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  1. BULK PRODUCT CATEGORY MOVE The objective of the module is to allow you to change products from one category to another, modify their default category, eliminate associations, make copies, among other options...
  2. Prestashop csv import products module is a useful tool which helps you add a huge number of products to your website by csv or excel file in the easiest and fastest way. You can create the csv/excel file manually or get it from your product supplier. There too much room for human error and way too t...
  3. SEO can be complicated and time-consuming, but it doesn't need to be. We would like to introduce you to a new SEO module that is both easy to use, powerful and makes regular SEO care of your shop an easy and enjoyable activity. SEO (Search engine optimization) is undoubtedly an import...
  4. Hallo Zusammen Ich habe in meinem Shop über 3000 Kategorien und Unterkategorien. Für die Kategorien, möchte ich Bilder hochladen. Nun möchte ich das nicht bei jeder einzelnen Kategorie manuell machen, also Kategorie für Kategorie. Mir wäre es lieber wenn ich dis via .csv datei machen könnte, so...
  5. [MODULE] Advanced Bulk/Batch optimization SEO Pro Overview For Categories, Products, Brands, Suppliers, Page categories, Pages a total of 6 items of Name, Description, Short description, Meta title, Meta description, Meta keywords, Image caption, Friendly URL for batch SEO optimization....
  6. Zdravím, potřeboval bych pomoci. Předem se omlouvám, zdali jsem vytvořil další stejné vlákno s tímto problémem, ale nenašel jsem ho. Prestashop a problém je s notifikací naskladnění produktu. Pokud zadám množství u produktu ručně, email se zprávou o dostupnosti normálně zákazníkovi ode...
  7. [MODULE] Advanced Bulk/Mass Set Product(Category,Price) Pro Overview Filter out a batch of products according to multiple filtering methods, and then manipulate the product catalogs in batches (moving catalogs, associating catalogs, disassociating catalogs), and setting product prices in...
  8. Hola a todos, Estoy importando el archivo csv de combinaciones que adjunto. Quiero agregar una combinación a mi producto con En mi lista de atributos creados tengo "Tipo" ya creado y dentro de tipo tengo el valor "Antishock 2D - Negro". Esto es 100% correcto, lo he verifica...
  9. Salve a tutti, sto cercando di capire se c'è un modo veloce di attivare un nuovo Corriere (nel mio caso è l'opzione Ritiro in Sede) su tutti i prodotti contemporaneamente, evitando quindi di doverlo fare su ogni singolo prodotto (nel mio caso son circa 500, ma immagino anche situazioni con un c...
  10. BULK PRICE UPDATE This is not a module, but is a completely independent Prestashop addon and is not installed in the Prestashop Back-office. Its main function is to update the prices of products and their combinations easily and quickly through a responsive graphical interface adapted to...
  11. Hello, I'm looking for a module to help my client update it's product in the admin. There is a lot of modules to do this, 16 gain my attention. That's too many to make a choice, So I'm searching for some feedback before buyin one. It must be capable to modify combinations. Any advice ?...
  12. Mohon bantuan nya teman-teman dan para master. Saat ini saya mencoba untuk update quantity barang yang sudah ada kombinasi nya secara bulk via Import CSV, setelah dicoba ternyata kombinasi nya bertumpuk, jadi bukannya update melainkan PS membuat kombinasi yang baru dengan quantity yang baru tanpa me...
  13. Dear All, I am trying to achieve the following: Creating and setting a new carrier for certain products. Example: My online store is using weight as a condition for carrier option upon check-out/purchase. I have a list of products which amounts to an estimate of hundreds/thousands in Pres...
  14. Hi, I have approximately 2500 product pages on my website. Each product page has a 'Short decription' which consists of text and one icon/image. Since changing my site to https:// I have a "Connection is not secure" triangle in my browser's address bar. The reason that I am setting the "Connect...
  15. I'm building my new 1.6xx store out and plan to upload about 75,000 products into the catalog. Obviously, editing them all by hand is out of the question. The product information is available to me in both CSV and XML, both files come built with relative paths (i.e., /images/ManufacturerName/Pro...
  16. Hello community, I have a question - I have like 500 products to disable (not delete) - I still want to have them in the shop but EDIT (SOLVED) Nevermind, kinda easy xD $products_to_disable = Db::getInstance()->executeS(' SELECT id_product FROM ps_product WHERE available_for_order =...
  17. Hey there, I'm trying to display the order reference in the footer of the invoice PDF. Everything works perfect when displaying a single invoice. However, if we are using the bulk process, the invoice numbers are displayed incorrectly in the footer. PS Version: 1.6.11 Changes HTMLTemplateInv...
  18. Helloooo again people. Is there possibly any "free" program, module, addon or anything I could use to bulk/mass or via list change prices of products in Prestashop? My prices change each month and going through each product to change a price is becoming a bit tedious. It would be much ea...
  19. O módulo Presta SMS permite aos clientes e administradores das lojas enviarem mensagens SMS sobre vários eventos no seu PrestaShop. O módulo Presta SMS vai ajudá-lo a aumentar o nível da sua loja on-line, melhorar o atendimento para com os seus clientes e aumentar assim a satisfação e fidelidade de...
  20. Hi, I run a prestashop store with thousands of products on. Some of the products are heavier and require more postage. Is there a way to add additional postage in bulk, say per category, rather than going through each individual product? So ideally i'm after something that allows me to e...
  21. I installed Prestashop In case I have similar products in excel file and corresponding image per product (can apply my own product image size?) in a /folderImgs/, all products are Images Black & White for Prints order A4, A3, A2.... and all have the same characteristics prices/title/d...
  22. I have an etsy account (https://www.etsy.com/shop/woudlers) and have around 40 products listed there...I now want to start my own website so tried exporting the .CSV file then importing them into prestashop, but that didn't work Does anyone know how to get this to work?? I really don't want to...
  23. Buenas tardes de domingo Queria preguntaros una duda, no tengo pesos metidos a los productos pero tengo unos 1000 productos Queria poner pesos por ejemplo de 1kg para unos, 2 kg para otros .... Tengo que ir uno por uno cambiandolo? O puedo hacerlo por categoria o de una manera más rapid...
  24. I have installed Presta Shop for my [spam-filter]'s photography business. I was wondering if there was a way that I could do a mass virtual product upload? I will have about 100-140 images that I have to create a catalog entry for (upload the file for purchase, upload the thumbnail image for previ...
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