now i have an issue that carrier is calculating fees according to zones addresses are according to states and countries is there a way to determine shipment fees according to states or governments lets say we are located in cairo, egypt "state, country" can i assign different fee to luxo...
  18. Bonjour, Je cherche actuellement une solution afin d'afficher l'image du transporteur dans mon tableau de commandes en back-office. Il est facile sur la version 1.6 via un array_merge et un callback sur une fonction liant l'image du transporteur avec l'id du transporteur, seulement sur la versi...
  19. Kedves fórumtagok! Elérhető a GLS szállítási módokat implementáló modul: https://presta.hu/prestashop-modulok/29-gls-api-automata-rendeles-bekueldes-es-csomagpont-valaszto.html A modul segítségével automatikusan és manuálisan is beküldhető a csomag a GLS API-n keresztül, valamint egyéni és töm...
  20. Kedves fórum tagok! Elérhető az Addons-on valamint saját oldalunkon is Magyar Posta integrálásához szükséges modul, amely támogatja a házhozszállítás és a csomagpont szállítási módokat egyaránt. https://addons.prestashop.com/en/shipping-carriers/53093-hungarian-post-mpl-postapont.html https://...
  21. Kedves fórum tagok! Elérhető az Addons-on az Foxpost szállítási mód integrálásához szükséges modul, amely támogatja a házhozszállítás és a csomagpont szállítási módokat egyaránt https://addons.prestashop.com/en/shipping-carriers/51873-foxpost-hungary-parcel-locker-and-home-delivery.html Pres...
  22. Hey everyone! I just published a free module to assign carriers to products in bulk http://store.nemops.com/free-modules/43-carrier-assigner-free-module.html#.VqjEffk4Hmh Make sure you check out the video too! Fabio
  23. Hello, At first i sorry for my english. I have a lot of different products in my shop. My biggest problem is shipping module, because i have small products which weights around few kg and also large products which weights same, but delivery price is few $ higher. At the moment everything w...
  24. Luego de instalar Prestashop y revisar el carrito, me he dado cuenta que cada vez que se consulta el valor del flete, se realiza 4 consultas al módulo de transporte seleccionado, pasando por la función public function getOrderShippingCost($params, $shipping_cost) ¿Porqué pasa 4 veces por...
  25. Hello! I'm trying to create a shipping module, where the admin presses a button in the order and then sends to the carrier information about the order. I've already created a button in the order page using the hookActionGetAdminOrderButtons. What files do I have to edit in order to make this...
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