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Found 6 results

  1. The latest version of the Official Stripe Payments Module v2.0.3 has a big problem. It only allows for simultaneous auth & capture at the time of sale. Like a lot of sellers we opt to authorise at time of sale and then capture, once the goods are sent. This helps prevent problems when an item i...
  2. Salve gente, sono uno sviluppatore da poco approdato su Prestashop, e mi sono ritrovato con un dubbio su paypal e il suo modulo. Facendo varie prove in sandbox con un account Pro, ho notato che non funziona la funzione di capture manuale, ovvero, l'impostazione viene salvata, l'ordine risulta come...
  3. I have this snippet inside order-address.tpl {capture}<h3 class="page-subheading">{l s='Your billing address' js=1}</h3>{/capture} {addJsDefL name=titleInvoice}{$smarty.capture.default|@addcslashes:'\''}{/addJsDefL} The thing is, if I change the captured html and console.log the titleInvoice var...
  4. I'm looking for either a module or guidance on setting up Paypal on Prestashop 1.6, for Express Checkout with Authorization and Manual Capture. It appears that the free module for 1.5 supported this: https://www.paypal.com/webapps/mpp/get-started/prestashop-shopping-cart But the module for...
  5. Bonjour, Nous rencontrons un problème avec le fil d'Ariane de notre site. Sur les dernières catégories crées, le chemin n'est pas correct. PS rajoute un chemin qui n'existe pas Nous travaillons sur Prestashop Pour exemple le lien ci-dessous http://www.la-cabane-a-vapeur.fr/...
  6. Jeg har netop opsat Quickpay betalingsmodul på min webshop. Quickpays egen manager giver mulighed for at capture beløb direkte, men jeg vil selvfølgelig gerne undgå at skulle tjekke både Quickpay og PS. Hvordan fungerer direkte capture i Prestashop? Jeg kan læse mig lidt til at det kræver noget...
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