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Found 22 results

  1. Hola buenas tardes, Con el Prestashop 1.7 no se como se pone en el footer la imágen de las tarjetas, paypal, confianza segura,... He estado buscando por la documentación y no lo encuentro. En segundo lugar, he tratado de instalar un complemento de blog y siempre m...
  2. Hi guys! Just wanted to share you some awesome news. We recently launched card-logo.com which is a free online tool where you can combine and download payment cardlogos, shipping logos, payment provider logos, cryptocurrency logos and much more. If you think there is missing any logo just...
  3. Bonjour à tous, Salutations du jour. Cet addon permet d'ajouter des données structurées sur les détails de l'entreprise, les heures d'ouverture, les avis, l'emplacement et les pages sociales, etc. pour afficher un extrait riche dans les résultats de recherche et aider au référencement....
  4. Hi All, Greetings of the day. The Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph. To turn web pages into graph objects, you need to add metadata to your page. The Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph....
  5. Hello, After doing some research, I decided to come here to solve the problem that I encounter with my Prestashop (in production) version Indeed, the prices of products (with the application of taxes, shipping and VAT) is no longer the same once the shopping basket. In terms...
  6. Hi people, i am new to prestahsop and i find myself with a problem reciving payments with stripe Allways appears the same problem. An error occured during the request. Please contact us See the link too: https://imgur.com/5ui91Iu I found a toturial with someone with the same prob...
  7. Hi everyone! Is it possible when my customers want to pay with their credit card using PayPal, to do that without having a PayPal account or creating a new one? There isn't an option to pay with credit card, just to login or create a new PayPal account. Screenshot - http://prntscr.com/ehif6e...
  8. Hi everyone, Well, this is my first topic here. I am representing AwakeningStore.Com and I would like to activate PayPal feature of Payment Standard that allows us to accept payments from credit card owners who do not have PayPal accounts: https://www.paypal.com/webapps/mpp/paypal-payments-stan...
  9. URGENT! We need to place credit card logos + logo for our payment service (that links to their page) and we cant find where to do it. The two existing modules that we found (Product payment logos block and Payment logos block) are not giving us the option to put 5 card logos + payment servic...
  10. Ciao, esiste un modulo che dopo che il cliente si è registrato al negozio, possa generare la propria "Virtual Fidelity Card" con un numero seriale univoco abbinato al proprio account con possibilità di stampare la propria card? Per quanto riguarda il designe, libertà di personalizzarlo ed im...
  11. Am un modul MobilPay descarcat din secţiunea implementare la care ar trebui făcută o modificare. În acest moment, dacă ai moneda de bază leul, tranzacţia se finalizează cu succes şi corect. Dacă însă ai moneda de bază euro, modulul calculează transformarea în lei de două ori. Am un produs d...
  12. Hi guys, I'm in need to create a payment method plugin for my Prestashop that uses the VPOS payment platform to accept credit cards. Title of petition: Interdin Payclub Web Payment Plugin Type of project: Prestashop payment plugin/module Development type: Online Proye...
  13. Hi, I got problem with prestashop This site: http://www.edelikatesy.cz/ When I activate new language (Russian in this case) add to card buttons stops working. When you click on add to card in category, subcategory, homepage, product page it just redirects you to homepage and product is...
  14. hi guys... I wuold like to add more bills into the cart, for example i wuold like to add a insurance row or packaging row or other bills in order to show a transparent total price. More or less similar to the voucher field...but should be positive and not negative , and should be add in auto...
  15. Bonjour, Après un passage plus ou moins facile d'un presta 1.5.15 à 1.5.17, j'ai deux problèmes d'incrémentation des quantités dans le panier. je précise que mon thème est quasi d'origine et je suis en multi-boutique. 1- Lorsque j'ajoute dans le panier (10x un produit) en une ou plusieurs fo...
  16. I'm using prestashop 1.4.3. with paypal module 3.0.7. I set my solution as Website payment standard. As far as i know when you choose this solution customers can pay with cards (credit or debit) without having paypal account. I have bussines paypal account. But this doesn't work for me. It can be on...
  17. Ahoj, potrebuju na eshop pridat platbu kartou, ceska sporitelna. Rad bych se zeptal jake reseni pouzivate? V podstate se potrebuju rozhodnout jestli tvorit vlastni reseni, pravdepodobne pomoci http://addons.nette.org/cs/webpay nebo je to blbost? Nebo koupit nejaky modul, nasel jsem a...
  18. Hi I'm guessing this has probably been answered before but I can't find the information I need by searching. I've created a shop and all I need to do now is set up the payment section. I just need a way for the customer to enter credit card details to pay. I have a low budget so I'd like...
  19. Hi guys, The gateway is the last step to launch my store :-) I was checking autorizhe.net but it seems that it only works for companies registered in US or Canada? Do you have any other do you recommend? Would you recommend HiPay? What about any other paid? Please help Thanks in advance
  20. Hi fellows, so I have a flower shop and wanted to replace the ... "I want my order wrapped, It will cost additionally blah blah ..." part with a "add a stationary card" so people can send anniversary flowers and add a card accordingly. It needs a drop down menu where they can select the ocassion...
  21. Hola a todos, Estoy buscando algún módulo para procesar tarjetas de crédito de forma offline, he leido en el foro alguna opciones pero no termino de verlo claro. Me recomendais algún módulo en concreto? y gratuito? Saludos, Josep M
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