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  1. When I update a category image via the back office, it doesn’t appear updated on the same PC I used for the update. However, if I check on a different device, the update is visible. I suspect it's a caching issue. I tried clearing the cache via the back office, but it didn’t work. Then, I manually d...
  2. Καλησπέρα, Χρησιμοποιώ το prestashop 8.1.7. Η εγκατάστασή του έχει γίνει στα ελληνικά. Έχω προσθέσει τα αγγλικά στην εντοπιότητα και ενεργοποίησα το language selector για την εναλλαγή γλώσσας στο site. Σε desktop mode, όταν το block αλλαγής γλώσσας βρίσκεται στο header, δουλεύει κανονικά....
  3. Bonjour, je rencontre un soucis avec mes fiches produits dans mon back office. Lorsque je met à jour une description, un prix, une quantité ou même le titre et que j'enregistre cela me note "réglages mis à jour". Seulement sur le site rien ne change et quand je retourne dans le back office sur cette...
  4. Clear Customer Browser Cache for PrestaShop The PShowClearBrowserCache module will allow you to efficiently clear outdated cache files in the browsers of customers visiting your shop. The module supports all browsers available on the market. You will be sure your customers can see the current ve...
  5. Hello , i have a custom module with front controller , its tpl file includes a hook as below : {block name='faq'} {hook h='DisplayFaqWrapper' mod='PsCustom'} {/block} Below , is my hook , I used to manage cache but it doesnt work : <?php namespace PrestaShop\Module\PsCust...
  6. Good morning; Memcached library are working correctlly on front office, the time response on catagory are good, but it are caching backoffice sessions and modules and is imposible to work, Some one solved that problem? Anyone know what classes have to by modified to avoid the backoffice c...
  7. Is your PrestaShop website slow? If so, you're not alone. A slow website can frustrate visitors and lead to lost sales. In fact, studies show that a 1-second delay in page load time can lead to a 7% decrease in conversions. But don't worry, there's a solution. The "Super Speed" module is d...
  8. Good morning, I have a problem that sometimes occurs both to me and to clients who enter the website and go through the process of making a purchase. For some reason that I don't know, if customers reach the checkout page and at that moment do not complete the purchase and close the tab in...
  9. I'm encountering a problem with my Prestashop 1.7 website, specifically when the TM Mega Menu module v1.7.2 (by Alexander Grosul from TemplateMonster) is enabled. The error I receive is: (1/1) SmartyException Source: Missing name in smarty_template_source.php line 169 at Smarty_T...
  10. Hi, I created a second prestashop 1.7 site by cloning the first one. “secret/cookie_key/cookie_iv/new_cookie_key” were not changed inside of (../app/config/parameters.php). I put both prestashops on the same server with memcached/apcu installed. but I can’t use no memcached neither apcu with b...
  11. Hi, I'm asking for help cause I'm out of ideas. Since December 2021, my Prestashop started to crash and return blank pages until the website was not responding at all. I found out that there are new folders created in /cache/smarty/compile & /cache/smarty/cache, as 'root' user...
  12. This question relates to my earlier post https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/636915-solved-prestashop-redirects-to-login-screen-when-accessing-some-bo-menu-items/ which I thought was resolved but isn't. I am starting a new post because some information in the old one didn't relate to the actual...
  13. Hola, tengo un problema con la cache activada de Smarty, por ejemplo con el módulo de Powerful Form Generator si está activado no me guarda ninguno de los formularios que hay, desactivado funciona. Otro caso es, por ejemplo, si modificamos algún tpl o css de un módulo sobrescribiendo en el th...
  14. Hi, The site runs PS with Warehouse theme with the following settings (see screenshot): -Template compilation: Force compilation -Cache: No -LiteSpeed Cache is enabled The standard cache is disabled, why I need to empty the cache after changes to filters or adding a new item to t...
  15. Performance Pro - All in One Performance Pro includes image optimization (WebP), page-cache, cleaning tools, lazy loading, page optimization, HTML optimization, analytics, and more! READ MORE / PURCHASE HERE: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/website-performance/86977-performance-pro-all-in...
  16. Hi developers, Can anyone can tell me where I can find a code which is responsible for creating combined js file of all js files? I mean everytime in footer we can find file like v_235_a8347981273902.js which is combined js file with all of the files. I want to know where I can find function res...
  17. Hello, I've enabled debug mode, and my website is showing that random queries that should take < 10ms to load, are supposedly taking much longer. Example query: SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE * FROM `gZ5dA1fv7y_country_lang` WHERE `id_country` = 17 from /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:84, s...
  18. So I've enabled CacheApc and the product stock wasn't changing when I changed the stock in any way. Also tried with CacheMemcached, and it gives the same result. Has anyone solved this issue? I'm tempted to hook a cache clear whenever stock is changed.
  19. Hello, I duplicated my site to make a dev site, and that site when CacheApc is turned on changes the product stock correctly when altered through the backoffice. The original site however doesn't, when you change the stock with CacheApc the stock won't update (only in the database)....
  20. Hi guys, we use Prestashop and we have a strange problem hapenning. When i activate APCu or Memcache(-d) Cache, we have very fast frontend, but we can't work in the backend. For example, i go into one product and change the Meta Title. After i click save in the input field stand...
  21. Hello, So In the backoffice catalog/products, i'll go into a product and edit the stock, and it says it's worked, and the database shows that it's worked. If I refresh that same page the stock goes back to what it was before, if I open in private browsing or another browser it still says...
  22. Hello, Whenever I enable CacheApc in the performance section, I'll get this error in my Customer Service area multiple times per person, but it rarely happens, maybe twice a day, but sometimes there's periods of time where it effects multiple people. This is the error I recei...
  23. HiHo, Cela m'éviterai en effet de devoir purger tooooute la cache (alors que je ne souhaite purger qu'une seule page), et après cela devoir la rechauffer (car le prestashop est en production.. ). Dans mon cas, lorsque j'edite des entrées blogs, cela veut dire devoir faire une cinquante ou plu...
  24. Hi! I've started my journey with Prestashop recently. Working on folders and files seems easy to understand but there is one problem I need help with. Me and my team will be working together on one project in the future. We've choose Docker as platform for developing. I thought that co...
  25. Hi, I have a multistore with 2 stores: Store 1 : theme use is "at_auros Version 2.2.0 Leotheme Team" Store 2 : theme use is "leo_nom Version 1.0.1 Leotheme Team" When i am on store 1, the user icon and cart icon are display: But when i go to the store 2 and return on s...
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